How do rape trials go?

How can you prove if someone is a rapist or not?

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So, you allegedly raped someone, OP? No one would ask this question out of idle curiosity.

yup OP is a rapist

Even if it was consentual, she will still blame you for the sky being blue.

who are you going to rape

If nigger then he's guilty, if he's white you need DNA evidence and other evidence.

Are you trying to cover your tracks?

This guy is definitely a closet rapist and scared to get caught

don't do it op. have a flower instead

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You're gonna want to kick someones ass the first day in, or just become their bitch.

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Handsome guy or girl is less than average looking
>We need the evidence
Anything else
>The man is guilty

If he's white jail a random nigger as an accomplice just to be safe.

You don't.

A woman has total and complete power over you in a sexual assault case unless you have clear, inarguable proof that it didnt happen.
Youre at the mercy of the judge 100%.

t. Went to court for a ex that claimed rape on me after breakup

i do want to say though....despite that being total bullshit, the ONE thing i wish would change is that testimony that comes from people with severe mental illness should not be taken at face value.
If the woman claiming rape has extreme psychosis, schizophrenia, or any other disorder that messes with the perception of reality, nothing that they say should be taken seriously.

It's hard as heck to prove beyond a reasonable doubt without witnesses or evidence of trauma. Sentences tend to be light but jail for rapists is a bitch. Will want to act out asap to get placed on the segregated housing unit.

Why did u get involved with a damaged rostie, genius?

You make them have sex again in open court. The jury will be able to tell whether he's been digging in that clam bed before.

we had a lot in common and before that, id never been involved with someone with mental illness.

I thought i could help her, and she really fucked my life up.
I failed a full semester of college, had to take a leave of absence and pay off lawyer fees.
Im better now. We even text sometimes.

Im the guy in PTG that sometimes posts about how his ex makes really sexual comments. But i know better than to ever even THINK about touching her now

>case went to trial
Yeah nah bro, there was a shit load of evidence against you if a rape case made it that far.

Rape is like the holocaust for women

>We even text sometimes
God fucking damnit, I was about to say "at least you learned your lesson, know you know better", then you pull this on me. You deserve all your suffering, you imbecile.

I didnt say trial, i had two court meetings and a third i was allowed to miss in place of my lawyer.

She eventually dropped it and the judge approved it to not go any further.

im not worried about messaging her
Ill never see her in person again though

Kill the roastie if you going for it, the dead can't testify. Seriously though, almost all the cases someone get caught it's because the culprid let the dumpster alive or a bich escapes and tell. Just do your job properly and no one will know. You can also slip roofies in Vegas, no one suspect a roastie blacking out in Vegas, becaus it's Vegas, I saw it happening and couldn't care less, bich had it coming for dressing like a whore and whoring out. Protip: stumble with the roastie while you drag her drugged ass to the hotel, that way you both look hammered. Godspeed OP

I mean, if your jizz is all over them, it's a bit black and white

you have to eat the cum from your wife's pussy after her bull is done with her and then hide it under your tongue until she dismisses you and spit out the cum onto your fingers and then jam them up your asshole making sure to get the cum up there good and then walk to the police station and tell them you've been raped



Also double jeopardy protects you from going to trial for the same crime twice, so as long as you beat the BS charges feel free to rape her for real after

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Did a woman say she was raped? That's all the proof that's needed.

False accusers need to be killed. Literally and unironically. And publicly.

Men are the rest of WW2 for women.

Death and destruction to the mind, body, and soul.

"well she wasn't saying no"

Yes, she was unconscious and you have the sexual preferences of a necrophiliac.

Guys, tell me how are the rules of consent in your country. Here no one cares, if everyone who banged a drunk bitch gone to jail there would be no free man around, but leftsies are pushing over so that a roastie word is enough to put you behind bars, and it happens a lot already.

So, if a roastie have a beer and you pound her in your country you go to jail?

How do computers produce evidence please don't tell me they literally submit txt files as evidence in US court of law

>sexual preferences of a necrophiliac.
I didn't kill them. Get off your moral high horse.

You should be worried about messaging them. They tried to ruin your life with a false accusation.
Fuck your retarded.

well, canada has been passing laws to make it more streamlined
essentially, if you are accused, you are guilty

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Did you drug them Brett?

Get off her lifeless body. Fucking zombie.

What's the point of rape if you kill the woman? I only consider rape because the possibility of impregnation turns me on. So all those niggers and rapefugees killing their victims just baffles me.

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If you have a penis you are a rapist.

If the woman says you raped her then you raped her. That's how it goes.
If they later on find out she lied she will not be punished because it might dissuade other rape victims and "rape victims" from reporting rapes.

you put them on the stand and cross examine them. you ask "did you do it" when they say no then say "yea but for real did you do it?" when they say i didnt do it then remind them that "im cool its just between you and me. come on man did you do it?" when their lawyer asks what the point of all this and demands the judge throw the case out then you drop the bombshell and say "i was just checking to see if the defendant was ghey. my wife has a ghey brother and his husband divorced him and she wont shut up about this shit so i thought it would be easier to find some one to go on a date with his faggy ass. the defendant is ghey because every straight man in this court room would have raped her. married or has a girlfriend doesnt matter they would have done it. i would have."

when the defendant gets upset and they always do he will say he isnt ghey. you got him. then say "he admits he did it"

Rape is the underreported crime in America. Most victims are afraid to report the crime or would rather not relive the event in court. So if you are a rapist you have a pretty good chance of getting away with it.