Abortion is bad

>Abortion is bad
>Death penalty is good

>Abortion is good
>Death penalty is bad
Why are republicans and democrats such hypocrites? Both are evil.

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The Phaetos is an alien slowly turning human. Fetuses aren't human, think about it.

womyn suffrage was a mistake

>I don't know the difference between guilt and innocence.

Imagine being this emotional.
>the same things are either always bad or always good
You can't be older than 20. Kid.

Abortion is good and Death penalty is good

Overpopulation is a problem. And majority people use abortion in New York are niggers so without abortion we would have more niggers walking around.
Death penalty is for criminals who deserve it. If you murdered someone, you should expect the same to happen to you.

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posting this thread again, tisk tisk
baby has no choice
the criminal was born and made his

its a retard test and if you dont pick dem or rep you are singled out as a possessing a problematic level of intelligence by The State

Killing people isn't always bad, killing people when there are other ways to deal with them is always bad.

Abortion kills more niggers than sickle cell. Control your women.


If someone wants an abortion then they don't want a kid. Parents that don't want their kid suck ass why would you want more of them? They just get divorced and breed more trannies n shit.

Blak Stain - Fallen Angels - Dark Eyes
Leave this world now, the last days are on you. The final warning is now sent, this is your end.

I am writing the final chapter on you right now. The end is coming or your kind.

>Be responsible for your actions.
>Don't be responsible for your actions.

What's so hard to understand? Don't get caught up in the specifics of life and death. This is about current day morality.

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I see a clump of cells

You are killing people that don't have to be killed either way. You are making citizens support unnecessary death and you are potentially killing an innocent person.

Agreed op, people who have an abortion should also get the death penalty. That way you take care of all the future problems at once.

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The real question is who is being aborted or put to death.

Putting walls around people is holding them responsible for their actions. Killing them in anything other than a self-defense situation when such a thing is possible is excessive.

Penalty implies a consequence of ones choices
You made a false equivolence

Both are evil.


>Death penalty is for criminals who deserve it. If you murdered someone, you should expect the same to happen to you.
if you ever argue with some amnesty faggot you cant use that argument. just tell them you want to save tax money, theres no retort to that

>killing people who have done nothing is good
>killing people who have murdered others is bad
i don't care though because abortion is nigger control, and niggers are not people, so don't even try to act like you have a moral high ground on me, it doesn't work

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You are killing all people.

>you are potentially killing an innocent person.
>But not babies though, they deserve to be cut up and have their body parts sold.
>Damned evil babies.

Your empty, feel good, egalitarian beliefs are fantasy and nothing more.

What does "both are evil" mean to you?

Abortion is WHAT RACE IS IT
Death penalty is WHAT RACE IS IT

looks black to me

are you retarded?

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Death penalty is justice. Abortion is injustice. There is no greater false equivalence in the universe.

Congratulations on being philosophically illiterate.

Things should never seem so obvious to you that you can dismiss dissenting opinions when it comes to the lives and deaths of other people. That is a sign of a corrupt soul.

Prison is justice, death penalty is excess in most cases.

Un hermoso ingeniero...