The Eternal Normie

Is converting normies even a realistic possibility? The two archetype normies, Warski and baked alaska do not give a very hopeful sign. These people have sat in for endless hours listening to some of the best arguments from the far right btfo anything that comes up against them, and their opinion on everything is still some nebulous "I just think everybody should be cool to one another" shit. How does one get through to them?

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Most people are lemmings who will believe whatever the TV says to them. Even if they know the truth, they will still not change because they are too afraid of the social consequences of badthink.

There are some people who aren't normies at heart but act that way to socialize. These can be converted. Genuine normies that only think vapid thoughts absolutely can't be. Best case scenario is to cuck the normie's GF and redpill her.

if you think warski and alaska are even vaguely normie, you have serious autism
he uses cuck in real life, and tries to play off tough guy while being like 5'9 or shorter

anyone who has non-white friends is not going to support a white ethno-state.

>I just think everybody should be cool to one another
There is literally nothing wrong with this. Really take a look at yourself, you're a bitter loser on Jow Forums. I know because so am I too. We don't represent normal people. Our views are shaped by our hatred of society. Normies like society, they like people.

Have you guys ever had a non-white friend? I have Chinese friends, I have black friends (both from Africa and from here), I have Indian friends, I like these people and can honestly say they are decent people. It's funny how the only people who are racist are people who have no friends outside their race (if any at all). Yes I still hate society sometimes, but it's not society's fault, it's my fault.

Baked Alaska literally denies the holocaust, was scheduled to speak at Charlottesville and believes in preserving a white majority. Warski was a guest on the daily shoah. These guys are beyond red pilled.

the eternal normy, our race and civilization should die because le based black

Warsky is objectively retarded
Whatever the boss does he look follow. Those people don't matter, to anybody

Did Warki confirm why Erin quit already?

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It's not going to die, it's going to evolve. We're all humans, one species, one earth.

I understand and even share your worry that mass immigration will destroy western society, but that need not be a racial issue. Immigration standards should be raised, high skilled workers should be brought in, people who will help our countries prosper. No, we shouldn't let in hordes of low IQ Africans who only want to rape and destroy. Most people agree with this, and this is the conversation the left tries to shut down. For them it's all or nothing. And for the so called Alt-Right it's the same, all or nothing. The solution is a middle way approach, high immigration standards

He's an average un pc white bro you'd find in any suburb

What topics are you referring to though?
If it's the ethnostate state, there needs to be a real argument and plan for it rather than just fantasy talk. No one with a brain actually believes the US gov would just let a bunch of wypipl take over 3 states. It would be war, and the ethnostate state people would lose.

To make it work there needs to be a legit push for it to be developer somewhere with minimal violence. The people would start to think, "yeah okay that sounds alright."

But it's delusional to think that the US would ever cut itself up just for some ethnostates, think of the security and cost ramifications. Normies can't get past this point and delusional boomers like Enoch can't take their brothers cocks out of their mouths for a minute to understand where the disconnect is happening.

I have. But their not going to stop my race from being villified and dispossessed from this country. There were lots of Serbs with Bosnian friends in Yugoslavia, and there were lots of friendly associations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots once upon a time. It didn't. They still ended up killing each other.

JF is one sad fucking high horse frog

Ralph is a drama leech that offers nothing. Andy felt his authority being threatened which made him defend the faggot. Andy choosing to have Ralph over JF on an a show is ridiculous, viewer count would tank for no reason.

>I just think
They either don't care or they are too stupid to.

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Warski can be a spaz, but he's a likable spaz.

Baked Alaska is just a downright dopey dipshit who jumps from trend to trend at the drop of a dime.

We need to rebrand and just lie about everything. It's what they do so let's level the playing field. I'm all about love and (((common sense))) now-a-days. It's much better then trying to throw hate in people's faces.

Normalfags convert themselves when shit like starbucks happens.

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>"Hey fellow 4channers, I'm just like you! But I think we should all take a hard look at our white selves and realize that we, not the nig--I mean African Americans--are the problem."

Rope, neck. You know the drill, shill.

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