Here I have a Dacian tablet. Was wondering if you guys could help me translate it.
Tablet Translation
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Bump for dub trips
Gimme a sec
Something about the king of the greater isle or some shit.
Apparently it says that if I don't reply to this clay tablet, my progenitor will suffer a most peaceful passing in her slumber this night...
It is a copper advertisment
Hmm indeed'st've
>We wuz indians kings and shiet
It's all greek tho , i thought dacian was romanised and used latin.
It's a coupon for free Starbucks coffee
It translates as follows: We kangz wuz Egyptians, Greeks and Dacians until we peaceful and technologically Kangz wuz attacked by uncivilised whitebois coming from the cold wastelands, we demand now to gib us reparations and to leave our lands immediately.
it says
"Stop the jews"
> remove trianon
It's the navy seals copypasta
it says "theres no such thing as Romania, the dacian origin story is gay, romanians are actually bulgarian expats who raped gipsies"
>be romanian
>someone plz give us history
Show your flag Shlomo
Greek litters + runes
How did you do this?
It says OP is a faggot who just can’t stop sucking BBC
they didn't have a writing system
It is 100% Greek. I can recognize some words and the characters, but I cannot translate ancient Greek.
It says Jesus is lord.
>be romanian
>steal copper wire in Bulgaria
>feed family for 3 years
not Greek. That's one of the tablets found in Sinaia (tartaria tablets). There are some greek elements there, as well as elements from other cultures, but it's definitely not Greek per say.
nigger it's dacian written in the greek alphabet
because they didn't exist
It reads:
>”The Dawn brings eternal peace upon the new harvest, for it is good, but not without an offering to the God of our Fathers.”
Then below it’s a harvest calendar.
You’re welcome, faggot.
I cracked it!
It says "Our history began when time began, our race is descended from (illegible) and our way is (illegible) it is imperative that you reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep"
Me thinks you're bullshitting for some reason.
>People called Dacians they go the house
Its not full greek, half the words are off, BOYPEVYSETO ? PAS YPSEOS ASEPSIS ? What the hell is this a medical tablet ? The last two lines make no sense at all
It's prolly something mundane. "Klara sucked Joe's dick even though she's with Ryan, what a thoth Klara is"
you have no history. nor any future. you're the scum of Europe
backstabbing anyone who even gazes upon you.
your nationalistic revisionist historians taught you lies for decades so you have some pride in your non-existent culture.
everything is stolen, your land, your language (mix of french, latin and turkish)
Bukarest is an ugly shithole full of corrupt politicians who can't wait to build europe's biggest mosque. you suck dick to the highest bidder.
another pic. all of these tablets were written in a cuneiform style and they precede the Sumerian ones by a couple of thousands of years.
It's ancient Greek.I can translate some words but not the whole think
Yeah the original european writings, vestiges of the early Anatolian migrations.
>be meme flag faggot
>shit at banter
Show us your flag friendo :)
the Sinaia plates, most likely, but not the tartaria tablets
>The Tărtăria tablets /tərtəria/ are three tablets, discovered in 1961 by archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa at a Neolithic site in the village of Tărtăria (about 30 km (19 mi) from Alba Iulia), in Romania.[1] The tablets, dated to around 5300 BC,[2] bear incised symbols—the Vinča symbols—and have been the subject of considerable controversy among archaeologists, some of whom claim that the symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world.
Remove this, it is ha-ram.
>evil sub post
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine
>first writing in the world
>dick around for the next 7 thousand years developing nothing and becoming gypsies
behold, your legacy
Hey dude, can you give some tips on basket weaving?
>be Romania
>lack history
>create your own forgeries to advance the fake Dacian meme
not Anatolian, but from the Cyclades.
> The material and the style used for the Tartaria artefacts show some similarities to those used in the Cyclades area, as two of the statuettes are made of alabaster.
Moreover, tablets with similar writings have been found in Bulgaria and Greece (the Gradeshnitsa tablets and the Dispilio Tablet)
Yeah it says 'OP is a faggot'.
So what you're saying is that they are not worthwhile human beings. They don't deserve love, what am i saying, love is just a silly emotion for losers and weaklings. Far below you.
pic related shows the similarity with other cultures
Retards couldn't draw for shit.
No, because that's a woman's job around here
Wasn't Dacian one of the languages 'Forgotten Languages' was working on?
Come on dude, we've all heard how good Cambodians are at basket-weaving, just the tip. I mean just a tip.
being such a deluded faggot.
Carve. Same shit, they sucked dick.
It says: "Romanians are the purest and noblest in blood of all Evropa - the heirs of Rome and the children of the gods."
If you submit that shit to /ic/ you'll get laughed at.
This proves that aliens created Bigfoot to protect Earth from the Reptilian invaders.
>heirs of Rome
we seriously should go back in time and shoot all of those Francophile politicians of ours that decided to name this country "Romania". Literally a meme-tier name that does nothing else but reflect the sclave-type mentality that we should be proud of the fact that the Romans conquered us and ruled us for less than 300 years.
here's your (you), don't be sad user.
Dude, you're Romanian.
And there's nothing wrong with that, haha. You thought i was being mean.
At least it isn't as meme-tier as "Macedonia", which has no historical link to Alexander's Macedon, as the Slavs entered the land 900 years after his death.
Hi im a linguist
Very interesting piece you got there user.
It says:
"When the ancient frog awakes from its slumber those whom from stars came shall return"
really makes u shit urself ...
there were two currents back when this country was aiming at gaining its independence: one wanted to celebrate the fact that we came from the Dacians (distinctive culture, something to be proud of), while the other wanted to celebrate the fact that we were part of the "Latin" group (this group was mostly formed from the aristocrats that were francophile to the extent of speaking only French in their own homes). The Latin-Framcophile Group won, hence why our country is now called Romania, not Dacia. Simple as that.
Every single thing about this pisses me off.
Not bad.
How's Vacation Bruce?
Make sure you go to Kerfuffle.
Get the fuck out of here (and come back some day when the ancient frog awakes from it's slumber).
Interesting - I want to start a YouTube channel that addresses little-known historical happenings, and I would like to make a video on this topic.