In these threads we spread awareness about how fucked up circumcision is and provide information on restoring cut cocks.
>why kikes are cut and what it does to them >inb4 frogspeak still the most important JQ related video you can watch if you want to understand the kike mind
Fun fact: Somebody on Jow Forums once accused me of having deformed amygdalas. Fast forward and I needed to get an MRI for something, so I asked the doc what my amygdalas looked like and sure enough they showed up a little faded out like not all the neurons were in there that you'd expect.
Then I see this infographic show up. How's that for a (((pure coincidence?)))
Landon Russell
I know a lot of people didn't like this map, saying it wasn't accurate. Does anyone have the updated version of it?
Thx guys it's my 1st ever I kinda struggled with MS paint but the screengrab tool is pretty handy They fucking suck on it
Oliver Hill
Yeah, that is the part of my circumcision that bothers me the most. I don't feel any different from a regular person I guess, but how am I to know what differences there would be if I hadn't been tortured as an infant.
Jacob Reyes
1st post last bread Would upload but phones fuck up the quality of big images
Blake Ross
I managed to score a 14 on that empathy test that was going around the other day.
Jason Edwards
Can't find the old thread. I'm sure it will get posted here again sooner or later
I've seen those tests posted so many times over the years here and I've never taken them. Is 14 average?
If he knew you were a burger and about the consequences of infant circumcision, he could have played the odds and won
Bentley Jackson
14 is pretty low empathy. Some leaf was saying Jow Forums had been the lowest-scoring board so far, like in the 15-35 range. Then the thread got delete.
Maybe. I don't think the link is at all widely known, though. I think he was just implying I was being a bit psychotically argumentative.
Tyler Nelson
Found some more links from the last thread.
>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain
>cut >it takes me fucking forever to cum >much of the time during sex my penis feels "numb" >gf can't jerk me off without lube >sometimes I have trouble staying hard or ever getting hard at all Thanks Mom and Dad and Dr. Goldkikestein!
I unironically want to inflict severe pain upon others for this, it is the thing I am most resentful for in my life, just an unending wellspring of hatred.
>birth and medical records that you can access contain the doctor’s names I feel the same way leaf bro
Jordan Evans
I've toyed with the idea on and off of blowing my brains out in front of my parents after telling them what I thought of them.
Angel Brooks
Damn, at least take care of the ((( doctor))) first
Evan Gomez
Your parents were tricked by (((doctors))) though, did you even tell them the truth yet?
Anthony Ross
Restoration won't bring back the nerves they cut off, or undo the obvious mental damage that it has done, or lessen the resentment I have towards a society in which this is permissible, it's about so much more than just a flap of skin, it is about the fact that I was restrained and mutilated as a child with the consent of the people who are supposed to protect me because it's apparently "aesthetically pleasing" according to them, and this is something the medical community endorses, and the government refuses to classify as child abuse, the complaints fall entirely on deaf ears, and that is what really bothers me, that not even my testimony as a mutilated man holds any weight to them.
Joseph Turner
Enjoy your anteater dicks
Carter Bell
>more than just a flap of skin I just recently learned that it contains MUSCLE, they cut muscle from us. The more I look into it, the worse off I get...
Hunter Parker
It's one weird fringe group of Jews called Hasidic Jews that do that. Everyone else thinks they're gross.
Robert Mitchell
You’re a literal fucktard, actually look at some of the evidence before posting.
Nicholas Thompson
They don’t just kiss it, they suck the blood from the wound.
Matthew Adams
Thou shalt not murder. But if we want to fix up the laws in such a way as to include some appropriate punishment for the doctors then I'm down with that.
Nah. I don't think I'd be able to express myself properly. There wouldn't be much of any benefit vs. influencing other people instead.
Logan Reyes
Ik it won't but you'll get back gliding motion and won't be as dry Everyone who tried said it was worth it I can't begin to imagine the kind of rage you must feel about your parents' betrayal but have you tried telling them how you felt? They might not even know what they've done to you Seeing your post right below that leaf's makes me sick Kys in the most painful way imaginable
Josiah Sullivan
>You’re a literal fucktard, actually look at some of the evidence before posting. Kek. The only evidence needed is a bunch of mad virgins in this thread advocating killing of doctors while posting "research" made by other cheesedicks. Just came here to tell you that before hiding this thread. Peace.
Jace Torres
>Thou shalt not murder. Killing yourself is a sin too, also when Jesus got mad at the Jews he lashed and beat them while destroying private property. You could smash Kellogg’s grave and leave some sort of anti-circ message, doesn’t hurt anyone.
Isaac Thompson
Don’t do it to your kids, peace.
Adam Turner
Interesting read OP. I too have been fucked over at birth by the (((Them))) and my dick is forever scarred. What can I do to help myself, or was it too late the moment my foreskin came off?
Brandon Jackson
>circumcision discourages masturbation Lmao, my dick would like a word with you.
>Thou shalt not murder Even infant abusers? You know you shouldn't Kys either? At any rate, I have just the quotes for you
Lincoln Torres
Why do commies think their opinions matter? Restoration links are here and in the
Jack Gonzalez
oh yea schlomo no one will expect a lying kike to fly a commie flag
David Davis
At least I didn't mutilated so bad I can't fap all the time. That would definitely be grounds for violence.
Logan Perry
You got lucky to have a functional penis but you're still brain damaged unfortunately
Benjamin Collins
>At least I didn't mutilated so bad I can't fap all the time. >That would definitely be grounds for violence. I get painful erections, occasionally my skin tears, and seldom fapped (even at height of puberty). Talked to lawyers and they said I can’t sue because the statute of limitations expired when I turned 18.
John Ramirez
not getting a dog penis thanks making sure my sons are circumcised too t. Christian American
Brody Hall
What does the Brain Damage do anyway?
Jaxon Cox
>statute of limitations on sexually abusing and mutilating a baby
Oliver Ramirez
Actually let your kid decide for themselves. There is no reason to do it aside from hate.
David Bell
>occasionally my skin tears I read so many horror stories in these... Idk how you guys don't go postal on the fucking hospitals And then there's these retards See
Nathaniel Powell
>Christian → # → #
Dylan Sanchez
Would you even have standing to sue before 18? That's seriously fucked up in any case.
Matthew Scott
>Parents gave consent for me Pretty much what I was told
Aaron Nguyen
Well yeah but why what did the statute of limitations run out on? Obviously you wouldn't be able to sue if they did it with consent of your legal guardian. What were you looking to sue for, malpractice or something like that?
Henry Young
Yeah but can you use as a child? Because if you can't and it expires when you turn 18... Sue on your birthday?
Aiden Taylor
>suicide is a sin
Isaiah King
Statute of limitations only lasts a few weeks to months, and as a child it is the parent’s responsibility to sue over malpractice in that time period. Since it was done at such a young age, the statutes expire a few months after turning 18.
Jackson Torres
Whoah, so you had one period of opportunity for your parents to sue, and then when you hit 18 you got another period of opportunity to sue for yourself? Huh. If that's the way it works then that's potential ammo for all the lurking underageb&s.
Samuel Rogers
Why are you faggots so obsessed with this shit? Are you gay? Do you not get pussy or something? I'm circumsized and I'm completely fine and have good feeling + I don't have to use lotion or whatever to jack off like other people claim you have to do
Charles Green
Lol srsly? Damn, we should try to reach younger people who might not be aware of what they've lost but who can still sue and try to put pressure on these fuckers Idk how else to bring light to this Fucking read the sources nigger
Logan Brown
>It would be difficult to argue that suicide is not a sin, for it is the taking of a human life, or to put it bluntly, murder. The Bible clearly expresses the sanctity of human life (Exodus 20:13). God is the author of life, thus, the giving and taking of life ought to remain in his hands (Job 1:21). From:
I thought I was "fine" until I started actually having sex and realized my dick was half-numb. Sex and fapping are totally different, it really becomes apparent just how little feeling you have when you are suddenly dependent upon another person to get you off.
Thomas Gray
The bible does not say suicide is a sin. It is not a listed 7 deadly sin nor is it listed in the 10 commandments. Debate me niggers.
Thomas Richardson
What's it like not knowing what good sex can actually feel like? I imagine it feels empty
Julian Martin
It’s self murder and the destruction of God’s divine creation. The body is a temple, it is wrong to mutilate or destroy it.
Brody Sanchez
Idc to, I'm a pro catholic agnostic so I'm no expert Gonna go to sleep as well If any of you guys wanna r8 my meme that'd be cool thxGood night and good luck against the retards who come here to promote child mutilation
Jeremiah Reyes
"God will not fail in His mercy. He will bring them again to life and offer them repentance and hope for which they can find every reason to live."
Looks like you just hit the "reset" button. Get rekt.
Alexander Reyes
Did you give life to your body? NO? okay so what makes you think you can take it?
Evan Fisher
This really just makes me depressed, my dick was mutilated because of idiot parents and now I'm stuck with a deformed dick
So if you have faith in God you should keep living because he will give you life.
Adam Nguyen
>God will not fail in His mercy. He will bring them again to life and offer them repentance and hope for which they can find every reason to live. From:
>Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Kayden Carter
As painful as existence is for many reasons, suicide is not an option as long as you have to ability to further reduce the suffering of this world, and so if your circumcision bothers you, at least remain alive if only to enlighten others and to prevent future generations from meeting the same fate. Even if all you do is post about it on Jow Forums, if it convinces a future father to not mutilate his child you are doing good.
Mason Morris
New International Version: Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
New Living Translation: "Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
English Standard Version: Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
The Bible condemns circumcsion and instructs us to defend those who are not capable of protecting themselves. It is your duty as a Christian to prevent further sacrifice to Moloch.