Stormfront cringe thread?

Post some cringey stormfront/neo nazi material.

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Hello lefty Jow Forums. Is this fat guy even a neo nazi?

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From what I heard, he made a long post about how his weight and lack of qt gf was from jooz putting hormones in his food.

Not so much bro Nazi, just a larper

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The only thing cringy is that limp wristed punch

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I see Sargon is posting with a proxy.

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Memes aside, you should treat people as individuals, treating someone as a stereotype is never a constructive exercise, that and it makes you look like a tool

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Honestly I feel like I am going to end up in a nut house if I keep thinking the way I think, I can't stop blaming kikes for everything, I see these yids killing moslem Palestinians and I don't care about the moslems but it's how the kikes think it's their holy land and they're god's chosen people, the kikes in hollywood, the banking system, degeneracy.

but saying this shit to a regular joe they'll probably think you should be admitted to the nut hut.

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>aussie shitposts to himself


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This. It's the elites that are the problem, not the regular Joe blow Jew, that and the fact that anyone can be an elite, Irish, black or China man, it just so happens that the majority of them are jews.

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Everyone does that, moron. Every single anti-white/"anti-racist" does that and violates the rights of people regularly. We treat people as individuals, but are conscious of the facts about what they are and how they likely behave. Just as biologists do with other animals.

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>look at me I assaulted someone

>but are conscious of the facts about what they are and how they likely behave. Just as biologists do with other animals.

So that's why every Jow Forumsack screams 'coalburner', 'nigger', 'kike' and 'shitskin' everytime we bring up, white women, blacks, jews and Arabs.

The "elites" are acting in the interest of Jews. Hitler and others talked about this a century ago. They and their sycophants are the only ones that would want to destroy cultures and races. Because they had no homeland; no roots anywhere, no culture other than hatred and exploitation of others.

>look at me I support someone who killed someone because of their political views.

Except that the elites don't care about the Jew's, they only care about themselves, there are plenty of homeless Jew's, poor Jew's, incarcerated Jew's and others.

Not too mention that Israel actually gets screwed over by the elites all the time.

Well it is 2pm in Aussie land on Friday, someone has to start shit posting early. On Hitler's birthday non the less.

RIP Uncle Adolf we miss you.

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That's just the board culture of being anti-PC and 'edgy.' Some of it is rooted in actual hatred.

Nice kike thread. Sage

They are just as bad as shareblue. Screaming jews all the time takes no intelligence.
>gonna post pic related everywhere forever

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Got anymore?

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He's taking that punch pretty well

Checks out

There are holocaust memorials in Canada and here in the U.S. In politics, you can't criticize Jews and get away with it, even though they're involved with most important crimes and subversion against the country. Every election, candidates from both parties routinely swear allegiance to Israel. Every media/press outlet is owned and/or staffed with Jews in the most important positions and they universally push the same lies that are tearing the country, and the rest of the West, apart. The "elites" support all of the anti-white insanity going on. These are people that could easily stop all of it, but don't. They could at least speak out against it, but don't. It isn't benefiting anyone but those that want to harm/destroy the West and whites. Who would want to do that? Things were going perfectly. Blacks couldn't do it. Arabs couldn't, because they were never in white countries. Asians were always powerless. Jews, however, have always hated Christianity and have caused trouble in Western/white countries for centuries. They were the only group that could possibly have any interest in blowing it all up and they just so happened to have a ton of influence and wealth.

I could rant on and on about the evidence that Jews have tremendous power and that "the elites" serve their interests more than any other group.

>there are plenty of homeless Jew's, poor Jew's, incarcerated Jew's
See pic.

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>the Chad Conservative vs. the Virgin Nazi

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>look at me I support someone who killed someone because of their political views.
shiet, we better kill him dawg.. we are so tolerant

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>none of them are white

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I have to call bullshit on that. Everyone unconsciously projects prejudice. Your white knighting just makes you come off as dishonest.

>Ron Paul
>Turner Diaries
Jesus. It's like you really have nothing substabtial to cling to.

Nazism is the gayest form of Fascism.

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This thread is based

ITT: Proof the left can't meme

Found the stormfag!

>everyone who isn't a neo-nazi is """the left"""

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Please, you're beating a dead horse.

Your entire ideology is a joke, you don't get to talk about beating dead horses.

I disagree with you.

The founder of your ideology literally supported the unrestricted buying and selling of children.

Holy fuck, seriously? Where did he say that? That's fucking awesome.

"In short, we must face the fact that the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children." - Murray Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty

Eh, Rothbard did kinda act "fuck all" when it came to the rights of children in his time on anarcho-capitalism, given, he was developing the theory and still taking in several factors when devising what would culturally work and over all be best.

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whatever you fucking say shlomo, keep making excuses and shilling your shit tier memes, you know you're fucking wrong but you don't care, typical kikery.

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>Durrrrr anyone can be an elite their not all Jews you know

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What about all the CNN people who AREN'T Jewish?

I'm not even a stormfag
A meme is supposed to be funny, none of the stuff you've posted is funny, you're just ripping off right-wing memes and replacing the jokes with "no you"




that's not a chad

so this is where the animals come to feel special, how adorable.
carry on you adorable mutilated dicked scamps

You mean all the ones who have no say about the stories they report?

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Where are the sources, retard?

yep that's how it happened

"I declare war on the entire world. Also I'm killing the jews, so try to stop me faggots!" - Adolf Hitler

Lol mhm genocide is our goal, 100% truth in this meme.

>just so happens that the majority of elites happen to be this one small minority that just so happens to be the only religion that's also a race that just so happens to control all the propaganda that just so happens to tell me that nazis are the ultimate evil

>thinking it's propaganda

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We're comin'! Jews, niggers, Muslims, faggots, druggies beware.

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Happy Hilter Birthday!

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Why would hitler be strategically genius enough to succeed in bringing germany from a war torn degenerate mess (google "weimar germany berlin") to an economic superpower, succeed at conquering europe, but supposedly stupid enough to try to "exterminate all jews" despite knowing that there are millions of jews in other countries and that it'd give justification for a war against him? Why would he expend resources to commit genocide during a war he was losing instead of working all the people? If he wanted the jews out, wouldn't deportation be cheaper and look better anyways (thats what he actually did). Why would hitler care more about murdering people to accomplish little to nothing than keeping germany thriving as it was? Is it just a coincidence that the holocaust is the only genocide taught to us in school, and that the moral lesson of WW2 is that it's bad to stereotype jews? Doesn't that seem a bit dumbed down? Just a coincidence? Okie.


>Implying that you shills are actually expecting this day to come

Holy shit you showed your cards, kike

>stormfags in this thread
Get out, retards

This. Any random people lurking who don't understand Jow Forums, understand that all the people in this thread except for this guy are role-playing as normal users but are actually trying to demoralize, divide, and get us to quit speaking the truth.