I am NOT looking forward to 4/20. Stoners are so fucking rude and obnoxious. Smoking weed is fucking lame...

I am NOT looking forward to 4/20. Stoners are so fucking rude and obnoxious. Smoking weed is fucking lame, it stinks and it kills your brain cells along with your mood, happiness and it kills all of your testosterone so you become a pacified beta cuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This isn't your fucking blog you degenerate kike shill.

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>Calls me a degenerate
To smoke your hippy dippy pineapple Express kush in your mom's basement you bum. I hear the unemployment line opens up early tomorrow so you can get money for snacks, man. Dude I got the munchies, let's eat and drink soy products and watch cringy stoner "comedies"


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Fuck you, you let these hippy losers ruin the world with their PC liberal horseshit.

>be me
>can retire and still live comfy for the rest of my days in about 15 years
>Smoke weed via vape weekly and have intense 4 hour fuck sessions with my amazing 9/10 fiance.


>be you
>hate weed
>no fuck sessions with anything 9/10 except 4 fingers in your ass and 5 on your cock
>be a leaf

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There is nothing wrong with masturbating more than three times a day, it's redpilled.
>Admits to smoking weed
>That made up story attempt

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>The girl he posted doesn't even have a feminine penis
Pleb with shit taste

I'm not waiting for any sort of response, ever since the Muslims took away my freedom of speech I feel as my duty to warn the people of the dangers of pot and Trudeau.

So salty from the truth he had to make 2 replies.

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Thinks Muslims took away his freedom of speech instead of the politicians he and his ilk voted for.

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Muslims are behind 9/11 and shouldn't be trusted, Trudeau is a queer who is also a big pussy for letting them in.

congrats I'm clapping for you. Your so bold

>Trying this hard to get my attention
We get it, you're lonely.

Hey at least its also Columbine day today and Hitlers birthday

A day where both suicidal/homicidal teens and radical natsocs will try and take violent action.
Plus yesterday was Waco day and McVeigh day where anto government people will try shit but no happenings

April 19 and 20 are the two days there are most likely to be big happenings hell even the FBI is on increased alert these two days. My favourite fucking two days of the year are 4/19 and 4/20

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I ain't fucking mad, I'm pretty chill. You're just being an immature punk who can't realize the dangers of the marijuana craze.

One America News Gets Exclusive Access To Underground Makeshift Hospital In Syria

The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
PETER HITCHENS: How on earth would killing MORE people rescue Syria?
TV news interview with former army officer cut short as he questions whether Syria launched chemical attack
Syria 'chemical attack' staged to provoke US airstrike, London pushed perpetrators – Russian MoD
STUNNING evidence from BBC journalist exposing White Helmets staging chemical attacks in Douma
Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syria Chemical Attack
Now Mattis admits there was no evidence Assad used poison gas on his people

Mattis says U.S. "looking for the actual evidence" of chemical attack in Syria
OAN Investigation Finds No Evidence of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria
Experts Warn Assad is Not to Blame for Latest Chemical Attack
Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Douma Chemical Attack is staged
Douma: la presse invitée, les experts de l'OIAC toujours pas
Douma fake 'Chemical Attack' exposed - ENGLISH subtitles

The German broadcaster @ntvde interviewed a doctor working in the hospital in Duma:"There were no patients with symptoms of a chemical gas attack!"

Happenings are a Jow Forums meme you goof
Who the fuck cares?

>You mean to tell me there's a God-made plant that you can breathe smoke from that will put a wrench in everything we've been doing for the past 2000 years?
>drinks scotch and looks out rainy window, looking forlorn

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Just now all the dirty bums and homeless people are lighting up in schools an parking lots smoking in front of little children who inhale the smoke and gives them brain damage

Who the fuck told Jeff Sessions about Jow Forums?
This place is starting to look like a fucking catalog of different chain emails

What are you even saying fafgot? Are you dumb enough to fall for the family guy and Seth rogen dude weed jokes and propaganda? You have failed as a man if you have.

what scotch you drinking?
I'm sipping Loch Lomond 12

shut up leaf it's Hitlers birthday.

>Worship a manlet

Better not drive around today more than necessary. You're going to be hit and run'd by some degenerate female driver full of "edibles". It's not as dangerous as drunk driving but I'm sure there's a rise in accidents on April 20th.

> leaf shit posting about other leafs

>implying some one over loaded on edibles is going to be on it enough to do the run part.

In all seriousness weed isn't very detrimental to driving. Provided you know what you are doing.

It's gonna be leagalized on Canada day, I'm fucking scared and pissed.

you're scared of a fucking plant. absolute state of leaflets.

>of weed

Lmao what a pussy.

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I don't need the marijuana craze or to be hopped up in dope I got Jesus.

Do you need milk and honey or is milk and honey a welcome addition to your live and perfectly complimentary to Jesus?

They're both

Slide thread.

>Happenings are a Jow Forums meme you goof
Its fun and entertaining watching these events unfold though

My heart races watching the threads go by.

>doesnt like hitler
Fuck outta here shlomo

Fuck you you communist prick

hey canadian goys, do my survey, dont meme because ill just delete your response, thanks, i fucking love you if you take this seriously

>what gender
>do you identify as
>options other than male or female

Bought into the 80 quadrillion fluid genders bullshit have you?
The correct answer is theres two genders and youre born into it

Nice try shekelberg/FBI

I go to a liberal "everyone can be what they want school" if i didn't include it i would be btfoed : (

pls bud

Ok fair enough

submitted a response. I didnt know about the school of yours being libtarded when i submitted so i hope my anti federal government anti tax sayings wont get you in crap

nah you can say whatever you want just not meme shit, or links to pornhub.....


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No links to pornhub or nothing

I dont thing putting "all federal taxation is theft" in the option for "is the $1.00 tax is too high or not" is a meme if its your legit belief is it?

Wah it's smelly it's stinky winky make sure nobody can ever use it

not if you believe it no

>blah blug bloo buh herp derp
very informative, not politics anyway, sage

>Not growing herbs for fun and profit
No wonder you're such a sorry and sad shithead

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Only retards like toseanne Burr and Trudeau smoke and support the marijuana.

The cleansing is coming for the USA, sorry leaf. Hopefully you guys can assassinate Trudeau soon...

Fuck off rooskie

they also stink and are lazy fucks

Happy Boring Drug for Boring People Day!

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I have been looking forward to it, but for entirely different reasons.

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Why do pothead wasters get so salty when they get called out on their degeneracy?

I've lived with enough potheads to know what it does to people. You have no idea how unattractive and unappealing it makes you.