Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law

Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.

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Natural selection is based on circular reasoning: the fittest are those who survive, and those who survive are deemed fittest.

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Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.

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Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of Evolution.

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The disagreements among even evolutionary biologists show how little solid science supports Evolution.

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Evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

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God created you in a day, that's obvious because you're malfunctioning.

It took millions of years to create me, though.


It took 250K yars for evolution to make the white man, and that small minority race invented almost every technology and colonized the whole planet like true warriors.
Evolution is very real.

>It took millions of years to create me, though.

tranquiquis cubanito.

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And look at the spic. If god created him, he was obviously in a rush.

Sage the seminigger, please. It's 2018.

>Evolution only a theory
>Bzzzz bzzzz

Yeah okay, if you say so. Can't believe I'm even responding to this retarded shit when you can literally observe it.

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No i don't care what race/space/color or creed you are. If you don't accept the evolution as a fact, you're an uneducated, unaware, unreasonable mongoloid.

Saged every time

Niggers aren't the retards anymore, the far-right has surpassed them

Map of all known species of Orangutans.

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This. It’s embarrassing listening to the religious retards of this board pretend to be scientists to keep their religion afloat

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Obvious bait slide thread. Sage and fuck off.

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Great argument. You beat me.

Go read the bible once more.

>If you don't accept the evolution as a fact
>muh missing link
literally 1 fucking skeleton made up of tiger and giraffe bones lol


>King James' version

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What even

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This thread is fucking AIDS


No please don't insult the man who's the sole reason why Cuba has been a dickhole for the past 60 years.

Oh whatever will I do now.

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>when your a beaner without an argument
guess you've never heard of Lucy

Now I have to report this. Absolutely useless thread where you're not having a discussion and is instead full of shitty spam.

18+, puta.

It's like arguing with a pigeon.
Whatever I say you just strutt around and shit on the board.

I get why Americans despise you.

Spics are just a hybrid of Spaniards and Native Americans, and Native Americans have pretty shit genes tbqh so the result is not at all surprising


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All latino americans and spanish/portugese colonies are flooded with these bible-thumping degenerates who do nothing and complain all the time.

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I have to leave this thread.

My ass is getting jealous of the amount of shit this spic's mouth spews.

What the fuck is a scientific law? There is no stronger statement than a theory that fits all available data, go shove a Bible up your ass.

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>evolution is only a theory

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>Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or scientific law
Theories are above laws in the scientific method. The word americans don't seem to know is hypothesis. I don't why I even bothered replying to bait.

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Haha, I will save this

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nigga in da hood

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>because it is not testable or falsifiable
the latter term is too vague, please clarify.
As for the former, you can absolutely test differences between animals of the same species that bred over time.
comparison and contrast of two organisms of the same species differentiated over time. If you can establish a trend of changes in both environment and features of the organism as well as and observe the scale, you have observed that the changes over time exist, and have evidence as to why. This is just macrocosmal, we can also take it to the microcosm and observe differences between organisms of the same species today. For instance, africans and jews are human, yet one can notice extreme differences (melanin presence, longevity, ability to cope with clime, metabolism) after controlling for an average member. While not the best experiment in the world of obvious reasons (too many variables to completely control), this is a crude example of microcosmal ability to test differences between groups of humans, an organism which has changed over time.

I'll be arbitrary in my definition of falsifiable in a scientific scope and provide one: able to be forged, fabricated with malicious or ignorant intent or otherwise purposefully misrepresented evidence.

One can absolutely falsify results of observation, blatant lying as to said observations as well as starting with blatantly false material (for instance using a geode instead of a fossil) are simple examples that come to mind. You can take it to an extreme and develop false haplogroups and call everyone african but that's getting well beyond the scope.

So honestly, how you conclude that evolution cannot be tested or lied about/willfully misrepresented/ignorantly mis-developed/etc escapes me.

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if monkeys became humans why are monkeys still around?

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Mexican nigger tryharding at making bait.

Kill yourself you worthless shit.

>if negros became monkeys why are negros still around?

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>god’s literal word
>edited by man a gorillian amount of times
You’re a fucking retard

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That's real cute, sweetie. Uncle Darwin sends his regards.

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Those are some really perky tits for a people who don't use bras

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more perky tits from national geographic (african playboy)

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>the left can't meme

t. Doesn’t understand what a theory is
That’s not circular reasoning. That’s like saying “2+2=4, and 4=2+2 therefore circluar reasoning.”
Actually it is both testifiable and provable, you spictard. There are these scary creatures called BACTERIA and these monsters make babies very very quickly. These babies won’t always be the same as their daddy, they will have little itty bitty differences. These differences can either help or harm the bacteria. If it helps, that bacteria will make more babies than other bacteria that don’t have this change. If the change hurts the bacteria, the big bad monster dies.
Is that clear for you or do I have to explain it more simply?

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I bet you also think all chinamen look the same too

they do

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No I was talking about that girl in that bird hut vs Africa hit post. They are really perky.

That proves your ignorance. Any educated person can recognize those animals are completely different from each other. Hell, the two people look more similar than the animals to their pair. All spics look the same to me, buddy

>mexican education
How do you explain superbugs? checkmate mexishit. On the subject of shitting, how does such a nation that eats like shit not have designated shitting deserts?

Yes and Muhammed is God's last prophet. Now submit!

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America argumentatively bludgeons yet another "Mexican Intellectual".
Chalk one up for team USA.

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