Just glad neither black man had a cell phone in their hands - well known fact that when cops see a black man with a...

just glad neither black man had a cell phone in their hands - well known fact that when cops see a black man with a cell phone they fear for their lives and start shooting - repeatedly

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>fuck da whypippo for arguing with the cops

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I'm going to eSwatini to think it over.

The new Top Gear sucks you ginger faggot

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>Be part of segment of the population comprising 8% yet 13 times more likely to violently attack whites/ police, consistently respoinsible for over 50% of all murders and violent crime to include 2/3rds of rapes
>Hurr Durr why they profiling me, just cause I'm black? Well no shit
Niggers have no self awareness

DOTR can't come soon enough

The biggest mystery in all this is if I care less about Starbucks or dindus.

Correct. And so they are incapable of changing their lot.

>white people try to help

>white people don't help

I seriously hate black people. I wasn't raised to hate them. I didn't even care one way or the other til year 6 of the Obama administration.

What a useless bunch of shit people who do nothing but look for free shit and kill each other.

And now they are going after Starbucks for no discernible reason. they are just useless apes that destroy everything in their paths. The world would be better off with out black people.

>behave like an animal
>be treated like an animal
the social contract doesnt even exist for niggers
im almost ready to take my lead pill

White people accusing other of white privilege yet this very same people step in to defend the powerless black.
Who needs to check their privilege?

I had no opinions on them until I had to live among them. Ultimate redpill.

>White people standing up for blacks are using white privilege

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>Please, oppressive, racist, white scum! Use your omnipotent power to protect us niggers, you white supremacist shitlords!

Didn't the cops arrest the niggers anyway? In what way did the wypipo use their privilege to protect those pieces of shit?

That's literally the opposite of what he said. Get better reading conprehension nigger

Jesus christ you dumb fucking nigger. Are you fucking black? Do you not know how to read? He literally wants whites to stand up for blacks. If you're incapable of reading you're no better than a nigger

This doesn't make sense. Race isn't even real.

This Starbucks shit is a psy-op

>whites having any of it

>use privilege
>arrested anyway
powerful stuff

They were being arrested for not leaving when asked them not complying with the officers when they showed up. They were not innocent they broke the law for fucks sake.

>white privilege
>aka not being part of a race that is wholly vile and does nothing to improve their image

If i was dealing with a member of a species of ape known for its extreme and sporadic random violence i would be fearing for my life too

white privilege is basically whites showing preferential treatment to other whites. this is not a whites only thing either. any group of any sort shows self preference.

why don't all black people just kill themselves already? they literally have nothing going for them. Make the world a little better for us normalfolk

>Asserts that a black man asking why the arrest is happening would have gotten them arrested
>Literally not providing any reasoning as to why this would happen, just that "racism" would happen
You can't say something would have happened with the only reasoning being "because I think so". It's like asserting yourself as the authority and then telling people to appeal to it. This kind of retardation needs to fucking stop.

The guy was a JEW tho...

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Why is everyone surprised and complaining? Whites do everything for niggers anyway