Is She Our Jew, Pol?


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Treacherous whore.

FPBP, as much as I think you fuckers want to destroy all that isn't you, everyone should stick with their tribe...even if the entire lot does deserve a gassing.

We comin for ur wimminz J*w

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Does Israel intentionally give awards to international Jews to find out who is on their side?

That said, once you start losing your females...
...that was one of your own tricks, yes? Ya done fucked-up letting ours have that much sway. It's going to be funny to watch yours swing against you now, too. You'll love your black grandkids, wontcha?

This is like praising Neil Gorsuch for standing up for his legal principles and shooting down that "vague" immigration law. Idiotic.

Damn, I love Natalie Portman now.

Did she claim any specific political reasons or is this just some way of like pleading the 5th?

She married a goy too. Based Hershlag.

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No because every fucking Zionest jew truely hates Israel, because its now become a nation of Race and that is what the Globalist Jew hates. they dont want borders or nations, they want one big global banking scheme that they can control. a jew will always be a deceptive rat.

You can't trust Jews

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She doesn't think it's progressive enough.

Globalist jews are not Zionist jews. Gtfo with your hurrdurr-speech

No, all celebrities must go

This, as a Jew it infuriates me.

is the diaspora starting to turn on israel?
that little shithole is starting to make their worldwide tricks very obviously hypocritical and apparent
with the holocaust propaganda starting to die out i cant help but wonder if they are going to get themselves nuked to restart the eternal innocent victim that needs to be accepted in every country narrative

You don't understand, she got ANGLOED by Lucas in the Star Wars prequels. She's on our side now.


Jews hate themselves more than anyone else. Why do you think they needed a big book of rules about all the things they're not allowed to do to each other, and why they spent their history constantly looking for ways around said rules?

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That's why we can only support kikes in israel for every kike outside of it is a fucking parasite.
Israel needs to go to war with the sand niggers already, fuck.

Why are there so many slide threads today?

McCabe refereed for Criminal charges

Congress has Comey memos

Congress has called for the indictment of FBI and HRC campaigners

Korea bending a knee

China bending a knee

Russia bending a knee

Fusion GPS bank records seized

Many MSM faggots about to be named for taking Fusion GPS money

DNC money laundering

The faggot shills are out in force today because they do not want any of these talked about.
How to spot shills?

Threads starting with:
How do we fix XXX
Jow Forums BTFU
Trump is a jew puppet
Trump is a Neocon
Trump betrayed us
Ex-Trump supporter here

Sage,report and hide slide threads that have nothing to do with politics

There is no such thing as 'our jew', jew.

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No. She is being disloyal to her people like a typical roastie. She is literally siding with the outgroup.

anglos and jews are on the same side

Hahahahahah, silly user.
You missed the real narrative.

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The "Thesis-Antithesis" concept (or Harmony in Conflict if you prefer) is drilled into their heads from a very early age and in fact is probably imprinted in their genes already.

She instinctively knows that a portion of Jews must "be against" in order for the goyim not to notice.


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>is the diaspora starting to turn on israel?
That's nothing new, it has been fashionable for many decades to be anti-Israel in progressive circles inhabited by Jews.

I bet shes multiculturalism jew, so sameshit

Don't pretend you can resist her.

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Okay I have a question regarding disloyal thots.
Assuming people like her really don't associate with her tribe any longer should we take advantage of that and turn her into a breeding device?
Or is that a bad thing because her disloyal genes will spread into our tribe.
Or are women always disloyal and we should fuck them all and be alpha so they don't go with the next best thing?

wypipo are disloyal enough, might as well create a few more mischlings

>turn her into a breeding device
if you have to ask then I think the vice president has some therapy for you

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This is just the ostjuden and westjuden divide playing itself out again. The disagreement isn’t fundamentally about the behavioe of the ostjuden, it’s the perception the behavior creates in the mind of the gentile.

What's her angle?

With that amount of money and comfort she got why the fuck does she need to virtue signal with the type of politics that's even anathema for her kind.

You mean she is a dude and that makes me gay or what?
My question was regarding disloyalty and not her attractiveness. I mean she is pretty hot but you've got to be careful.

She's full of fucking shit, fuck her, they are all liars.

She doesn't even have milkers

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based portman

shes a massive sjw cunt. anyone who likes her is an useful idiot to their marxist, kike overlords.

Is she dead? Then no, there is 99.9999% chance that she is not

It's just a sign of the times. Israel is a sinking ship and the rats are abandoning it, fast, to save their own public standing. Boomers won't be able to finance her career when they're dead.


Her security team advised her against traveling to Israel, said they could not guarantee her safety

the jew is best at jewing each other

someone post the portman drug club riding rodeo pasta pls?

I respect her integrity and the guts it took to say something.

I'd like to show her guts some respect. With muh dick.

youre right. I meant Globalist jews hate zionist jews.

The angle where Jews play both sides. Nothing new

mostly because the zionist jews know that nuclear war is a bad idea.

That creates hivemind which is one of the reasons why we're in this mess to begin with. Too many people refusing to think for themselves and appeal to popular opinion.

Wow this fucking liberal whore...


She's neither but a virtue signalling hollywood celeb who thinks instagram tier clickbait works as politics.

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Jews that speak out are often ruined by the tribe, if not worse. RIP Bobby Fischer

Rabbi Rosenberg spoke out against a jewish "child rape assembly line." In response, he was blacklisted from synagogue, labelled a pedo, assaulted, and had ads taken out in papers slandering him.

>Is she our jew
No jew can be /ours/. They all must burn. Every last one of the hooknosed motherfuckers.

if she were younger though we could lobotomize and force her into sex slavery

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Antisemite detected

I find her cute and fascinating. In some weird way she looks alot like me too. I wonder if I have any mixture I don't know about.

jesus christ that choker...

i need to be lobotomized

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no she isnt you fucking idiots. you guys are such obvious arab shills, and if you're not, then it's absolutely pathetic that the den of white supremacy gets tricked into supporting the Ayatollah of an Islamic Republic just by adding 'muh zionist' at the end of every conspiracy theory. Israel is a 1st world, developed nation full of ashkenazi, sephardic, mizrahi(middle eastern), and african jews. Palestinians are some of the worst houseguests of all time. You guys say you support 'muh west, muh christendom', then why do you tolerate Palestinians?

They invaded and trashed my homeland of Lebanon and tried to turn it into a squatting ground for arabs to lay siege of 'el zionist entity!1'. Lebanon was once the banking capital of the Near East, a majority-christian cosmopolitan, and Western nation with an excellent economy, world-class education, and outstanding quality of life. We were retarded and let the Palestinians in, and now Lebanon is a shell of what it was. A beautiful land abused by warlords and Saudi and Iranian shills fighting for control. It wasn't Europe or America that saved our lives from being decapitated by Arafat and his thugs, it was the IDF. Israel isn't perfect, but I'll take a civilized society over any arab revolutionaries any day. Fuck the PLO, fuck Hamas, fuck Iran, and fuck any Middle Eastern socialist. You are the antithesis to the West, and if you support those barbarians, you might as well get Russian citizenship.

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she simply doesn't want bombs dropping on her head.

if though it sounds like Jow Forumss wet dream, jews are actually aware that russia+syria+iran could start dropping bombs on israel any time now.

they even provoked it. even I can only speculate about why they're like this but jews do want israel to be destroyed. maybe they think for some reasone they'll be find anyway, or it's part of their dealings with an devil or whatever, it's just the way it is.

in that case, we simply have one jew that prefers other jews to be bombed instead of herself. nothing to wierd, just jews being jews.

No no she needs to be protected.

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Too late. Rachel Weisz already called jew boys out on their Hollywood bullshyte years ago.

> /our/ Jew

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>haha based natalie stands with based palestinians

I want arabs to leave

jews always play both sides



she is my jew

Maybe she's redpilled on the jews and embarrassed.
Maybe she has chosen to not identify as a kike and instead live her life as a human being.

Antisemites on Jow Forums?
Say it ain't so!

No idea but I wouldn't throw her out of bed



The role was originally written for an older teen. The French don't have Lolita hangups and the AOC of 15. But she was 12 in that movie, and although they tamed it down, it was still immoral to put a 12 year old in those situations. Her parents should be imprisoned.

She isn't even diaspora. She was literally born in Israel

My heart says you're right but my dick can't tell the difference.

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Natalie for the goys, Taytay for the Jews

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>jew wanting a roastie who was blacked
you are so predictable

>yfw Israel gets nuked

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Dogmatic degenerates like you is why it is so hard to solve our problems.


She's always been a bit more independent, sure.

Neo cons get the rope as well

Why is it Jews are so ruthlessly determined to destroy White countries from within yet so completely half-assed when it comes to "protesting" Israel?

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If he doesn't have autism he has no excuse. I like people with actual autism.
She may not have Khazar milkers, but her tits are perky and well shaped Seems like a nice nipple ratio too.

Good movie.

not being able to feel pain is not a super power, it was a garbage movie

All joking aside supporting Israel today is like supporting the worst meme of Nazi Germany. Anyone that can do it today is morally bankrupt and has no principals.

Anyone have the copypasta of clinton demolishing portman's pussy?

I second that request. Looks like hershlag is into it.

Fellow Jew. We have to ensure the destruction of our nation and kikedom. It is the only way to win.