To all Catholic Anons. I am from an Evangelical Christian home. However, the Israel worship and over the top cringe has made me think. Thoughts?
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the pope is a communist from a brown country
>out of the frying pan...
heck no
Try buddhism if you NEED something to tell you how to live life properly
Covert to Islam
If you want to be a race-traitor sure, be Christian.
Look up Sabbati Tzevi and Jacob Frank. The link gives a 4 minute run down of your answer.
Read the catechism and St. Aquinas and go to mass asap. Don't let your politics drive your religion, religion is about truth, politics is about ordering society around that truth. A big thing to understand is that the church, rather than being an institution standing between man and God, is the mystical body of Christ. Oh, Fulton Sheen is an entertaining educator as well, his show is on yt.
>Unironically posting Chik papers
go trad or go home
Almost forgot: check E. Michael Jones on youtube
Even if you don't convert (God forbid), you'll learn something
I was raised as a Baptist and my ancestors haven't been Catholic for hundreds of years.
Do what feels right in your heart my man. For me, it is the one true Church.
In case it isn't clear, I am converting to Catholicism.
Join a Orthodox Christian Church they are the least tampered with pure Christians. I’d recommend the Armenian Apostolic Church.
Neither. Islam is the only true path.
It's the only religion that truly fights the Jews.
>, religion is about truth
No, lies are the opposite of truth. And that's all religion is, comment lying.
Be your own church with likeminded who want to escape the matrix of tainted organised religion.
Strongest SA communities are Christian...
Lel. Most muslims are just as gullible as the majority of christians.
go orthodox you dipshit
Become a Waldensian.
The catholic church has been corrupted by George Soros.
You Mook.
It is the only religion whose followers want to drag everyone back to the frigging stone age.
You should but not just due to some minor positions or else you are probably going to convert back in a few months.
It's important to understand the basic theology and not get discouraged by particular popes (like Francis), but have faith in the divine providence of the church as a whole.
Not sure what exact Evangelical background you come from, but you should give some of these blog entries a read:
He tackles a wide variety of Protestant believes, from Sola Scriptura & Sola Fide, over Eternal Security & Justification to Penal Substitution & Imputation.
Ok Ahmed
Yes. We are cringe-free.
Come home to the Church Christ founded brother. We have the sacraments he instituted like his real flesh and blood which if you don't eat you have no life in you John chapter 7
Join the traditionalists.
>every catholic is a papist
Eastern Orthodox is theologically superior imo because of the filioque, and the doctrine of papal supremacy in the Roman Catholic Church.
Absolutely fucking not, get those heretical thoughts out of your mind and become an Orthodox Christian
His video on the Jews made me convert, now I'm reading his book. I recommend both