Thoughts on female cops?

thoughts on female cops?

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Im surprised more are not raped. But we all know that a female cop wont be sent to the ghetto or around anything except traffic stops.

was not going to pop into thread but i caught a bloop on my retard radar: it's you

If they are rough and they endure the trip, it's fine

cannot and should not work alone

They should not be cops, but if they have to be they need a male partner.

without men, obviously. ive seen to many videos of female cops getting btfo'd around the world and its sad. they should always work with a male partner

They're like male cops but less effective, and expect the same pay for whatever reason.

Police are inherently political and there is a legitimate need for representation. Females should have limited and specific roles. They can be much more effective than men getting important information from other women or children for example.

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butch lesbians

The only place a female cop should ever be is behind a desk doing secretarial paper work, if that. Women are not only physically weak, but also mentally weak and more likely to freak out and lose their cool during the job.

They are weak and their male counterparts have to make up for their shortcomings.

>cannot and should not work alone

Why not? Sometimes male police officers work alone. It's time women prove they're equal, and don't need no help from no man.

They're good for domestic disturbance stuff.

I walked by a police station to go to work when I lived in the city and the female cops had to hold their belts while walking. I'd smile and nod at them like I do everybody and you could see the weakness in their eyes. They knew they would never be able to restrain me and would just end up shooting my ass. Women have 1 million years of evolution as a home maker. That's their place.

If they meet all the same requirements that men need to meet I don't see why not.

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Physically weak people (male or female) should not work in jobs where physical strength is a high priority.

Females don’t even make good females anymore


women shouldn't have political representation.

You're trying to get someone to post that webm aren't you?

They should be just trained in shooting and have special permits to gun down people more often, until they reach the same level of fear regular cops induce.

men and women are inherently not equal, there is no possible way for her, or any female, to meet the standards of a man

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It seems like every year they continue to lower standards to hire more female cops.
They under perform in every area.
All physical requirements for being a officer are basically thrown out the window.

How can statist scum be so pretty so many different ways?


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They're only capable of taking care of tards in school

Police work involves physical activity, and often the use of physical force when not using a ranged weapon.

>women were approximately 52% and 66% as strong as the men in the upper and lower body respectively
>women had 45, 41, 30 and 25% smaller muscle CSAs(cross sectional area) for the biceps brachii, total elbow flexors, vastus lateralis and total knee extensors

If a cop is going to be serving me, I want it to be a man. I don't have thoughts on female cops, I have reality.

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Unless the person doing the domestic disturbing is a man who is unwilling to physically comply.

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I once spoke to a police officer and had a good old joke about women in policing and he shut me down quite well, after a couple of jokes of course, by simply pointing out although they are not physically strong they can quite often talk down criminals and are able to deal with people in a much better way than just a bunch of male cops. It was quite eye opening and changed my mind about female cops. It should never be 50/50 though.

Almost all men (90% of men) have the strength to do can do police work. All men who are not handicapped, dwarf, deformed, underweight, etc can do it fine. Almost all women have to strength to do police work when dealing with women, which should their primary function. There's also tools and other things assist cops and apparently they can simply drive smack into even non-combative people over or shoot and done with it. So you have no excuse, shill. And physical strength is by far not the most important factor in being police. Sorry gay faggot shill but your burly Chad faggot dream boy is not the only person who is suitable for the job. You're faggot male bio race faggot force belongs in your head and nowhere else. Also amazing how to establishment faggot shills, only guys like these are suitable for everything entry level that is objectively lightyears better than bottom tier shit employment. Now go back to your establishment shill faggot 4 cops thread

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did you ever seen a female cop alone? there are always two male cops beside her only for her protection.

thank god women have such good emotional intelligence, I cant wait to sit thru another seminar explaining to me that although Jennifer's ideas are consistently bad, we should listen to them because reasons

They're just good for female pat downs.

Ex's mom was RCMP. Total power tripping cunt. She's probably reading this spying on me now actually.... WE WERE HAPPY AND A GOOD COUPLE BEFORE YOU STEPPED IN YOU FEMINIST ASSHOLE

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>Im surprised more are not raped.
Its because they carry guns.

I look forward to beating them to death.

Useful for certain parts of the job, like interviewing people, talking down people who would be confrontational with a guy, dealing with female suspects.

Bad choice for use of force situations.

>Why not? Sometimes male police officers work alone.
Because they're terrible at use of force. The strength disadvantage means that they're justified in going to the gun earlier.

> It's time women prove they're equal, and don't need no help from no man.
Fair enough. I withdraw this for any woman who passes the mens police standards for strength, physical prowess and shooting. There's probably like 3 in all of America who do.

>did you ever seen a female cop alone? there are always two male cops beside her only for her protection.

Fairly frequently in the US. Usually when there's serious shit going on so there aren't enough police to cover everything as it is.

Police should always work in pairs in my opinion.
Its instant back up and helpful if its 2 against 1.

Do not be fooled by this gay shill "men" shit. It's might be easy to fall for until they reveal how it's only certain kinds of men they were talking about the whole time.

Like Hitler. "White Germans!" He said. Then later it's seen that he was only talking about tall blonde blue eyed men of a certain stature (speaking of men). Eradicate or disregard all other men.

Same shit on this board even. These faggot shills profess reverence for white men, but who do they actually mean? It's fucking clear. Manlets," "soyboy," "betas," unwealthy men, etc etc, all those white men can perish. They don't even count as white. The "white men" these faggot shills mean are the "Chad" "Alpha", muscular, big guy, etc. Those are white men. The others are shit. Very similar to Hitler actually. You often see these shills even talking openly about eugenics against them and in favor of their pedestalized faggot boy toys. So don't jump to being a beta orbiting bitch for some shit ideology.

im no cop but i wouldnt want a female cop as a backup when theres a 300 lbs nigger on pcp attacking me
for instance

They are useless.
And a threat to society.

Hitler summed it up well
if any of you brainlets have the attention span to watch a 6 minute video

Criminals love them!

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She only struggles due to a lifetime of pressure from patriarchal systems.

>Criminals love them!

Find out why with these five easy to remember tips...

Anyone have the webm of the woman cop shooting a man already in custody lying on the ground?

That male officer not immediately drawing his baton and caving that animal's head in. He is just as useless.

Most female police never put themselves in this sort of situation. They make hardly any arrests and let scumbags scream at them without consequences. They trade entirely upon the reputation of the (mainly white) male police officers in the ranks.

Implying that the majority of critical incident negotiators are not males.
The only things they're better at is consoling females and dealing with female prisoners. That's only a very small and non-critical part of policing though. There's no issue with 10% of police being female. When they try for 50/50 though, that sucks a ton of fighting and running strength out of the ranks.

In the academy for HPD. 4 females in a class of 35, all openly fantasize about getting to mistreat and beat dudes who remind them of their abusive ex's and/or fathers. They are absolutely worthless physically but we have to lower and lower the standards til we can meet quotas for pussies in uniform. They struggle intensely with even the first weeks test on texas penal code and it's just common knowledge that their scores are curved separately. We all pray to God not to end up working with them and work our asses off to never interact with them lest we end up on the business end of a bullshit misconduct dismissal. It's worse than you think.

I've served in the army (in a mixed corps) and police. I've never, in 11 years, seen a woman not struggle with weapons drills and on the range. Even when they're veterans, they still rarely pass first go. I've never been impressed with a grouping (usually everyone gets a decent group at some point).

>and let scumbags scream at them without consequences
What consequences? Upon what law faggot?

>If a cop is going to be serving me
Cops don't serve you anyway. So you're good there.

Let me give you my 2 cents from my experience as an explorer in my local sheriff's office (it's like the Boy Scouts, but you do law enforcement training instead of camping).

In almost all of the intense physical training we do, female deputies/explorers are required to do less work. Although the local sheriff's office is moderately progressive, I think they realize that it is quite difficult for female deputies to preform the same physical tasks.

Although the average female deputy is typically physically weaker then their male counterpart, they have the ability to do things that male officers can't do. For one, most law enforcement agencies make it very clear that only female deputies can search female suspects, so they are needed for that reason. There are also many situations where victims, criminals, children and general members of the public are more comfortable with talking to female officers than male officers for a plethora of different reasons.

In summery, they may not normally be as strong as male deputies, but they fill some very impotent niches in the field of law enforcement.

>pic unrelated

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In America, you occasionally get girls who learn fieldcraft, and hunting from their fathers at a very young age, but it's rare.

From a practical standpoint, the most useful thing I see female officers do better than men is deal with the screaming children that suspects and victims have. And here in the ghetto, there's ALWAYS screaming children.

wouldnt mind to cop a feemale

my neighbors called the cops on me because i was riding my motorcycle around the block after midnight. it was a lame thing to do but i spent the day fixing it and trying to get it to run. i was in my driveway with it idling when the first car pulled up and 2 male cops got out and a few seconds in the middle of explaining what i was doing a second car came with a dyke and some fat male cop. the female interrupted me explaining to the first cops and began yelling when i ignored her and kept talking to the first guys. she then grabbed me and searched me for no reason. i eventually just went inside and to bed. but it was funny to me the dyke would immediately power trip out and be hostile.