Will he win in 2020?

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No doubt about it.


hard to tell, depends how the next two years go.

No because he’ll be impeached. Trumpfags need to leave and never come back

Yes and that's a good thing

I don't care as long as it's funny.

It's going to depend entirely on who the Dems field as a candidate. If they put up Tulsi Gabbard, it's over. If they put up anyone else, Trump may squeak by. It's going to be real close.

probably, democrats have lost too much time to make a tangible comeback, theyre destined for an even messier version of 2016

What has he done except lie and piss taxpayer money all over the desert?

I think so desu. Democrats are going to try to impeach him and fail, which will give him an approval bump


God bless israel and trumps beautiful jewish grandchildren

If he does it's only because the DNC is so pathetically incompetent and broken.

Yup. Sieg heil!

He has no opponents. Bernie Sanders was the Dems' last chance, but he cucked out completely. So yeah Trump will win.

He is so fucked.

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He might win parole by 2020 I suppose.


That implies he will run or win the Republcian primary for president, or serve out his term.

All of which is highly in doubt. Obama won his second term in a landslide because of how successful he was in his first term, same can't be said about this fucktard.

Pence for 2020.

There's a rumor going around that the democrats want to pay blacks reparations, if that's true then he will definitely win. Although some part of me hopes it isn't true.

Only none white freeloading niggers and welfare queens have anything to lose. Wahhh my 8 kids only get me 2 extra checks now and I have to find a job. Illegals are going back and pajeet is going back to 1 India shit street way India.

>free shit
>secures 99.9% of the darkies' votes

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Yes, absolutely.

The left is tone-deaf and their whining about muh Russia only makes them seem more disconnected from reality. The single biggest factor in the re-election of an incumbent president is the strength of the economy. Tax breaks, booming industries and a better quality of life for people in swing states is what's going to get him another term in office.

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He won't run

there isn't going to be a republican primary

I would see someone like Kaisch or Pence try to push Trump out of the nomination for 2020. RNC realizes how badily they fucked up allowing Trump to be the nominee and I doubt they want to continue this much longer. Democracy in the Republcian Party was a mistake.

he'll be impeached before 2019


All his supporters are mad at him for not doing any of his campaign promises

I know I wouldn't vote for him again

>implying there will be a 2020

>there isn't going to be a republican primary

There has to be a Repbulican primary for president you dumbfuck. There is every four years. Trump will not be the nominee, either via Mueller, Stormy Daniels, or a coup in the GOP.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


>All his supporters are mad at him for not doing any of his campaign promises

Alex Jones
Mike Cernovich
Ann Coulter

Any other big named Former Trumpsters?


if democrats have nothing better to offer than oprah then yes. if they have some white old communist bernie tier man then the communist will likely win

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Of course he will. There is no other candidate.

I didn't think he would win the first time. No idea

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He'll win 2020 by running on moving the capital to Jerusalum. Check mate!

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Only if dems will put someone even more ridiculous than Hillary. He won only because everyone was sure Hilary will win, so many leftist decided to stay at home and didnt vote.

I hope he does, but if not, it's war time!

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>I didn't think he would win the first time. No idea

That was pre us knowing he was a fraud lying sack of shit who would stab his voters in the back. He's now got a long track record of betraying his voting base.

Trump, can you start NESARA before 2019?

and this.

Dems are so retarded that Chump still has a chance, even with a 10% approval rating.

No dems did not vote because even they hated hillary. Nobody stays at home because of "sure victory" ffs

Things will only get worse in 2019 when he loses control of the House and maybe the Senate.

This is Trump at the PEAK of his legislative power.

Second greatest ally with Trump, nothing to worry about.

By 2020 you will have a monetary collapse at some degree. Rates will raise, unemployment will sky rocket, especially in europe. It will remain to be seen if trumps wants to run at that point, the future might look so bad at that point

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Dems are already moving to the left in order to prevent progressives from staying home like what happened under Hillary in 2016. We are already seeing this with every Democrat likely nominee in 2016 supporting Sanders single payer bill.

>monetary collapse

Would Trump resign if this happened? or would he want to go down as Hoover 2.0?

Too early to tell.

Well, true, they stayed at home because they didn't want to vote for candidate they dont like. But if they knew that trump has a significant chance to win, they would've voted for her just to avoid Trump.

I dont think he will ever resign during his duty. But my estimate is there wont be many people willing to take the shit storm that is rising on the horizon caused by 2000 years low interest rates. General public blames the president, they dont see the underlying economic disaster

inshallah America don't exist next Monday anymore brother
why bother?

Of course he will. Assuming the election is honest, anyway.

Well, since democrats still haven't got their shit straight, yeah.

Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?

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No, but Tucker with Ann Coulter as vice will

I think he has a good chance. Not sure if it really matters who wins at this point :/

It's telling that in my state of PA, which slightly went to trump by 1%, the local area I live in saw all Republicans swept out of office here (historically Republcian area). Now my congressional rep will likely be a Democrat, the first time in centuries. So yeah the backlash is already happening to Trump and Trump's electoral college chances diminish. I will currently be out registering voters and getting people out to the polls in 2018 and 2020 simply because I hate Trump.

trump was destined to be the god-emperor of mankind

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>implying e-thots count as supporters

Dude they're just harvesting shekels with their "support"

Here's the way I see it as a trump voter in 16;
He has 4 years to earn my vote back. Because no wall, not staying out of Syria, and not being iron-clad on guns pissed me off bad. Now I'm a firm believer in not jumping to conclusions, but if this is the way things go for the rest of his term I will strongly reconsider.
Again, he has four years, and come the end of his term, I'll make my decision then, and all of you should too.

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If i could i would vote for Trump.

He has stayed true to his word.

>He has stayed true to his word.

Said nobody on this board. Why do you think almost everyone on here hates him now?


No he hasn't

>Democrats are going to try to impeach him

No they won't for that reason alone.

If he can completely withdraw the US out of Syria that will be some good news.

You think the commies can come up with someone remotely tolerable?

>the commies

You wot m8?

it wont have the same fun factor of their guaranteed victory delusions.

Their supporters demand it and aren't listening to any form of reason. The politicians won't have a choice but to pursue it.

If he just does something major to prove he isn't completely ZOGGED then maybe.

Yeah and thanks to the wonderful (((American System))) we really dont have many options

Dumbass boomers and MAGA idiots who love israel will vote for him again

It takes times, he has to clean up the mess obama left behind. Give him 8 years to make america great again, and he fucking will.


Probably not. A lot of people who voted for him, myself included, are pissed at the BS he pulled with gun stance, no wall, Syria, among other things.

There's a limit to my patience, and at this rate I probably just won't vote in 2020.

What other options do we have?

Trump will win in 2020

No, he's finished ANY DAY NOW

I agree and hope he does. I really want him to keep his campaign promises

If he somehow manages to get peace in the Korean peninsula, a legit victory. Then I don't see anyway he loses.


On the other hand, I've considered voting for him just because it would be funny as hell if he wins again.

what they said last time

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more like will he live to 2020. his diet suggests that hes got a statistical probability of stroking out

I'm not saying all hope is lost and yeah hes gotta pick up the mess made by the nigger. But as of now hes fighting a deepstate witch hunt against him, neocons like Bolton demanding him to bomb Assad and a non stop media campaign to discredit him.

As of now I would say that was extremely unlikely.

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he might still end up winning, we'll have to wait and see.

The better question is, who will they prop up to contend him?

we're getting played by the norks and the chinese. all stall tactics.

Don't know, don't care

A lot of people are pissed off at him, but even more people are pissed off at the democrats .

i dunno, what has he don for people besides piss people off, cut welfare, stayed in syria and cut his own taxes.

Trips of truth

Tax break for most people, and raised the taxes in California and New York. What could be better?

>most people