Any old fags on who remember this guy?
After Barbara died I started seeing all this stuff on him and he seems like a pretty nice guy. A good mix of Dubya and Jeb! but was way before my time.
What do you think?
Any old fags on who remember this guy?
After Barbara died I started seeing all this stuff on him and he seems like a pretty nice guy. A good mix of Dubya and Jeb! but was way before my time.
What do you think?
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I was 2 when that dude left office, but I can understand what you mean. Like I could chill with George Bush, I'd drink beers and watch nascar with the guy.
yep, I will always remember king cia nigger who enjoyed terrorizing the world
everyone thinks Bush 41 is a good guy, that's because the FBI did their best to hide what he's been doing to people for decades
He was a spook who was directly involved in the JFK assassination.
Look it up.
Hi george
even ironically liking that globalist faggot piece of trash Bush....please user kys
Do you know who my favorite magician is?
I really know nothing about him besides that he is cute when hes with his wife.
The entire Bush family both alive and dead can eat shit.