The absolute state of Magic : The Jewthering.
It's literally jewish/palladist Zohar shit and luciferian doctrine nowaday, and their libtards pets are happy to oblige.
Can't wait for this heretic game to crash and burn. This fucking game is designed for children for fuck sake!

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MTG is for losers, real ones play Pokemon cards


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The last edition is just filled with niggers and genderless queers

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they know the community hate this shit but they don't give a shit, they just want to enforce their disgusting propaganda, even if the player base is 98.5% white males.

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lol eat shit you french cuck. should have learned a skill instead of playing card games with your aspie friends
>inb4 muh valuable foil first editions

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I didn't realize the French had time to play Magic between their regular strikes, dodging trucks of peace, and unnecessarily long meals.

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Shadowverse is Jow Forums approved card game.

>divide and conquer
Even if both of you arent jewish shills youre still useful idiots. Back to r*ddit

Sisgusting sjw shit

How about artifact? Has valve given in to the leftist cult?

(((Gabe Newell)))
He was our guy when he was fat.

nice choice, here is my deck

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tell me how much you're going to make when you 'sell your cards'
you magik niggers are all the same

also wizards of the coast pls go

more kangz

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and after they cry about culture appropriation, but when niggers and sjw do it, it's ok

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most cards are filled with homesexual shit and stronk wimin

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the only white males depicted are on destroy creatures cards, and you see them tortured or dying, really make me think

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pic related to have niggers/wimin stats in the last editions, it's staggering

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Valves only jewey with regards to steam and crate gambling. Dota hasnt been safe spaced yet so ill hold judgement on artifact until its out.
I have never bought a single card and barely played magic. Just pointing out you need to go back to t_d

of course the mtg boss is a filthy jew

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why are you sperging you tardo? the point is to denounce the juden anti-white propaganda here.

I'm a 20 year MTG collector and player. This shit was my thing forever. What they've done disgusts me and I've been selling off my collection to buy guns and ammo and a few instruments.

Fuck this gay earth. I just wanted to play MTG with my son and have him enjiy that same 90s and early 2000s MTG feeling. He's 5, only needed a few years to really start. Oh well, we'll just shoot rabbits and go fishing.

Africans are the TRUE Master Race. Our genetic superiorirty emits an aura of submission so powerful that nearly any whitey in proximity to him feel overwhelming compulsions to bow before us and submit to any and all of our commands without question. It takes a supreme act of will merely to resist the might of Black Power.

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i feel you bro, i too hesitate to sell my collection, i can't stand this faggotry anymore. Why do jews and their pet libshits have to ruin everything they touch ffs?

Warfhammer is also cucked

Llanowar elves have always been fucking faggots.

Just cashout while the fools are still buying in the secondary market. It's worthless at this point. My Dad was a longtime American Football fan, this last year's kneeling during the anthem did the same to him as this propaganda shit has done to met. MTG is dead. All things must die, no reason to hang onto the corpse of your grandpa after he passes, no reason to hang onto the corpse of MTG.

A world shift is happening, sell the garbage to the sheep and prepare yourself.

Nice duals, faggot.

>muh dick

Even if that meme card is real, you've always been a cuck for falling into the MTG trap and gambling on little condom packets full of paper.

the game works like this:
> chaotic dopamine
> adrenalin overdrive
> stressHormone++

built to feel like losing

Not really, at least 40k isn't yet, Saint Celestine doesn't really count, because she's been there for a long long time

I'm really happy to see I'm not the only one who saw the downfall, jumped ship and sold my collection this year.
They went from an estimated 20 million players to 12 million since 2016.
They've completely lost sight of what made their game special.
Using they instead of he and she is another sjw they decided on, you think it would be to save space on the card but that's just a coincedence. They really want the 5 trannies who play to not get offended.
The art style on dominaria also angers me, they're making it too realistic and less hand drawn.
Alpha Investments really redpilled me on Hasbro's fuckery.

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>A world shift is happening
We say this since years and still nothing happen, as a matter of fact it's only worsening. I was in the survivalist trip after the 2007 crisis, always saying "tomorrow is the day SHTF, this time it's for good!".
Sheeples are too weak minded and afraid to do anything, the banking oligarchy won. They control the narrative, the monetary system, the bourgeoisie, the technology, the politics, the last remain of the aristolician logos to oppose any potential opponents, et cetera...
What do we have for us? Nothing but despair and false hopes. Hell even this place is just controlled opposition to keep us parked in our containment board.
It's hopeless.

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No, they want to expand their auditory. They know that players won't stop playing this game, but having characters representing minority groups could increase popularity of the product among minorities.
Pure business.

Teferi has been around for almost 20 years. There's plenty of things to be mad about in recent sets but my nigga Teferi isn't one of them.

>white creatures
>literally niggers

play yugioh TCG

Not really designed for children, it's very complicated, and it's a great game, but yeah they're pushing the sjw shit a lot lately.

I stopped collecting after Innistrad, which was great

>at least 40k isn't yet
Dude I have seen them shilling females in terminator armor. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be an actual space marine or just an inquisitor, but still

>implying Deesha Jamal and Laqueena give a shit about expensive cardboard

They can put minority all they want it wont change the fact only white (and asians) males buy this shit. Moreover we have pletorha of statistics proving that ads featuring white ppl have more effect and trigger more often the purchasing act on minorities than having representation of their own kind.

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Teferi isn't bad, he has always been there, not a shoehorned nigger. His potrayal in the older stories wasn't even mostly positive (he phased his entire homeland into another dimension to avoid an invasion, ditching the rest of the world).

Now, the shoehorned nigger angels and knights are truly disgusting, angels are potrayed as white females in virtually every culture, because they actually feel angelic rather than hood-rat like

I haven't played this game in like a decade, but did they really niggerfy reprints of OG cards that have been around for 25 years? lmao
Race Warski pls

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Thank you Ivan for the weak rouble and the MTG cards in russian language.
I made a small fortune out of selling russian foils.

They made serra angel black? what the fuck

Still undecided on the pronouns thing but the people complaining about there being black characters are straight up autistic. Let them add some variety to the designs ffs. Gets really fucking boring when you see the same white warrior a million times over.

Where ? Fem Space Marines are impossible because of gene reasons


>We say this since years and still nothing happen
Nothing happening? It's not going to just pop and go insane.

Like you say, it's just worsening. It will be a grinding death, you don't get to live your video game fantasies of the end of the world so easily.

Don't be "Parked" in your containment board. Make friends, Make family. I have gotten my entire immediate family and best friend in gear. I have a son I'm homeschooling, and a brand new daughter as well.

This is a generational battle of good and evil and it's the death of the greatest empire to exist in recorded history. Shit just doesn't go from civilization to living inna cave hiding from zombieliberals.

The shift is happening, right now, right here. Don't lose hope, learn your folk songs, play instruments, hold onto your culture, pass that onto friends and family, get the most weaponry you can legally, I know France doesn't mind too much guns through the right hoops right?

You have to live life, or you will never appreciate it to fight for it. I realize you are probably lost, waiting for this corruption to hit the boiling point, waiting for something to happen, something to give your life meaning, but it's just not that easy. You have to find that meaning.

yep it made me mad too.

Here for example. All these old designs are incredibly fucking generic and have been done a million times.

It was in a comic. It might have been an inquisitor, but the armor looked like a grey knights one.
> Fem Space Marines are impossible because of gene reasons
I know, but (((GW))) doesn't give a shit about canon



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>they didn't quit mtg in 2007 before the world turned to shit

Magic has had african-inspired themes forever, it's nothing new.
The worst part about the new sets is all the hideous mutt characters with half shaved heads acting like comic book heros. It is a reflection of the times, I guess.

Who the fuck is Teferi? I don't recall that nigger back in Weatherlight. Ontaria and the gothic plane is better anyway.

>2005 is 13 years ago

Oh fuck me..

>>pedo containment and control mechanism


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Implying you know literally anything about either the Zohar or Luciferianism.

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wow, anonymous experts. i definitely must trust it.

What the fuck does changing her skin into nigger have to do with your point? There were already plenty of nigger characters, and completely changing a character that has been around for literally 25 years is retarded as hell. Yes, notice how after 25 fucking years the art gets better. Why did she need to be recolored to nigger in the new one?
Jesus Christ, bongs are such weak, completely brainwashed cucks now.

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No reason to nigrify an already known card, though. They could have created their own nigger angel if they were so desperate for it.

>I don't recall that nigger back in Weatherlight.
He was first introduced all the way back in Mirrage. He had some fleeting interactions as a side character in several blocks all the way up to Time Spiral, where he was a pretty major person of interest considering all the time warp fuckery going on. I'm fairly certain he interacted with the Weatherlight crew on more than one occasion.

Literally just to piss off autists who think whites are the only race around, of course.

It seems to be working. ^^

"Sexualizing women is BAD, bad boy, no more sexualized females for you. Instead, let's sexualize males for our female and gay audiences!"

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we wuz crusaders

>Help me I'm oppressed because I have one less oversexualized 2.5 inch pic to jerk off to!
I love you guys. I mean it.

It's kind from you to try to iron pill me but i'm a lost cause. I'm simply waiting to die, i refuse to give life in this fucked up world, i refuse to live this nightmare longer. I don't eat anymore (at best a meal every two days), i don't wash, i don't go out, i don't even get out of my bed anymore... I'm blackpilled to the core. I lost 45lbs the past year, i'm so slim i bet your son weight alrdy more than me, the anxiety is so extreme i lost my hair, got a stomach ulcer, eczema to the point of bleeding from hands everyday, i'm now losing my teeth too. I can feel it, i think i'll be dead before the next year, and i'm fine with it.
Too many blackpills swallowed all those years. I'm broken inside.

You don't get it. They're actively, publicly proclaiming that they're intentionally willing to sexualize male characters for gay audiences. This is literally something they have said in many cases. But at the same time, they actively speak out against sexualizing females and are pushing ugly women in art direction. "oh, you drew her too beautiful, make her mediocre looking and a nigger instead".

I get it perfectly. It's overcompensation; sexualized women have been the norm since its inception. To enact change doesn't mean 'make the same number', it means fucking change the norm.

After a time an equilibrium will emerge. This is the way it is in all syntheses.

>No reason to nigrify an already known card
No reason not to.
I don’t think you have any idea how art works.

actually i do, i studied it for a decade.

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kids don't give a shit about this stuff it's only an attack on the older generations

oh, you are just a leftist cuck. Never mind me then.

kys maro

I don't think you studied very well, then.

No, just a thinking person who understands basic chemistry as applied to social dynamics.

Serra Angel isn't any one specific legendary you autist, it's just a random angel in service of Serra. There are hundreds of them and one being black isn't blasphemy you sperg.

Doesn't have to be that way homie. I was destined to be a junky failure, grew up in a methlab and shit, failed out of school, never cared. I am blackpilled in that I know everything is going to hell. There is no saving this civilization as it is. I'm a redneck from the woods though, I know I can fuckoff inna woods with my people and my wits and survive no problem, and that's exactly my goal.

Ain't no reason to let yourself go just because you've given in to depression and shitty life decisions. Envision the world you want and become a piece of that world because it's pretty wasteful to be depressed over a world gone wrong and then sit on your ass and do nothing about it.

>that face
holy fuck

Man titty Gyno

Not being able to get laid doesn't mean the 'world is going to hell'. It means you've lost sight of your social place.

Hint -- social place is a myth and a trap for the unwary.

You guys will complain about anything. Isnt it tiring?

>muh enki and ninhursag
>muh mary magdalene sicret son with Jesus
>muh rennes le chateau
>muh ashishins secret from the neoplatonicians and pythagorians
>muh mistery school of the horus eye in edfu
>muh venus
>muh chakra, muh doctrine of the primordial tradition
>muh palladism
>muh apadno written with green ink

You see?

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DnD is doing the same kind of bullshit

Just drop that gay tranny shit and play a real card game. And learn how to ride a motorcycle.

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Pic 100% related. First they took our games, then they ruined Star Wars. How far will they go.

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That was a fascinating list of things not involving Luciferianism. I think your Freemason knowledge is spotty at best, but you have a few good entries. Amusing that a Japanese game makes mention of Rennes le Chateau, isn't it?

Have a pleasant evening, user.

Star Wars was ruined in 1999

Fair enough.

You could even argue that it was ruined in 1983 to some extent

Making something ugly isn't good art, it's wanking off your ideology