Overpopulation General

So are there too many people on this planet? Does this mean that war and culling are actually favorable? Should I give a fuck if ww3 came and killed 2/3 of the world population?

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overpopulation has been an issue for how long?
when are we actually going to start seeing the effects of it?

It's retarded that countries haven't nationalized eugenics. Heavily favors the upper class though, so it'll never happen.

>I'm poppy

Africa would already be seeing the effects of it without support. Actually Africa is still seeing some of the effects of it despite support.

she hates niggers too

yes because all of that 2/3 of the population wiped out will be civilized people and the only people left will be retarded nigmonkeys

There are arguments that when overpopulation develops, a natural incentive to slow down occurs in some shape or form. We see this now in advanced civilizations with generations not wanting to have children over multiple reasons, but it can go as far as the global fertility rate dropping, as scientists were predicting I think in 2013-2014 that it will drop to 2 children average in the next few generations as we approach the 10 billion global population mark.

Over a third of the population is from India and China.

>thinking emoji

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The people that would be killed in WW3 are not the people that need to die. We need to kill off every single African, Half of the Pajeets, and Half of the Chinese and then the world population will be looking stable again.

Delet Africa
Delet China

Problem largely solved

If we would kill on sight any immigrants and stop the flow of gibs then their population would normalize within a year or so, with most of the overpopulation dying off and going down to manageable and self-sustainable levels. Overpopulation and poverty/starvation/epidemics in Africa are entirely the fault of retarded leftists.

Delet yourself first faggt

There are only around 900 million people on this planet. The rest are subhumans.

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Overpopulation will sort itself out where the toughest survive. Stop Ethiopia or whatever that African country that's booming.

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>France is basically africa

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Honestly we should be more responsible as a species when it comes to breeding, not just in a eugenic sense but in overall population, as well as ratios of which types. Until we start going innaspace and can realistically sustain colonies, hard truths about the current setup have to be accepted, or else we're digging our own collective grave.

Really what we need to do is leave them to their own devices. Africans have a natural system for population control I believe. It would explain why they're relatively violent. I can see how they could have adapted to fight a lot because of the abundance of resources. Asians and whites didn't need behavioral population control because the cold environment did it for us.

actually, 1/3 of the worlds pop. is in china, and ANOTHER 1/3 of the worlds pop. is in india. The rest of the entire world is the final 1/3, with a large portion of that being in Africa.

Sure then, go now and tell that to the chinks and niggers, I'm sure they are very interested in topic and will act accordingly. It's not like the only people reading this shit are white and already below replacement rate.

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Only kill MEN.
And as many as it is possible to. The surviving guys will have harems of women.

The whole overpopulation thing is misleading and dishonest. Yes there is problem of overpopulation but it's limited to cities. Overproduction on the other hand is a different matter.
Some would rather reduce the amount of people on the planet than reduce production of unnecessary and in many cases degenerate products.

Just simple look at land mass per capita across the world should be enough to see this problem in more realistic way.

500 million would be a perfect number. That's what we should strive for. Now please, kys and your family.

I figure the Chinks would already get it, the Indians similarly so. The Nogs, well, there's no getting past their need for instant gratification and animal behavior.


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I fucking love Poppy

It's a self regulating issue. When the population gets untenable, expect it to fall. Through war or famine.