Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

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>missing obongo
He would just do the same as Trump
Start a war with Syria on the behalf of the jews

America is litterally a puppet of the jews, doesn't matter who they elect. They will always obey Israel




this is bait right?

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I'll start missing him as mutt-in-chief if he becomes leader of the UN

Yes. Not sure I can handle the shame till Trump is done.
Everywhere in the world you go you have to apologize for half the country. Its like having a super drunk friend.

honestly, trump sucks


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yes, you only ignore a few Geneva conventions but Grump committing war crimes, along with his gf May

bomb the chemical factories to protect the innocent, want kind of logic is that

bombs will cause environmental release just as easy as hitting a button

if you are a Syrian kid they claim to care but if you are a Yemen kid, the US will sell the bombs to kill and starve you

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if you have to apologize to people for winning, then you're a cuckold faggot.

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Yeah, we haven't had a good President since Jimmy Carter

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moar nogs for burgers prez desu


*cocks gun*
Hold still and I won't.

Not missing the nigger at all

Who dat?

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yes, watching him speak really reminds you of how a president is supposed to act

Ummm...Ummm...Ummm....Okie Dokie

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just look at him talk for one minute. he's actually able to put together a coherent argument instead of just rambling bullshit about things he knows nothing about and screaming fake news

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Hole up hole up , now listen to me listen to me!
Guy was a piece of trash that said himself he wasn't ready to be president.

real blackpill, voting for presidents doesnt matter. might as well be a 1-800 american idol send texts to 539 to vote for who you want to act as next president.

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Like you leave your moms basement.

>said himself he wasn't ready to be president.
if only trump could have 1/20 of his humility and common decency

you're a funny guy!
They all have strings attached.

And if you like your plan you can keep your plan

Not an argument. Trump speaks like a 4th grader (a proven fact, google it), and has a history of vulgar comments and sexual activity. Whereas Obama acted presidentially.

it's not fully his fault that the healthcare system is profoundly retarded and impossible to fix due to a bunch of corrupt, stubborn turds in the congress and a big collection of idiot voters opposing any reasonable measures.
that's why you end up with these half assed concoctions.
can't blame him for at least trying, though

Who are you sir ? Ah, silly me, the new janitor. Well, toilets on the 3rd floor are very dirty, see what you can do.

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lost hard

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Is drone striking US citizens without trial presidential?
How about taking out loans in the name of future generations?
Starting foreign wars even though he said he wouldn't?
Bypassing congress to create laws?
Plethora of other stuff I don't care to list out.

I'm wondering if he genuinely considers your comment as viable, or sees it as conspiracy theory or some sort of Russian propaganda or something, either way it's curious thing to think about how stupid people keep deciding the future of the world, just by voting for people based on their looks or way they present them self's to the public, so smoothest and best looking actors win. Democracy is a scheme carefully managed by MSMs approval/disapproval to the point of perfection.
Trump winning was a miracle, 'cause white people woke up, finally.

those flags. perfection

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>Is drone striking US citizens without trial presidential?
you wouldn't give a fuck if it had been a republican president
>How about taking out loans in the name of future generations?
idk, but there's going to be way more of that now after those lovely tax cuts
>Starting foreign wars even though he said he wouldn't?
like what? dropping a few bombs during an ongoing civil war that he didn't start?
>Bypassing congress to create laws?
literally working within the framework of existing laws
>Plethora of other stuff I don't care to list out.

No never fuck you and your nation wrecking corrupt ass party.

Shut up cucks, worry about your feminist government instead.

I miss Obama in the sense that I forget he exists.
The only time I'm reminded of him is when threads like this are made.

newfag shills don't know about id's

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serious question, but what were Obama's biggest faults/gaffs during his presidency

i know i wear the rose tinted glasses when looking back, since the only argument I ever hear against him is basically
>he's a nigger
and the fact hillary's actions seem to overshadow his

What gives you the right to determine how a president is supposed to act? We already agreed that there are only two qualifications for being president, and now you want to change the rules because you lost? Reminds me of the EC--it's only good when you benefit, right? Fuck off back to your synagogue with that pilpul.

Things Obama destroyed:
>The Middle East
>Race relations
>America's credit
>Manufacturing jobs
Things Obama created:
>Sky high racial tensions
>Record number of people on food stamps
>A new debt ceiling


It’s nice to have a president with balls, and a First Lady that doesn’t.

Neocon scum. Furthered Israel's wars.

But his biggest offense is fomenting racial tensions to a boiling point after the Baltimore and Ferguson riots.
All of the problems we have with uppity dindus stemmed from Obama's second term and not calling in the National Guard like he should have. Now they think they can do anything and get away with it.
Obama is not the worst president ever (that's either Wilson or LBJ) but he's easily in the bottom 5.

How can we miss you when you still won't go away?

Not a chance. 65k in taxpayer funded hot dogs is not acceptable. You don't get to steal my monies to subsidize your sick fetishes. You fucking commie.

You're projecting, not everyone think in absolutes like you do "we're good, they are bad" so you keep to your political side no matter what while being used for political purposes, neither side is good or bad, ideologies matter little from their perspective, it's merely a way to pander to peoples feelings/convictions, to get elected, once done, they do what corporate/banking elites contracted them with, US is a corporation, highest bidder makes the rules, people elect from previously selected by campaign financiers, US democracy is an illusion of choice.


>Invade Libya
> leave Iraq causing IsIs to raise
> Create a bill that is hated by both republicans and democrats
>fast and furious
> red line in the sand
>increased racial tensions
>worst foreign policy ever even more then Bush

Yeah I sure do miss him.

Today I saw a black woman and her child singing some "Obama llama yes we can" song. I went home and looked it up. super weird.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-20 The Llama Song - MooseTube GoNoodle - YouTube.png (877x576, 1.02M)

Never faggot.

If you actually listen to any of King Nigger's speeches, it's all just a bunch of flowery rhetoric, beautiful prose and moral bullshit with little substance. He was really the first post-modern, post-fact, post-truth president, and his lack of an ideological and/or spiritual framework caused more moral confusion than any one man since Jesus. What do you think he met by "The fundamental transformation of America"? I don't fucking know. He never actually made that clear. Should the law be amoral or should it be the extension of a particular, popular morality? Should good and bad be up for a vote? Should we have a separation of Church and State or not? He wants to take us back to the magna carta world, but also keep the egalitarian perversion of the phrase "all men are created equal".

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>post-truth president, and his lack of an ideological and/or spiritual framework caused more moral confusion than any one man since Jesus

He basically was a good politician and knew how to appeal to the most amount of voters

The thought that good presidents dont have a history of speaking profanely is fucking retarded and hilarious.

FACT: You are a Swedish disinfo agent.

forgot the blm flag

Absolutely. All the promises of paco - killing were just to cover up selling the country to the joos.

>same ID
top kek. fuck outta here.

Killing Syrians and Yemenis is probably the best thing for them, faggot.

Well it is better than putin-bots. That is for sure.

Based Obongo killed more muzzies than anyone. Trump just doesn't have what it takes to go on a murderous rampage.

And Mexico will pay for the wall and we will have big beautiful tax cuts.

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You do realize Grumpf has taken out the mother of all loans on our future, right?

Not yet. Stocked up with plenty of TP with this guy’s face on it.

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almost certainly satire but still funny




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Fun fact: The actor that portrays Obama played Ted Williams, the man with the golden voice.

Funny how it doesn't mention debt.

I AM PICKLE RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why is the butler posing in front of the resolute desk?

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Feels like he never existed. Name one positive thing he did. There's nothing but eight years of no leadership and stagnation.

Nothing. Obamanama pretty much turned the left into an authortarian cult and set back most of the progress made on the removal of white guilt several decades. That's not even including the damage he did to Europe. He was the worst president ever.

>One retarded Aussies creates a better episode of Rick and Morty than a team of 10 female writers
Season 3 was a mistake

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literally who?