200, 500, 1000, 10,000 years ago it used to be the norm to marry your childhood friend

you grew up with em and married em and were part of a community and you could actually look up into the sky and see the stars at night.

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Yeah but muh female suffrage gib wimmin powah plz
You can thank the 20th century for fucking almost everything up.

They’re already dead, lad

if you didnt die of fucking bubonic plague or get raped to death by invading Mongols first.

You married whoever your father told you to marry, faggot.

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But not you because you were that disgusting child the village would blame a plague break out on later, and leave you starving and sick in a cage at the entrance of town.

We have vidya and high speed porn now, who needs a wife to divorce and enslave us?
Life is great!

Ths but unironically. Let the roasties stew lay on the bed they have made

Don't worry user, all it'll take for us to go back to those times is a total global collapse with billions dead. Once the welfare state is gone, then women will be able to fall for men instead of falling for the government

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I can't get sent to jail for unpaid child support if I keep my dick in my hand.

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I want my Stacie wife too, user.

If you sincerely believe that beautiful tale, you are a turboautist. Please user, go outside your home and try to be the best version of yourself.

all my childhood friends grew to be ugly women, I don't think so.

The only thing I long for is a loyal wife that I can be myself with. It is literally the most unattainable in the world to me....

>because those things have anything to do with each other
Why are liberals such useless faggots?

shameless bump

that sounds fucking terrible tbqh. I want to travel to other countries and breed their women. Genghis had the right idea

As someone who just got done with that, let me tell you why it's horseshit.

>Meet girl at my daycare when I was 5/6
>She lived just down the street so our parents let us play together all the time
>Lived through every high school stereotype you can imagine, first kiss, prom dates, etc
>"No no no we totally don't like each other lol"
>End up dating shortly after high school
>The only time in my life I've ever broken a bone is shoving her out of the way of a car because she walked out without looking
>Fucked my ankle up so bad I had to get a full metal replacement
>We dated for two years, quietly drifted apart and stopped talking
>About a year later she contacts me again and we get back together like nothing happened, like a bookmarked page
>Spent the last six years living together in our own home, through heaven and hell and everything inbetween
>When we had financial problems I always made sure she was taken care of, even if it needed me to sacrifice something
>I never use social media
>She has some slut friend she starts hanging out with
>Has a dramatic change over the last year, starts criticizing me over everything or yelling at me about nothing
>Starts disappearing for days at a time
>Gets angry when I visit her at work, this was never a problem before
>Stops bringing home dinner, helping with housework, I have to argue to get her to hand over bill money
>Find out her slut friend convinced her to hide a secret relationship behind my back
>Confront her, she bawls her eyes out, "I'd never do that to you" etc etc
>Show her proof
>She goes cold
>"I've hated you for a while now, you were just a roof over my head, fuck you and your fucking rabbit, I hope you die, you held me prisoner" etc etc
>Her and her things gone when I get home, leaves her key on the table, blocks me everywhere
>Was one month ago yesterday and I still wake up every morning wishing I was dead

Can't even trust women you've known for 20+ years.

Then the car was invented, now people interact with the people they best fit with.

Because traveling hundreds or even thousands of miles isn't a big deal anymore.


Because you are an autistic fuck with an awful personality. Did that ever occur to you? Fucking burgers...

aw dude, the first love hurts for like a decade even when it has the common decency to die in middle school.

im sorry dude, that will probably hurt for life.
you need to fuck as many ugly bitches as possible until that heals.

Holy shit, bro... I'm sorry that happened to you

Yeah, the dream is to find an equally autistic wife with a complimentary horrible personality.

Then you fusion into a team of awful autists.

that's the dream, i think i might have it.

unbelievable. hope you find a q/t that treats you right, user.

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Wow, what a cunt.

Yeah but you were to ignorant to be afraid of those things happening so you didn't live your life in anxiety. Also medieval life is still civilized. You have to go back to total prehistory for a natural life.

Don't give up on life, have kids, someday we can have that world again.

damn son live hope you're self-improving yourself its just hormones you're feeling

gayest shit i've read today..keep this shit in your diary

not really. marriage ages fluctuate wildly between people in different situations. 100 years ago, you'd be married at 16, 1000 years ago it would be about 25 if you were a feudal european. before that you would have had to establish a household. and before that it was just kidnapping.

I loved my childhood friend, but she got brainwashed at UCLA and decided that she hates my masculinity.

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The best part is posts like yours are what helped me the most at the worst parts of my hurt, because you reminded me to find my balls and spine

And then you died at 31

LOL yah more like you'd see your childhood friend marry the one big guy who could survive to age 30.

This is brutal. But, it still doesn't fully refute OP's point. In the olden days, you started having kids ASAP with the new bride.


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Haha. I'd poke OP with a long sharp stick, right in the balls. Why? Because he's the kid everybody hates.

Hit the gym. Problem solved. But you won't. It's so much easier to just complain about being a loser.

>short happy life
>long miserable life
choose one... but it's not exclusive. Maybe in a thousand years jews and feminism will be dead, and you can have both then.

According to her she was, she was on goybook telling everyone I beat her and refused to let her leave the house without telling me where she was going, calling her when she got there, etc. when in fucking reality I literally only asked her to call me if she was drinking and needed a fucking ride since we only had the one car and it was her friends who drove her around.

I fully expect to hear back from her in the next few months begging to come home, because she has no friends and her family can't stand her.

Plus they like it.

Did you have kids with her? If not that probably fucked it.

wow that sounds really fucking gay
you're most likely retarded

hur dur but now we have iphones that spy on us its called progress!

Thank your friendly local jews for killing this.

It sounds like she wasn't even your girlfriend.

You posted this a few days ago right?
I advise you go to a traditional parish and meet women there. People in general without a moral structure are bound to degeneracy.

I agree, we should kill foreigners to keep them from spreading disease and hurting white people.

She did you an enormous favour. Don´t let her be a part of your life anymore in any capacity, user. Trust me. I know that you are depressed right now and couldn´t figure out what happens, but eventually you are going to feel better. Carry on with your life and try to not spend more time thinking about her. It´s hard, but you can do it.

kinda hard to look at the stars nowaday

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Good. UCLA is a great university

having your own thread to complain 2 days ago with 250+ replies wasn't enough? Are you a (you)tivore?

i used to be that faggot who looked up at the sky and thought "i wonder if my future soul mate is looking at this same sky"

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That’s a bummer because my childhood friend turned out to be fucking hot

>you grew up with em and married em and were part of a community and you could actually look up into the sky and see the stars at night.

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I went somewhere better.

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Daily reminder romantism was a man creation and only inspired men. You have to have a soul to be romantic, most roasties don't.

> Let the roasties stew lay on the bed they have made
> Muuhhh MGTOW

To be fair was male WEAKNESS what allowed society to become victim to the international clique strategy.
Was their weakness what let society become degenerate and let woman nature run rampant.

>UCLA is a great university

Listen to this poster OP. Lost love hurts but it fades. Soon enough you'll find someone who makes you happier. And you'll be happy that you have that pain to remind you how great you have it in the future.

It's not that you can't trust women, it's that you have to know that women are easily influenced. You should have seen the warning signs when she started hanging out with the slut. You should have never let her hang around her type.

This is the same story I hear every time, especially recent fathers of daughters. I only ever feel pity for them as no matter how well they try to raise them, as soon as they are able to leave the house and live on their own, the jew is right around the corner biding his time for that moment to influence them and turn them into another whore statistic.

Makes you think

and there were no Jews to convince em to become sluts

>stories that never happened

I don’t want to believe you!

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Hang in there buddy. Western women suck ass. Find a girl that has had a traumatic life experience or a small town girl. I married a serbian farmers daughter. Most amazing woman ive ever met. They are out there rhey are just the minority.
I genuinely hope and pray you get past this and when she sees you and your new wife in 10 years you get to laugh in her face when she comes calling.

some of the worst things in life are true

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So. Just acid attack her. Allan wills it

Brutal. How do we deal with the Muslim problem?

Preferable to loneliness...

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Damn bro, I'm sorry.

Take comfort in knowing she's never going to have a peaceful life being a crazy bitch.

My parents met when they were twelve. They have been together for over 50 years.

>grow up two houses from blonde qt
>from four years old on every day is spent at her house
>in middle school get crush on other girl at school, dark and damaged girl
>both girls become besties to each other
>crush dumps me, i broken hearted. i stumble upon my picture in neighbor's vanity. realize i was betrayed by neighbor who loves me.
>puberty hits sometime around this time and 2/3 of daily wanks are to her. somehow never put it together that she's a quality girl and continue infatuation with dark, damaged girl at school.
>drift apart in high school
>everyone moves out, i never see her again except a couple times. dream of being with her regularly, even now in my thirties.
>she's a gorgeous, very successful graphic designer with a family. I'm barely more than a neet whose celibacy is at least voluntary.
>God literally had me grow up next door to my wife, but somehow i missed it until it was too late.
>i blame the Jews second only to myself.

Yep, gym and stay away from sexually degenerate women and your life will become much simpler.

i fucked up that dream

>We dated for two years, quietly drifted apart and stopped talking
>About a year later she contacts me again and we get back together like nothing happened, like a bookmarked page
You wouldn't have drifted apart if she really cared about you.
An ex-GF tried something like this on me because she needed a place to stay. Fortunately I didn't make the mistake you did.

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I was going to marry one of my best friends since childhood but she was killed by a drunk driver.
Now I just live day to day and the only joy I get is from my dog and gardening.

I been used myself too, met a virgin girl right after high school. Thought she was my best friend. Started hanging out with her slut girlfriends. Later on she comes out telling me that she was after me just for sex, fucking broke my heart to know that it was used by a degenerate hiding behind a mask to betray me. Now she is married to a guy that has to rule her with an iron fist so she doesn't cheat.

Now Chad is matching with your childhood friend and filling her up with his thick 9” dick

fpbp as always

Shit I fucked over and it still gets to me 15 years later sometimes, I miss the part of being best friends with her mainly and still seeking that with another women again. In the meantime all I have done is sifted through garbage.

>be infant me
>my mom and future mother in law go to the same first time moms class
>they were complete strangers and stayed strangers after the class
>I grow up in a completely different place than my wife
>somehow, by chance, we end up in the same high school
>start dating
>she's perfect
>fall hard for each other
>get married
>still married
>find out our moms attended the same class when we were infants
>pic related

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I could care less where you went. Just accept the fact the you blame this prestigious university for your problems.

sometimes i get real jelly of arranged marriage cultures. So fucking easy, just focus on your job while old people with nothing better to do find you a cute wife.

I tried. My parents basically destroyed all hope before I even had a chance.

Thats fucked up

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>larping this hard
wew lads

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>3rd time I read this same copypasta on here this week
quit spamming and GTFO my pol
wtf is your problem, faggot?

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Allan's a dick

The same way you deal with fleas

I feel like Dr. Phil, but You have to bring something to the table. A jigglegut that likes things that 14 year olds like, hold shit conversation, with nothing else going for them, isn't much. You aren't going to turn the first crank on their pussy and thus you're fucked. Get interesting and get fit. Or join the unfit, unattractive mgtow virgintow loser-nerds and austist mentally defectives.

>Daily reminder that the average person was a peasent who worked all day in the farming season, and starved all winter
Those were the 1%ers of the medieval times

Whats with this mean guy choking the robot
>Reddits a pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything

>Religious people will look at random coincidenses and think its proof of god

>Reddits a pretty cool
pic related

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I'm currently dating a girl who I was best friends with when I was a little kid up until like 10 or 11 years old when we moved away. Feels weird as she still lives in the same place.

And you are a virgin mr though guy

I'm not religious by any stretch. But the odds of that happening considering both our families moved several times while both of us grew up is pretty crazy.

Oh and I suppose all those coincidences all being coincidences is just a coincidence.