I just converted to Islam. AMA

I grew up in a relatively secular Jewish home, and we only went to synagogue every so often, and the only dietary law we regularly kept was no pork.

I began searching for more meaning and tried practicing Judaism as an Orthodox Jew but that didn't last long. I then found a Muslim street preacher and we got into a debate. He offered to teach me Islam. After a few weeks of study I've decided to convert to Islam.

I realized that Taurat [Torah] was Musa's [Moses] (PBUH) message, the Injil [Gospel] was Isa's [Jesus] (PBUH) message, and that the Qur'an was Muhammad's (PBUH) message. In fact, both messages prophecy of Muhammad and the Qur'an (Deuteronomy 18:15, John 14:16), and the Qur'an affirms the message of both the Taurat and Injil (Qur'an 5:46)

>لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله

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Does it bother you that basically every anti-Islam news organization ever is run by Jews? How do Muslims plan on confronting this very Jewish problem?

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Jewish are the damned. Muslims know of their destructive and evil nature

I think that any Abrahamic religion probably fits well enough with the spirits of Jews. My gripe is with the fact that so many white people follow Abrahamic religion rather than European religion.

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Welcome my Jewish and now Muslim brother. Welcome.
What lead you to Islam other than those things? Did you do any extensive research?

Yes, it does bother me. My own people, that is, the Israelite people, lost the favor of Allah when they rejected Jesus his Messiah. I admit that my own people, the Israelite people, are a wicked people. But now I have been grafted into the tribe of the Ishmaelites, who are now in the favor of Allah because they accept all of his prophets.

The only real way to confront the Jewish problem is by converting all Jews and destroying the state of Israel. The Jews are not Allah's chosen people, no, the Ishmaelites were always destined to be Allah's chosen, and this is why I have joined the tribe of the Ishmaelites. Once Israel is destroyed, and we retake our rightful land, all we need to do is gather up the rest of the Jews and convert them by teaching them about Islam.

So your prophet can fuck a 9 year old, but you burn for eternity if you eat a bacon sandwich? What kind of shit is that?

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Literally the same people, muslims WERE the Jews prior to 600AD

I just couldn't really find much purpose in Judaism. It felt like there were rules just to be rules, not to establish true worship to Allah. I found meaning in the message of Muhammad (PBUH). In Islam I feel true devotion to the one and only creator, the almighty God of the universe, Allah (SWT). It feels good having accepted all of his messengers, not just Moses, but Jesus and Muhammad as well.

Are there any real threads right now?

Did you read the koran and actually get convinced it's all true or are you just pretending to believe for some other benefit?

So far, I've read all of the Qur'an at this point. In it, I truly see the message of Allah. I'm going to be studying Hadiths soon too with the help of my friend.

What passage convinced you it has to be of holy descent?
I mean it would have to be pretty spectacular stuff to be convincing I'd imagine.
Humans can write rather well.

I don't really think any specific passage in particular suddenly made me want to convert, but rather, reading the whole of the Qur'an, thinking about it, examining it, studying its beauty and flow, made me want to convert. Compared to any other work of literature it just seems so pure and perfect, and I see Allah's word in it. I guess my favorite passage is Qur'an 75:38 through 40

Personally I think Shakespeare's writing is a lot better and that was written by a mere mortal.
I find the writing in the Koran rather abrupt and repetitive.
I can't imagine how someone reads this stuff and think "wow it must be of divine origin."

“Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a blaze. Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur,“ kek, such ridiculous shit. Wow, so angelic. Eternal damnation and bondage if you disbelieve.

I just personally see in it the truth of Allah, no man in the position of Muhammad could have just came up with the Qur'an on the spot. No, it is the actual word of Allah (SWT). It's even more beautiful in the Arabic, which I'm still in the process of learning, but I have been able to read some in the original language and it is extremely beautiful. I feel the divine grace of Allah in it.

Not political - read the board rules

itt someone raised Muslim larps as a convert

Religion and politics intertwine and Islam is a political religion friend.

The koran was written over a long timespan and by multiple people. Just how freaking dumb do you have to be to take this for fact...

I am not your friend, moon worshipper.

You're right, because Muhammad was illiterate and the first Muslims had to memorize the Qur'an.

You want donmeh jews? Because thats how you get donmeh jews, 2 generations im and they will subvert you, wahabbism was made by a donmeh.

The first revealed chapter of the Qur'an is Al-IQara. Which means The Recitation, or to recite. The Qur'an is a recitation. What is interesting to me is that Christians say that the Gospel's were like "songs". And there were "song's" of the prophets. I can't remember which prophets but I'm sure there was "the Song's of Solomon" and not sure on that but I think I remember looking this up.

From which country do you come from?
This is rare.
Why not have kept trying in your old religion?
How did your parents take it?

> i have updated my sandnigger OS
Great. Now you can choose between the meat grinder or the gas chamber

Disingeneous. There were multiple versions of the koran, only some time later some sultan declared his to be the only true koran and ordered the destruction of all others.
Mohammad was a bandit, and his book was nothing but a tool of mass control.
Islam/submission is for the weak and the psychotic.

There were actually many people involved in putting the Qur'an in written form. There where a lot non-muslims among them. The best readers and writers after the time of the prophet (pbuh) put it into physical form.
It was the efforts of all people's that put the Qur'an in physical form. The Merciful protected the Qur'an unlike the previous physical versions of scripture.


And yes, there is a book called "Song's of Solomon" in the Bible, what the Jews call Tanakh, but it's mainly just a bunch of love songs between Sulayman and his mistress.

Islam is a disease--congratulations, you've just contracted the mental version of Syphilis.

What's you opinion on roasties and fags? What about jews?

I grew up in New York City.

>I realized that
Nah you're just retarded really

This is taqiya.

The Christian's always sing in their churches. I think that the Injeel (Gospel) was like the Qur'an at first. They still have that aspect of singing in churches today.
Also prophet Solomon was not as described in that text. The Qu'ran corrects the errors and mistakes of previous books

According to the message of Allah, homosexuality is a sin. I believe those dealing with homosexuality should seek counseling to help with their struggles.

I believe the Jews must be converted to Islam, and that Israel should be destroyed.

I'm not familiar with that

>The koran was written over a long timespan and by multiple people. Just how freaking dumb do you have to be to take this for fact...

the hadiths were written by those who knew mohammad or lived in his caliphate at the time, more or less a bunch laws and other stupid shit the judges decided to enforce

>Israel should be destroyed.
And what would replace it?
They seem quite strong opinions for someone who was a Jew

As an ex-Muslim here are **some** reasons why I don't believe in Islam anymore.

* Not compatible with evolution
* Very violent and ridiculous hadiths
* No evidence for a god
* Errors in Quran
* Slavery in Islam
* Failure of Islamic civilisation.
* Anti-intellectualism.
* Terrorism.
* Violence. Dealing with problems with violence rather than reason, debate, thought, and rhetoric.
* No freedom of speech.
* No independent, critical, or philosophical thought, morality is whatever Mohammad said.
* Wanting things or supporting them not because they are good and you have thought it through, but because it's the Islamic thing to do. i.e. Shari-ah or the Caliphate. Both of these would make the world a horrible place, but don't expect Muslims to put any thought into that.
* Discouraging people from having any critical thought by claiming that they are not scholars. The scholars are mostly idiots with immoral opinions.
* Mentally deficient ways of dealing with real-world problems by becoming more religious and just praying more.
* Need to control people's appearance.
* In conflict with everyone at their borders whether Muslims or not, historically and in contemporary terms.
* Hatred of pretty much everyone.
* Always feeling like you don't belong.

Kek I like how you completely disregard mine and others posts criticising your religion. Nice hug box mentality you’ve got there, faggot.

>I just personally see in it the truth of Allah, no man in the position of Muhammad could have just came up with the Qur'an on the spot. No, it is the actual word of Allah (SWT). It's even more beautiful in the Arabic, which I'm still in the process of learning, but I have been able to read some in the original language and it is extremely beautiful. I feel the divine grace of Allah in it.

do you really believe that if you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock and only prayed 4 times that day your god will punish you?

Good lad

A unified Arab nation should replace it.

whats it like to have to write these shitty shill threads every day

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>* Slavery in Islam

everyone practiced slavery back then, the vikings traded slaves with the arabs for goods on a regular basis

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oh boy a mr towlie version of a shareblue raid.

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So now you worship a PEDOPHILE? I'm sorry, but I don't understand your post. Mohammed was a thieving, mass murdering, human trafficking rapist pedophile. Literally half of the Muslims worldwide are the product of incest (with chromosomal damage and low IQ), and conditioned from childhood to accept this nihilistic cult....so I can understand their stupidity.

But you're deliberately choosing to CONVERT to Islam? What mental gymnastics do you engage in when pondering how Mohammed was guilty of pedophilia (among other crimes)?

Or are you just trolling?

I'm sorry that you left, I have no time to read that mostly slander. I hope Allah guides you. Salam.

woah...so this...is the power of islam!

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So morality is relative then? Interesting

Islam is a cuck religion.

can you get off my fucking board heretic

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>A unified Arab nation should replace it.

mohammad tried that but the caliphate he established failed to unify and civilize you dumb desert niggers

I will not deny you that if it was achieved, there would be peace.
But what would happen for example with europe?

The Torah prescribes similar things too, I see nobody complaing over that. I see nobody attacking Christians or Jews for what's in their Bible, it's always Islam. But that's ok, we have Allah on our side, and because of that, we are hated. I have no need to speak with you. Salam.

these fucking faggots who keep rp'ing as shitskins need to fucking neck themselves asap.

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>So morality is relative then? Interesting

it's never been about morality, it's called the rules of engagement, when your team wins you get to take the women and their young bucks of the losing team, name one ancient empire that was not guilty of this practice

Bullshit, taqiya is a basic tenet of propagation of Islam. You are either practicing it right now or you were converted through it. If it is the latter then keep in mind that you cannot leave Islam - it is punishable by death.

>The Torah prescribes similar things too, I see nobody complaing over that.
the thing is you dirty fucking pedophile worshipper, nobody actually enforces them like your seedy religion does.

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mercy is when they put a blindfold on you before tossing you for a chance to convert before you hit the ground.

Gen Z containment thread

Parts of Europe do rightfully belong to Islam, such as Spain and France and Eastern Europe. If we have to fight we will fight. Germany, Britain, the Nordic regions, and Italy above Rome could remain independent though. With this, peace can be made between the Islamic and western world.

Reveal your flag and end this farce


I am figuring out if there can be a more hate deserving combo than that
maybe a communist jewish gay nigger trans muslim

>Spain and France and Eastern Europe
According to the right of conquest no longer, they were conquered again. The only one that recovers them is the holy war

I already told you I'm from New York.

mercy is when we glass the middle east and rid the earth of the most seedy and backwards religion on the planet

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So your saying the facts he claims are correct?
How do you reconcile your faith with the fact that muhammad was an immoral warlord who made up religious "revelations" whenever he wanted to excuse him giving into his depraved behavior?

What did that have to do with what I posted?
What about the Christian missionaries and crusader's that killed Muslims and Jews in Spain Al Andulus?

What about the Christian crusaders that came to Jerusalem for "muh Holy Wars". It was peaceful between Muslims, Jews and Christians, before the crusaders came.

What about the missionaries that came to North America and Africa that forced savages to convert or face death?

You talk about slavery.
The slavery of medieval times was NOT RACIAL SLAVERY. I REPEAT, NOT RACIAL SLAVERY.

The Arabs had white slaves, black slaves, arab slaves. It wasn't RACIAL SLAVERY based on a belief of superiority.

They had so much white concubines that good ol' Thomas Jefferson sent a navy to free "those white slaves", I'm paraphrasing here.

So did other people at that time. There where white slaves to white people.

The slavery of Europe and the America's was RACIAL SLAVERY.

>we're victims
there's islamophobia and antisemitism but you don't hear about Christianphobia. why is that? I see the left marching for islam and the rights of muslims when yall commit a terrorist attack but if a Christian refuses to sign a marriage or bake a cake or cook a pizza yall celebrate. why is that? jewish and islamic places of worship supposedly get targeted by hate crimes yet often are done by their own while you don't hear the same self infliction of Christians. why os that?

>greetings fellow jews I am from... *frantically searchs for jewiest place in america*... New York

I think slavery is wrong. Do you?

I never agreed with him, instead I called him out for slander.

>It was peaceful between Muslims, Jews and Christians, before the crusaders came.
you mean like how the muslims were peacefully invading the byzantine empire
>The Arabs had white slaves, black slaves, arab slaves. It wasn't RACIAL SLAVERY based on a belief of superiority.
wow thats really generous of the sandrats
compared to you know, europe without slavery during the same exact period.
>The slavery of Europe and the America's was RACIAL SLAVERY.
kind of like how everyone whos a non muslim is an inferior citizen in your dirt countries
fuck off cunt you have literally a mirror image.

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We were there originally though, Spain was Islamic for centuries.

those bants. hard to argue.

But you didn't call him out on anything, just dismissed it outright without any rebuttal. That means that he wasn't incorrect you just wanted to avoid it.

And was non-Islamic for millenia.

and was non-Islamic for 40k years before that

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Secular slave traders. Lol. So progressive.

When the Christians took it, they ravaged it. Racism began in Spain. Europe was a waste land compared to the Islamic world.

Islam was the invaders, therefore the reconquest would be a righteous holy war, therefore Spain wouldn't count as islamic.

>When the Christians took it, they ravaged it.
you mean after the sandniggers took it from them and the romans

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You know, I came here to have you guys ask me questions, not slander Islam or blaspheme. Just AMA.

I'm against slavery of any kind.

You have to understand the context here. Slavery in those medieval times (and before then) was like a business agreement. If a person lost a war they would become slaves or be killed.
They'd have to have an agreement with who ever won the war. Slaves would usually be set free if the owner died or if they paid for their freedom. Usually the owner wouldn't free them.

If a slave kills his owner and frees himself, he is a free man and the agreement is null.

To my former post, historically slavery was between ethnic groups and warring nations. The kind of slavery of the 16th century had it's own beliefs of RACIAL superiority.

It's one thing to have slavery. It's another for it to be RACIAL SLAVERY based on an ideology of superiority.

>took it
You mean retook it. Its not your land, its Spanish clay apart from the small bit that is British in perpetuity.

>muh christians a thousand years ago
A common fallacy muslims use.
It was slavery based on EUQALITY!

Now we know that you are not a convert but a raised muslims LARPing as one, a convert wouldn't know this while supposedly not knowing what taqiya is.
Off yourself, goat fucker.

We already waged Jihad.

By that logic (newest message wins) you should be Mormon.

Going to respond, pussy?

"In fact, both messages prophecy of Muhammad and the Qur'an (Deuteronomy 18:15, John 14:16)"

I'm afraid you got manipulated. Deuteronomy talks about Jesus. Have you read the next verse? John 14:17? Oh, isn't it about Muhammed? I'm so sorry...

The Bible is the ultimate truth. Read Matthew 5:18. Read the New Testament about false prophets. The Old Testament foresees the coming of Christ in tens of verses. Only Jesus Christ fulfillas all ancient Judaistic prohecies to the full.

Jews could treat Jesus as a lunatic before He rose from the dead.

But the above is not so important. The most important is that the Christianity shows unconditional rules but Judaism and Islam show much wisdom, but it is conditional (depending on a situation).

>I'm against slavery of any kind.
So you disagree with the eternal objective morality of your god and prophet? Quite arrogant of you.

>when your AMA backfires and turns into a roast.

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Islam destroyed the rational, learned culture of the "islamic" world, all of it's progress was done before muhammad. The only thing islam does is stifle civilization wherever islam goes..

>europe without slavery during the same exact period
Let's not go there, guy. We wouldn't want to go back to Roman and Greek times of human enslavement now would we?
> everyone whos a non muslim is an inferior citizen
Anyone can become Muslim, if they have faith. It's a religion. But no one can change their race or ethnicity.