Red pill me on global warming hoax

red pill me on global warming hoax

are we being jewed? for what?

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to establish a trillion dollar slush fund for the globalists to use to permanently enslave us

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$ and power. Oil and coal donate to the right while the left owns the patents on solar. Climate change is Gaia worship. The original sin of carbon footprint now buy forgiveness goyim or the whole planet will become a fiery hellscape!!! Totally not a cult right? Gaia worship to the point that if you ask if the sun is at all involved you're attacked as a heretic.

it's real, but not at the projected extent
forcing the west to change is irrelevant when the east doesn't care

>forcing the west to change is irrelevant when the east doesn't care
This whole debate would evaporate into nothingness if the general public could hear these words from someone they trust.

its a virtue signalling scheme and money market, it gives them cover to spray the sky with chemtrail's n shiet for muh global warmnesses but really they are probubly spraying toxic/deadly metals, waste materials, got to keep that "BIG PHARMA" multi trillion business running, sick people are money trucks, now that The Furer is gone they dont care about human health, they care about where the next big drug market profit is.

is there any studies of the effect of the sun on global climate aptterns?

would love to seriously read it

the silence of the scientific community when al gore made his documentary full of lies should be all you need to know about global warming.

Carbon tax is meant to be a global income tax (carbon is a decent proxy for GDP). This will pave the way for consolidation under a global government. The same process was used in the USA with the Federal income tax to further remove any sovereignty from the states.

There are serious scientists doing their homeworking. None of them appear on televesion. Everything you see on media is a instrumentalization of developing science to a pourpuse. The purpouse is to dissiminate anti-capitalist propaganda. The alternative would be a return to some idilic primitive and comunist society.

but everyone is already enslaved

Just thinking about it for a second. Assuming global warming is true and works exactly as ipcc claims, then what effect would any of the proposals on the table have on global warming? None. So it is reasonable to conclude that the proposals have nothing to do with stopping global warming. So then what are they for? What effect does a global tax have? It shifts sovereignty from nation-states or existing geopolitical blocks to a global organization

Non-globalist redpill:
No one can measure it, THEREFORE
No one can say it's happening, THEREFORE
No government will/can fight it, THEREFORE
Fighting it is worthless.

Why is it an issue: people want to be paid money to fix it, and since it can't be measured, they don't have to be effective.

There are plenty of studies, just that they are all in extremely technical jargon that only makes sense to other researchers and are usually behind paywalls.

the climate of the planet changes by itself
people putting extra carbon in the atmosphere has a warming effect
both of these things are true

>graph ends in the 19th century

Wrong. The carbon tax is a scheme by the oil industry to corner the electricity generation market. 90% of all natgas reserves are owned by oil companies. If they lobby for a carbon tax, coal is cost-prohibitive for electricity generation. What is the next option? Natural gas.

Brainlets can't put this together.

>people putting extra carbon in the atmosphere has a warming effect
Also increases crop yields.
Those decresaing CO2 emissions are increasing poverty.

And what really gets me about climte change is that people expect governments to SIMUTANEOUSLY decrease CO2, and demand the best SOL possible...they expect the impossible.....but are too dishonest (with themselves), or dumb, to realize it.

"""global warming""" = exaggerated lie
"climate change" = truth shilled as being the same as global warming

if global warming conjures some image of the world turning into a desert into your mind, the shilling has worked. Climate Change is real though, and before we destory the ozone layer and all the oceans dry up (etc etc) the earth will undoubtedly enter a new ice age

to make our land comfy

>is global warming happening
>should you give a fuck
Maybe, I mean like, it’s not it’s all humans being dicks to earth, it’s more like a ton of cows farting too much
Also Once the water rises, it’s just gonna lower back down
Cucks are telling other cucks this stuff to scare each other, while not even doing anything about it but acting like they care and telling people to not drive trucks so then they look politically correct
>so should you give a fuck
Sure, you don’t have to and you probably shouldn’t even get involved in conversations about it
If you really want to do something, then eat more cow
>do I give a fuck

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>do you trust them, or your own mind?
Perhaps you're interested in my thread "user Theory: Face-Reality"...
I used to have SO MUCH faith in the heroism of people...but not so much anymore...and I've realized that in addition to G (measured in IQ), a person's self-honestly plays a HUGE ROLE in the ability of their G to discover reality.

You fucks are wily....your insatiable edgeness is rooted in seeing what others have/could recognize both sides,
and support the underdog IN ORDER TO get at the truth.

Most people pick the winner...they chase the tribe instead of the truth. But you slippery dicks can discern reality...and perhaps that's the reason that face recognition is challenging...most people don't matter- and thus the ability is never developed...I'd say that the ableist in this department are the politicians...whose reality is actually based on the perception of others. I'll also point out that you cagey edgelords more easily recognize faces of people who matter.

Now, in conclusion, I'd suggest that, given that you are able to discern reality FOR YOURSELF, that you cconsider traps- they offer a comporable sexual experience without the detriment of children. Be rational.

A permanent guilt for the masses, similar to Catholicism. Your existence is ruining the planet, always apologize for itt.
Distracts them from the real Jewish overlords.

Why did you quote me you fucking nigger? I didn't want to hear your brainless drivel. Just be considerate to the people around you for once in your pointless life and and fucking kill yourself you walking breathing piece of human garbage.

>should Climate Change be combatted?
It's impossible. You can't combat something you can't measure- you can't make meaningful measurements, especially over a period of less than 30 years...even then the reliability of the data is low.

And you can't measuse how much you impede climate change. And therefore companies tasked to combat it cannot be reprimanded for not combatting it.

Climate Change is championed by boomers, who want to feel good about something- so they choose something imaginary.

I googled Solar activity + cliamte change and the top results have headlines denying the link

Google is so fucking dishonest

You can’t combat a natural process either

Google isn't interested in telling you the truth though. They just give you the most popular stuff given the search terms and your activity history.

I thought the Rothschilds could control the weather

startpage and duckduckgo arent that much better result wise

>You can’t combat a natural process either
"The Fatal Conceipt," the title of Hayek's book regarding our ability to plan an economy, could title so many of people's obsessions. Pehraps they should first try being honest with themslves.

Weather and climate are not the same

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>Google doies not say truth
...unless it's what people want...and people usually only want to confirm what they alreayd think

Google is not the problem, the problem is people's obsession AND ABILITY to act on what they WANT to beleive.

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that actually empowers the global warming lobby

>that actually empowers the global warming lobby

>for what?
An economic bubble based on the non-delivery of an intangible. Getting it yet?

>still posting graphs that end over 100 years ago

>are we being jewed?
Yes, but we do effect temp to an extent. Basically global warming is exaggerated. If it was global cooling we would be in a lot more trouble. Also think about it this way who is going to get more funds the scientist saying that we are all going to die within 20 years or the one who says this is probably something we should look into but we probably are not going to all die anytime soon. Also there have been mutliple times shown scientist fudging their data even some climate scientist exposed this as well.

Does it look like this guy is worried about his carbon footprint?

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The ice/cold dychotomy is their main argument.

Ice age is imminent. Crop losses, extended winters and glacier growth are mounting. Areas in China, Canada and Europe that should be planting summer crops five days from now (as they normally would) are still covered in snow and hail. You’ve been lied to for a long time by a system of belief that suppresses any opposing voice as a heretic to be killed.

Store up some extra food and seeds before the prices shoot up or worse people. Make sure you’ve got something to eat if shit gets bad in a hurry.

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its at the peak of the climb right now, they will say "see, if we dont stop it it right now will only go further up"

>Zero years before present is 100 years before present

Global warming is happening, deal with it.

Co2 emissions are the first byproduct of industrialization, so slapping large fines/taxes on poor nations keeps them from raising globally, and keeps all of the plebeians within wealthy nations serfs through exorbitant taxation. TL;dr it's essentially Neo Colonialism, look into Latin American Dependancy Theory and it kind of pieces it togeather

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>95 years before 2000
pick one

>Ice age iminemt
>Store food
The market will adjust, prices will keep muricans fat, relax.

both of those search engines are powered by google though. They just remove your personal history from the search.

Google is absolutely part of the problem since it enables people to affirm their false ideas by connecting them with other people who share those false ideas. Problem is that Google can't actively sort through the web and rate every claim every person makes based on how true or false it is and if you do want to find the truth you can but it takes a shitload of effort in some cases.

>It's impossible
If your just talking about limiting CO2 emissions then yes you can even though this has littel effects with liberal policies. Funny thing is that capitalism with oil frigging and nuclear energy is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions.

Google 'Milankovich Cyclicity'

The guys that originally discovered 'Climate Change', or the Sea Level Cycle as it's called by actual scientists, ironically worked for Exxon. The two major drivers are tectonics increasing volcanism and the orbital parameters of the sun. Influences that are less understood, but still acknowledged to be relevant include short term perturbations of solar luminosity and the role of insulating gasses.

The left makes a big deal about insulating gases, specifically CO2, but it's far from cut-and-dried. Ask a GAIA cultist about the CO2 levels during the Late Ordovician Glaciation and you're going to hear a lot of sputtering, followed by ad-hominems. There isn't a consistent trend in the geological record tying high CO2 to high temperatures, although intuitively it does make sense that would occur. It just doesn't appear to actually happen that way.

They want control of air, water, temperature... probably for some tax or insurance business scam

>they will say "see, if we dont stop it it right now will only go further up"
Ah. As it has before.
So you plan to 'reason' with people who want tp counter-act nature? Pretty soon, in public, I'm going to have a hard time not laughing at such people. It's one thing to be naive/dumb, it's another to strive to be retarded.

Have fun under your mile-thick ice sheet, leaf.

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>it's to maintain the monopoly of industrialized nations

I disagree. The industrilzed nations exist because of Whtie people's time preference- without it, our indusrty does not exist.

Climate change activism is demanded by voters...there is no conspiracy.

It's a vast exaggeration. All the predictions have been wrong. If it were such a big deal, we would be fighting wars to make sure that countries cut emissions.

Regardless, pollution is bad and has very immediate damaging effects besides contributing to the greenhouse effect.

You're retarded. Oil companies 'own' virtually 0 natural gas reserves. You lease the property you are drilling on from the government, usually, or get permission from private landowners who you then pay a royalty and various fees to. The actual acreage owned by any particular oil company is negligible and it's basically office spaces and warehouses, not drilling acreage. You should really learn the absolute fundamental basics of the business before posting. FFS oil leases are literally the 2nd largest revenue stream for the entire USG after income tax.

Oil companies are not opposed to the carbon tax but not for the brainlet reason you mentioned. They are open to it because it stabilizes the price in what is otherwise a very swingy business. Upturns and Downturns in the energy industry a brutal, easily the most brutal of any economic sector currently existing. So the CEOs obviously wouldn't mind if the commodity itself was a smaller part of the overall pump price, as that would greatly insulate them from supply and demand fluctuations.

>18 years is statistically significant
>in a 10,000 year cycle
I hate Germans. You are trash.

>95 years before 2000 is 18 years ago
>in charge of charts

>tax our product
>so our prices are more constant
Amerimutt education is a meme.

The Gypsy posted 2 charts, I'm referring to the former.
The Gypsy's latter chart simply coroborates our increasing temperanture.

Nice backpedaling.
I also agree that a chart that spans 400 000 years is useless in disproving man made climate warming that began 200 years ago.

Wow, great rebuttal! I think you'd have better critical thinking abilities if you weren't jerking off to trap porn all day.

You realize oil gets stockpiled when prices are low, correct? What do you think that does to the upstream operators who extract the oil? Think really hard.

>chart does not account for huge increasing in manmade emissions
I agree that past data means little. What I push is the notion that EVEN IF climate change is real, we lack both the abuility to meaningfully measure and combat it. And thus, climate chasnge activism is wasted effort.

>oil companies act based on the current's day's prices
USA is a double digit IQ nation

That's because CO2 is a a piss weak greenhouse gas that is only present in trace quantities within our atmosphere. Water vapor is far more potent than CO2 and is far more plentiful in our atmosphere, but water vapor is useless for driving their chicken little fear mongering because they can't pin water vapor on industry.

Human caused climate warming is real. What you do about it is politics. Don't comment about me trashing the bullshit or out of context charts.

>tax revenue

Emissions only affect the local area/region. It's not going to disturb the weather and temp cycle at a global scale. The scheme is (a) tax gibs (taxing industry & population) and (b) the creation of a new market (ie. green energy) which tech advanced countries will dominate. Now that countries are starting to stabilize and develop worldwide, the west is simply afraid to lose the upper hand and they need to 'innovate' to keep their position. Just look for example at the shale oil/gas and other unconventional sources in opec countries. Venezuela's shale reserves alone are batshit insane. When developing nations start properly working together, they could grow economically to the point of surpassing socialism-infected european nations. Ofc, politicians here do not want to get rid of socialism either, as that is their number one scam. In other words, they want to keep stealing from us but they still want the west to remain #1. They're kikering faggots.

>hat you do about it is politics.
You can't meaningfully measure/affect something that cannot be reliabily measured. As such, it's inane to expect governments to combat it.

Go there! Learn.

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Over the next hundred years I think we'll find decent ways combat climate change. I mean even if the current change it isn't man made, people are very interested in controlling the climate through technology and we're hardly going backwards technologically.

Agreed. Sad for you that human caused climate warming is not one of those things.

>even if the current change it isn't man made, people are very interested in controlling the climate through technology and we're hardly going backwards technologically.
I agree with this. I disagree with spending money without the expectation of being able to measure sucdess- it's 100% a way for governments to save face while enriching their donors.

supposedly carbon tax is also aimed at reducing meat consumption
in other words making people even more unhealthy

secondarily aimed, at I mean

>climate change, and action towards, can both be reliabily measured
As realiabile as The Furher was in ensuring a White Germany.

>That graph was made in 1905

>controlling borders is impossible

Also Leftists:
>we can control the temperature of the heavens

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>supposedly carbon tax is also aimed
There is no 'grand scheme,' there is only governments doing what is popular. Climate Change activism's popularity simply indicates that the electorate is gas-worthy.

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You have the internet at your fingertips. Maybe start with a chart that isn't cut off over 100 years ago or where the relevant period is not 0.05 percent of the total.

This. Leftsm is amental disorder...and I mean this...they are unable to come to terms with reality...they ahve the IQ, just not the honesty.

The graph calls 2000 the present. The last datapoint is 95 years before "present".

Seriously, don't they teach you how to read graphs in Finland?

>russian made climate warming

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>for what?
Money nigga. Next time some faggot is trying to fool you about global warming you tell that fucker you are all for making positive change but you ain't paying a dime and they need to go tell China and India to get their shit straight first. Find the niggas who are getting the carbon tax money and Auschwitz their ass like the Jews of old.

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I had dinner with a couple of German colleagues the other night who legitimately thought Germany had free speech.

Suspension of disbelief is a big part of German culture.

The incalculable amount of variables which factor into climate are impossible for us to comprehend much less measure, disseminate and discern each influence with every other corresponding variable affected. It is closer to chaos than picking out a handful of environmental flags and stating such a blanket explanation as fact.

Even the simplest of processes become near chaotic when examined in ever increasingly smaller scale much less planetary. Improvements in data collection with disregard to localized environmental and topographic variables (changed or underreported), coupled with the sheer amount of data collected for comparison antiquates previous data in scope and methodology.

Climatology is political party, which explains the wildly unreasonable reaction to qualified dissension in peer review, refusal of data sharing and dismissal of the need for reproduction when errors and falsifications are present. If it had remained in the scientific realm, it would still be called Meteorology. That every climatologist concurs, what they were taught and are now teaching is fact, means nothing. Experimenter bias can be attributed to much more than a salary in the prestige of fronting humanity saving research in our dire final hour, receiving awards and accolades and earning a prominent place in the regulatory behemoth established to counter the contrived results before they show no fruition. It might just focus data gathering at predetermined locations of concentrated production of the conformational data required.


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>governmenbts will fund/popularize research that quesitonons anthroprogenic climate change
I wish Hitler gassed your entire nation.

The embedded politics are on display when all importance is placed on halting progress and limiting freedoms instead of countering the perceived effects through their own means of collection, disposal, or production of whatever they imagine will balance things out.

If man's influence on climate change was correctly represented as a hypothesis, it would not currently be the basis for the regulatory systems being devised, causing apoplectic opposition to the devastating economic ramifications and repression of civil liberties. Then research with the removal of politics being of foremost prominence in the exclusion of experimental bias would ensure the integrity of the studies and true consensus can be found.

>people are very interested
For every 1 person that's grown to care, 100 more are brought up to not give a shit, other than that sure you're right.

>you cannot combat that which you cannot measure
Agree. "The Fatal Concept," by Hayek, would cure leftists of th eir insatiable inanity.,

>Time preference means climate change matters ZERO for most people

It's to move people into the cities to create megacities and make people easier to control while letting the rest of the land become overgrown again. depopulation too

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>red pill me on global warming hoax
Wealth distribution from 1st world to 3rd world. Some UN dudes already admitted to it.

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