Is Natalie Portman dare I say it... /our jew/?

Is Natalie Portman dare I say it... /our jew/?

Attached: Screenshot_20180419-222009_SmartNews.jpg (1080x1814, 476K)

Hardly, she's very far left.

Here's a secret: American liberal (non-practicing) Jews are much worse than zionist Jews. If the liberal Jews had their way, Israel would be overrun by Arabs and cease to be, going the way of South Africa.

US Jews are so bad even Israelis want to gas them sometimes


>Israel would be overrun by Arabs and cease to be

Doesn't sound bad

Nah. She's married to a dancer.

Means she has sex.

Definitely not our guy.

They are all on the same team, they just play different roles for ZOG.

Based crododile hunta

Holy fuck she looks old