Jow Forums is just a bunch of status quo warriors (SQWs)...

Jow Forums is just a bunch of status quo warriors (SQWs). You just regurgitating what you have been brainwashed to believe by the establishment. You’re not edgy or rebellious at all.

Attached: EC148B77-B2F0-40E2-A257-DEBC211B417E.png (500x674, 130K)

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The left cant meme. SQW's... really?

Islamism isn't Marxism and I don't like that?


bumping for pure faggotry

i love these

Attached: everything i dont like is soros.jpg (600x873, 63K)

Of all the failed leftist memes “SQWs” is the dumbest.

Attached: F1C1BBC6-CFCC-495C-87FC-5754525BFCDB.jpg (1274x713, 151K)

It is hilariously pathetic, but it kind of makes sense considering all they are capable of is stealing.

The left is the establishment. Every corporation is pro all that LGBT multicultural nonsense. The people sitting in the Walmat HQ have pretty much the same beliefs as you do. Everything you just said actually applies to leftists and you're to stupid to realize it.

Attached: 35304C8D-52FD-4CC3-8B35-222978A43E0D-81994-0000458B26C1C01A.jpg (249x249, 8K)

SQW? Jesus you people can't meme for shit.

Comes to a place where most people think even the status quo is too leftist.
Attempts this shitty argument:
>Jow Forums is just a bunch of status quo warriors

Fuck's sake you're incompetent, /leftypol/. At least put a bit of effort in.

Attached: you fucking idiots.jpg (306x306, 65K)