DNC Lawsuit text

Here ya go niggers.


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Bump. Let's see how crazy they really are.


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DNC just fucked themselves. Oh I cannot wait.

They charge Assange as being a Putin puppet because he had a show on RT.

Now Trump can just drop all the real info in court for everyone to see.

will they have to read this to a judge?

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The whole thing is bascially based on the crowdstrike report which has already been shown to be bullshit and the owner of crowdstrike even backtracked on it.

>suing the Russian state in an American court


Now Assange can reveal Seth Rich as the source... not Guccifer 2.0

>The Russians hacked the DNC, don't get the FBI involved, let's let Crowdstrike investigate.
>Sorry, had to destroy all the evidence because Russia kept hacking

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bump because ultimately this thread will become a lulz thread


I can't wait to see them waste what little money they have to only discover they have to first establish that their server were in fact hacked before they can go after those who allegedly conspired to hack.

Thanks that was interesting to read.

These retards.

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As they say in the legal profession, "Discovery is a bitch".

man part of me really hopes this nosedives the DNC. id even be happier if it backfires entirely, the whole narrative blows up, and we get to see them jailed.

I thought a teenage journo outed guccifer 2.0 as some Romanian dude. what am I missing here?
>pic related would surprise me desu

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Nope thats is the original Guccifer. Who very much was anti clinton. Think he is still in jail in Romania.

>had to destroy all the evidence
Evidence of what? If there was anything bad those servers why wouldn't the hackers release it?

Use your brain, oh wait, you don't have one.

2 5 3 4 1

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They should sue the Jow Forums federation, then 400lb hackers are to blame.

I want to download but don't want to pay for a service. Is this mirrored anywhere else?


leaked emails (wikileaks) show "russia collusion" was an excuse by dnc/hillary after election loss.

If this doesn't get thrown out of court it'll set the amazing precedent of political opponents suing each other. I can't wait for Trump to counter-sue for defamation.

>had to make sure other shit didn't get traced back to Awan while we're covering up Seth.

>leaked emails (wikileaks) show "russia collusion" was an excuse by dnc/hillary after election loss.
Wrong, Russian election tampering and collusion with the Trump campaign was well known about months before the election. There were even news articles about it as early as summer 2015.

Evidence showing that the DNC e-mails weren't hacked, but instead were leaked by an insider.

wrong. it was an excuse. they latched onto previously-existing wild speculation to try and stir up discord

The DNC is literally suing the candidate they originally propped up. You’re a retard.

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These fucking faggots literally have absolutely nothing left. They’ve been dismantled and exposed, and only niggers who want gibs or spics who want legal refuge will hang onto them for dear life. Get the rope and hang the lot of these cocksuckers. Also, Happy Birthday to the Fuhrer. I hope you faggots didn’t forget

The FBI already has evidence that the DNC servers were hacked. They're the ones who told the DNC about it. lol the absolute state of you retards.

Bump for lulz.

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HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. Now get off my board and get back to fucking Reddit you gigantic cuck

An 'insider' who does not have permission to access files that does access them and leaks them is hacking you fucking retard

Now I know you are a shill because you can't be this dumb.

>Discovery phase i.e. why the FBI was never granted access to DNC servers.

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Reminder that Jow Forums took credit for writing the dossier and yet it keeps proving to be accurate lmao how much is putin paying y’all?

FBI already had evidence it was Russia.

Not the same thing, retard.

you do realize that seth rich was a good jewish boy you fucking skinhead retard?

Hahahaha, the Orange One is going down.

>suing an entire nation

the fuck

>FBI already had evidence it was Russia.

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Yeah, go ahead and sperg out about seth rich you fucking weirdo. You're the one who needs to fuck off back to t_d.

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If he was such a good Jew, why’s he fucking dead?
>Muh, he was robbed!
Niggers didn’t take shit from him. Fuck off

itt Delusional faggots thinking Trump is the swamp.

This video is not available.

Not an argument. Stay out of my mentions, Russian shill.

Why didn’t the FBI take the server?

You mean that collusion that Mueller hasn't been able to locate in over a year?

I like how it says "unauthorized users" then it just says "Russian state-sponsored infiltration". It leaves out the step where Crowdstrike confirms it was Russia.


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fucking nazis thinking "good jew" means stealing from goys and not being righteous
he was murdered for taking action against a corrupt system

>Stay out of my mentions, Russian shill.
your mentions? is a rope so hard? Die already you fucking pebbit cancer

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This is ridiculous. They blame trump because he mentioned wikileaks, they blame trump because DNC stopped getting donations.

I don't see how this isn't common knowledge by now. The crowdstrike story is ridiculous.

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Oh are you director of the FBI? Do you know what Mueller knows? We both know one thing: members of the Trump campaign have already pleaded guilty to collusion, but I guess Breitbart keeps forgetting to tell you that.

Don't @ me, slavic shitbird.

It actually is because they were crying hacked at that time which is why the fbi requested the servers.

Is this fake? I've never seen so many Jewish names in one place before.


Imagine being this stupid.

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Doesn't that mean Clinton knowingly conspired with the russians to prop up their candidate?

No moar upvotes for (((you)))

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>members of the Trump campaign have already pleaded guilty to collusion

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Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

City people voted for Hillary.

someone better warn larry king and ed schulz to get into hiding

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The jewiest move conceivable

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This is the perfect opportunity to remind everyone that...


We can make this entire case explode right in their fucking faces. We can ram the truth about the hero Seth Rich right down their fucking throats. They murdered one of their own. They killed a dreamer whose only wish was to work in the DNC

EVERYWHERE this fucking story is mentioned we can use the story of Seth Rick to UTTERLY FUCKING DESTROY the Democrats once and for all. They have made a grievous error and played right into our hands. All we have to do is finish the job. Wipe them out, all of them.


>Stay out of my mentions
this isn't facebook

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Will Correct the Record and Share Blue be called as defense witnesses?


Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt.

who wrote that? gucci 1.0 yea?

2.0 was the dnc bro

>There were even news articles about it as early as summer 2015.
Post them then

>taking shit literally
Delete your Jow Forums account, retard.

>The DNC told BuzzFeed in a statement published last week that the FBI never requested access to its servers after they were breached.

>But a senior law enforcement official disputed that characterization the following day.

>“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” the official said.




Which one of you faggots did this..

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you talk like an idiot.

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>Still running on the Gamergate playbook.

ah idk anymore, its all a kinda distraction away from Julian and the dnc/podesta email story, I guess

I read as much of the lawsuit as I could stand.

If the DNC goes forward with this, it will blow up in their face.

They claim, for example, that trump had business dealings with russia, and that this is the motivation for the so-called "conspiracy". Rebuttal would obviously involve disclosing Clinton's pay for play with the foundation and the uranium. They will NOT want to do this.

They play innocent about a foreign government "interfering" in the election. And yet their party and it's leaders are/were complicit of doing the same thing with nations all over the world.

are you joking?

they (one being podesta, ALSO a dnc campaign guy) were "guilty" of random tax technicalities. basically not dotting i's and crossing t's. i'm sure there are other crimes to be found, but what's been currently pursued are ticky tack chickenshit """crimes""""


I know a mayor of a small town who got the same sort of e-mail over his position on stray cats. This is not unusual.

Erm, sauce...?

>asked to post articles from 2015
>posts article from june 2016

The FBI got their “”evidence”” from crowd strike. I hope you’re a shill that’s just pretending to be retarded.

>I don't see how this isn't common knowledge by now
Because the MSM is propaganda effectively brainwashing millions of people.

The DNC was not hacked. A thumb drive was plugged in locally and shit was dragged and dropped.

It's hard to believe what I'm reading here. They seem to argue, essentially, that voters are not allowed to determine the course of their country, that any attempt to be friendlier with former enemies is definitely a conspiracy.

The general tone of this document doesn't seem that well thought out, more like stream of consciousness.

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Was June 2016 before or after the election?

The FBI had evidence before the CrowdStrike investigation. And I know you don't have to pretend to be retarded.

The memes became too spicey

No they didn't. I posted the article you clearly want to ignore. Let me show you:

Cite your source. As I recall the FBI told them they were being hacked. Crowdstrike later made the assertion that it was russia, and never let the FBI examine the servers.

>doubles down on being a retard