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Been black for quite some time now. Have been denied many times. Are whites also denied?
I wouldn't know.
I've been denied or at least told to buy shit and that was at a gas station.
Plenty of times.
Dindus will never stop complaining.
sage in all fields
I'm white and I use to clean human shit for a living (white privilege) as part of a job at a convenience store. I denied every mother fucker who access to our bathroom who didn't buy something, because fuck you I don't clean your shit for free.
Everyone complains.
Was this irony?
Oh cute.
why the fuck would i let a lowlife into the bathroom?
I don't want you infecting the toilet with aids when a child might use it.
I don't care if you're black or blue or green, you look disgusting, it's MINE.
kill yourself communist scum
i piss at police stations. they're free.
sage this shit
I used to walk all over town at all hours, daily.
>blue eyes
>clean cut hair style, every month
>clean shave
>clean collared shirts and khakis
>polite/well mannered/good posture/proper eye contact
And I've been told the same thing plenty of times over the years.
Black failure is not my privilege.
You'd think they'd be more concerned about getting their own instead of revoking others'.
only 2x but then i got my White privilege chip embedded in my hand and forehead. #winning
Was life better before you were black? How did you catch the nigger? I’m very afraid to get this disease i don’t play basketball or listen to rap
I've traveled a lot, and I've been told since I was a kid that bathrooms are generally only been for customers.
So any time I've EVER asked to use a bathroom I've either:
1) already purchased something
2) I ask by saying "I want to buy something, but I really need to use the bathroom first, okay?" And then buy something after.
I feel like it's kind of shameful to ask to use a bathroom with no intention of buying something. I don't think any of my friends would ever do that.
I would never presume the right to use a business' bathroom, much less loiter in their store, without purchasing something
just ask for water like I do and they let you use the washroom
Been denied a lot. Paying customers only.
This is it, come here anons
I was raised to believe that only niggers use the bathroom without buying something.
Turns out that my pappy was right.
This is an inner-city thing for the most part. Just like convenient stores with bullet proof barriers on the counters. Nigs wouldn't know otherwise because that's where 99% of them live.
>I saw 3 starbucks baristas rape a nigger to death once. He asked for extra foam in his latte and they just flipped. They threw non-dairy creamer in his eyes And while he was blind, they stabbed him in the dick with a shiv made out of one of those wooden stirring sticks. They gouged out his eyes with a stale scone and raped his eye sockets. It was the funniest thing that I have ever seen.
How is it that these pavement apes have become the sacred cows of our society.
Apologize, my ass.
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>(hastag) freeblackgymmembership
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>(hastag) freeblackgymmembership
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>(hastag) freeblackgymmembership
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>(hastag) freeblackgymmembership
Uh yeah if you gotta pay you gotta pay. It's not a racial thing. It's a business and most people know that if you're going to starbucks you gotta buy something to piss. If the same thing happened to a couple of white dudes no one would care and just say oh yeah you gotta pay to use the bathroom. Shit is retarded and if you agree you're a moron, black or white.
im sorry you feel the need to have an apology
Yes. Rules is rules and some employees enforce them more than others.