Canada current year +3

Poo kills entire bus of white youth.
Media blame intersection when he obviously ran the stop sign.
Media wont talk about the driver I wonder why? We either bring back lynching and take back our countries our it over.

Attached: Canada is dead.png (518x558, 335K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone know the drivers name? Can we discuss this Canadian tragedy for one second and stop e celeb whoring and replying to bait

bumping for eventual justice

But sikhs hate muslims. Seems like a missed opportunity.

> still expecting the mainstream media to say anything relevant
> still believing life has any value, and that those aren't crocodile's tears.

They're selling you sex, blood and gore from afar, goyim. Don't fall for the msm jew.

Driving in Brampton (basically majority Indians) is a nightmare. I always see brown people running stops and reds. Always. Steer clear of Brampton.

The real redpill is that this is going to keep happening until you get rid of the Crown

I dream of a world where every CBC employee is rounded up and executed

yup they dont call it Bramladesh for nothing.
Fuckers only car about them selves and doing things as fast as possible to make them selves money. I swear they are the jews of India

I want to say what we need to do
But we are all being watched
You know what you need to do

He was released at the scene, wasnt even held. I have no idea whats happening anymore.


They will receive worse in hell but I would cheer to see them removed from the mega phone of lies/

So it was another Part and Parcel™ Diversity™ incident.

yea you do, we here at Jow Forums all know, except for the leftie shills but they become us in a few months

Everyone hates muslims. Doesn't make other towelheads more likable.

As soon as someones name is withheld its almost guaranteed they arnt white

There is no difference between a Paki and a Punjabi. A sikh is from the same child raping, lying, avaricious stock the Muslim Paki stems. They do not belong in the West, we left their country, now it's their turn. We don't want you here.

and if they were doing their job they would be fighting the pakis back in India.
They ally with muslims here to push selfish immigration to bring more of their kind over.
They dont give a shit about Canada just money

I didn't even fucking know that the driver survived

dam and none of the cuck parents are speaking out about this?Men aren't men anymore. You would think all the dad's who lost a kid would have gotten together and lynched the fucker

just the state of modern canada
poojet kills a bus white kids, gets quietly sent away

Nice. Dead canadians and a pooinloo in troubles. It could only be better if the dead were muslims.
Pooinloos are guaranteed subhuman retards.


A heartfelt message to the truck driver got more upvotes than any tribute to the humboldt victims on Jow Forumscanada. Now I know why LMAO

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This needs to be spread far and wide.

You let in khalistani terrorists.

Brown = shit.

Don't vote for brown people, don't do business with brown people, don't befriend brown people, don't apologize for brown people.

If you research lynching, at least in America, you'll find that almost in every bonafide case, it was Americans forced to take justice into their own hands as the police refused to do so.

American history attempts to make lynching look bad, but it was the natural response when law enforcement refuse to do their job.

Lynching is the proper response. It is your duty, if your representatives refuse to look after you.

The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
PETER HITCHENS: How on earth would killing MORE people rescue Syria?
TV news interview with former army officer cut short as he questions whether Syria launched chemical attack
Syria 'chemical attack' staged to provoke US airstrike, London pushed perpetrators – Russian MoD
STUNNING evidence from BBC journalist exposing White Helmets staging chemical attacks in Douma
Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syria Chemical Attack
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis says U.S. "looking for the actual evidence" of chemical attack in Syria
OAN Investigation Finds No Evidence of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria
Experts Warn Assad is Not to Blame for Latest Chemical Attack
Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Douma Chemical Attack is staged
Douma: la presse invitée, les experts de l'OIAC toujours pas
Douma fake 'Chemical Attack' exposed - ENGLISH subtitles
Tucker: Would war against Assad make US safer?
Media accuses Tucker of pushing 'Russian propaganda'

The German broadcaster @ntvde interviewed a doctor working in the hospital in Duma:"There were no patients with symptoms of a chemical gas attack!"


singh us a song youre the "poo-no" man

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Sikhs are no longer bro-tier

Go back to India you knife sharting towel heads

Holly shit I always here you guys say Reddit is cancer wtf!
Gas all non whites and Reddit desu

Yeah I know thats why I support it

Some of us are based and bringing down the liberal agenda from the inside. Stay patient goyim.

im interested how exactly are you going to bring down that mega structure of tax payer funded kikery

the reality of things is, and i say this without spite, that you have proven to your leaders and to the world that you have no balls and no voice; the fact itself that it's been three years and nobody has been willing to rustle enough jimmies to get noticed, either out of laziness, due to not caring enough, or due to believing that your comfort or whatever social status you have attained would be at risk if you showed that you value your kids' life too much, proves to your very rivals that you are willing to just sit to the side and watch your own people die, making you of no value to those in charge of society as a whole. because of this, the integration of sikhs into the current Canadian system is much more valuable than the lives of a few of your kids.

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Curry Jews dont pay taxs you dim wit they are only valuable for destroying our high trust society and creating tribal warfare in Canada

>they kill 30 of your kids
>t-they would have paid taxes!!

kek, and you wonder why you're disposable

are you dumb I would physically remove everyone non white and reddit user from my country tonight but its impossible. So I go to the gym, pray, work, and wait for the apocalypse

Pretty much this. Maybe the immigrant Pakis and Poos hate each other, but the second generation and beyond will always put their differences aside and work together to attack whitey and bring in more of their coethnics

This exactly. Old-stock Canadians still exist. We just buy ammo and relax.

how many dead white kids would it take you to use that ammo?

You don't understand how it work here, its an open secret that politician are scum bag to the extant that they rate lower than fucking used cars salesman in term of general population trust, alas the main voting block in the country at the moment are boomers, whom are incredibly fucking stupid, arrogant and unable to admit their wrong, instead preferring to act like nothing wrong is happening (because it isn't happening to them personally) and when the truth get uncomfortable, they find every way to weasel themselves off any possible guilt about it, even if they end up in a worse position than before. They are the main problem, once they start to die off you'll see a massive shift in politics in Canada. Honestly fuck them pretty hard, they threw our culture out the windows for loads of emone (from loans, hurr durr the future generations will pay it off), burned it all on oversized infrastructure they knew they never would be able to pay back in due time so now we're stuck in a perpetually worsening debt and nothing ever truly improving.

Also there the fact the federal government is downright Orwellian at times when it comes to managing the country so the voice of the dissenters tend to be disregarded by the higher authorities as idiocies/whatever 'ism is applicable while they do as they please and all the others politician in on the gimmick simply waste time throwing hot potatoes around the house of commune or whatever the fucking name. Its a well oiled theater that has been hundred of years in the making, but the moment you look under the floor tile its rot & mold all over the place. And the law is written in a way that in a general you're better being a criminal than a actual law abiding citizen, down to the point that you can get sent to prison for defending yourself against home invaders, even if they came in armed and with intent to kill.

Meanwhile your government quietly brings in hundreds of thousands of non-whites every year. White Canadians are going to become a minority in half the time it took white Americans. You guys have done nothing to push back against this Trudeau faggot. Even if you elect a conservative, they're still going to ship in "based" Chinese and Pajeets by the boatload. What good is buying ammo if you and I both no you'll never use it?

I live about 250km from Humboldt. It's a tragedy yes, but accidents happen. Drunk indians kill more people than this paki did.

Leftists are more of an enemy to old-stock Canadians than shitty immigrants at this point.

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You don't seem to understand. Canada is not the US. We have tons of space here and I live in a place with 80% white people. Major cities are where all the immigrants live. The whites that live in those shitholes are just as bad if not worse.

Trudeau is gone next year. Not worried.

Sikhs hate muslims and killed a bunch of muslim collaborators. I don't see a problem.

>why arent we working around the clock to find his name

Do you think America is any different? There are still plenty of 85-95% white areas out in the sticks, it's not like the entire country is like NY/LA. That doesn't change the fact that the shitskins and cuck whites will soon be able to always outvote you and impose their will on you. The diversity will eventually come to your little town out in the sticks and you'll have nowhere to run.

What good will electing the conservatives do you? Do you really think they'll make any changes to your levels of immigration?

>t. Neil MacDonald

>Do you really think they'll make any changes to your levels of immigration?

Only the apocolypse can save Canada

Canada has strict immigration rules unlike the US. We also don't have millions of illegal mexicans running around.

It's a completely different scenario. Canada actually needs more population and has room for it. I just want less muslims and more Vietnamese types if they have to come.

Our provincial powers are a lot stronger than your state powers as well. We have an unelected senate that won't allow the federal govt to spit on the constitution like yours.

No we don't need more population. Fuck off we're full

>I just want less muslims and more Vietnamese types if they have to come.
The absolute state of Canadian """nationalists"""

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>More Vietnamese
Fuck off

Nah. Pack Ontario with retard immigrants. Then the West can separate like we want.

In case you haven't figured it out there really is no "Canada". There is BC, Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes.

We are held together by a thread and will eventually break up to the delight of everyone but Ontario.

And no, Canada does not have strict immigration rules, you fucking mong. You guys take almost as many immigrants as we do, despite having a fraction of the population. And that's not even talking about all of the 'refugees' and 'students' that never leave and aren't counted in the official numbers so as to not alarm the white population

In 3rd world countries, when this kind of thing happens, there is street justice. Maybe not for foreigners... but definitely for locals.

I am at peace knowing they will burn for eternity in hell. However if I had the chance I would send them there early.
Pedos do not deserve to live

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already done
whats next on the agenda?

You have no idea. Canada took in 272,000 immigrants last year.

>Since 2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year.

That doesn't include the 1,000,000 illegals per year you let in.

We are nothing like you morons who don't believe in borders.

Oh, the West of Canada will separate all right. Just not how you expect it to. It'll be New China if you retarded neocons keep it up with your "fuk muslims but keep letting in le BAZED Asians by the millions" shit
Go back to listening to your Jordan Peterson videos dipshit

Keep it going until Ontario collapses. Then when the Feds try to get the West to pay for it again, we will separate. My province is already refusing to pay the carbon tax. It's a start.

>he actually trusts the number of immigrants that his government tells him are coming in

adjust for total population you stupid fucking kike poo

BC isn't western Canada dumbass. You are talking shit about something you have no clue on.

>Canada actually needs more population and has room for it.

Behold. The preferred line of developers and banks.

Do not buy it people.

I love all the Americans trying to make themselves feel better about the millions and millions of illegals flooding your border every year.

Canada isn't the US. It's too cold for mexicans.

Those numbers aren't from the government. They are from government watchdogs, universities, and financial institutions.

That's not what was written. It wasn't a "per capita" comment dumbshit.

Fucking worst scum are pouring across our border from USA all the rejected murders criminals and rapists. Not to mention the never ending flow of poos ricer eaters and Syrian isis fighters

You need to get out more. A couple thousand migrants isn't anything near "pouring across our borders".

It's like you think you're American or something. Too much /pol for you.

>population of 36 million
>takes in ~250,000 immigrants a year, almost entirely non-white

>its an open secret that politician are scum bag to the extant that they rate lower than fucking used cars salesman

This is absolutely true. I mute the radio whenever they come on. I mute the tv when they come on.

Listening to their shit literally makes me nauseous. Doesn't even matter what party.

Doesnt matter you wrote you faggot curry eating child rapist.
250k out of 40 mill Canada pop = 0.62% (your number is wrong itss closer to 450k which puts it had 1% of Canadas population replaced each year.
USA 1 mill out of 320 mill = 0.3 %
Total numbers are meaningless with out adjusting for the size of the receiving population you pro immigrant kike

>runs a stop
>bus literally breaks in half
Is there a vid of what happened? Just curious, takes another bus or semi to cause that much damage

The beauty of government sponsored third world immigration.
Thank you government.

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Are you a complete fucking retard?
>checks flags
Guess you are.

Correct no way you melt a passenger bus from a full stop driving a big rig and not see the bus coming.
Here is the towel heads other truck
Bars are for ripping moose and deer apart and killing half a hockey team when your too stupid to stop at the stop sign with a flashing red light like a retard

Attached: semi.jpg (1180x885, 124K)

>Behold. The preferred line of developers and banks.
>Do not buy it people.

Canada used to grow by having children and accepting immigrants from Britain and other European countries with cultural similarities to Canada. Feminist sabotaged the birth rate and White hating marxist filth wants to replace Whites.

>You have no idea. Canada took in 272,000 immigrants last year.
>>Since 2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year.

The US has 10 times the population of Canada. Canada taking in 1/4 of what the US does means that Canada is being inundated by foreign, alien peoples.

Have you seen what they average (shitting) street in India looks like? There are no traffic laws, no lanes, it's just every man for themselves. It's no wonder Pajeets and Chinks get into so many accidents. Our governments are putting our lives on the line just by bringing them here and issuing them drivers licenses

Europe used to grow the same way.

Unfortunately for us, the entire west is ruled by a cabal of bankers/developers, and they will have their "economic growth" at any cost, even if they have to become a visible minority in their own countries.

>Have you seen what they average (shitting) street in India looks like? There are no traffic laws, no lanes, it's just every man for themselves.

I read an article written by a Brampton (Bramledesh) woman about how she likes Brampton being almost entirely Indian.
> I don’t have to worry about the patronizing tone of a white person in a mall parking lot, talking down at me like I don’t speak English about some asinine rule.

They literally don't give a fuck about rules of the road that stop crashes from happening. They have imported their horrible culture. Brampton literally has the highest insurance rates in the country because of the foreigners. It also has the most fraudulent claims.

This is multicult.

>dude, you only have gangrene on the feet, why are you even worried about the health of the rest of your body?

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Want to know how they drive in India? Watch this.

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multiculturalism is a myth, the more I live in one, the more I realize its actually just a singular culture of governmental oversight that is seen as the absolute authority as it rule over countless minorities that are too stuck up in their own tribal conflict to act up, basically its literally Babylon: North American Boogaloo except they replaced the noble elite that came straight from the gods by an elite of politician cliques (mostly from high class english/Jewish roots) that act like the proponent of a greater good which end up only serving their personal interest.

There ain't no feeling like being told we are a multiculturalism paradise where all minorities are promoted and literally at the same time get told you're a racist & xenophobic piece of shit for wishing to affirm your own ethnic & social identity within that clusterfuck.

What happened to the truck? The front fell off?

>BC isn't western Canada dumbass. You are talking shit about something you have no clue on.

western canada would be considered the yukon territories?

>Fucking worst scum are pouring across our border from USA all the rejected murders criminals and rapists. Not to mention the never ending flow of poos ricer eaters and Syrian isis fighters

your prime minister invited all of them into your 'country' ain't our fault

truck not in pic, thats the bus cut in two

Nevermind, looks like the bus collided with the trucks bed while it was crossing the road and got its roof and passengers ripped in half.

yup, you can see any truck pic the trailer bed is bent all to hell.
Thats why the bus cut in two

would have been perfect movie shot, except for those white kids getting decapitated.

Larp more.

We need to nuke Torontostan and Hongcouver.

I'm a mechanic for a trucking company near Winnipeg. Pretty much all our drivers are poos and we get more every week.

Saskatchewan RCMP have confirmed a tractor-trailer was in the intersection but didn’t say if it was in motion or stopped when a deadly collision happened between the semi-trailer and the Humboldt Broncos team bus.

The crash at the intersection of highways 35 and 335 in eastern Saskatchewan on April 6 left 16 people, including players, coaching staff, a play-by-play broadcast, a statistician and an athletic therapist, dead and 13 injured.