Salt Against Non White White-Nationalists

Why do some white-nationalists get so angry at people of other races who agree with them and want to help? Black-Nationalism has whites helping them. Second, what do the rest of you nigs think of nationalists from other races who support your ideology, agree and want to help you achieve yours?

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I'm an injun so I'm in the same boat as you hue-lad. I want the whites to succeed because if any other race was in charge of canada (even injuns) they're shit it up and ruin the natural beauty of this country.

Exactly my man. Part Injun as well but of the Southern variety. Whites be salty af when we're just wanting their nationalism to succeed like ours did.

you do know that "white" is only used in America. in Europe/Caucuses we don't have a word for "white" we call people by their ethnicity, we call Italians Italians Greeks Greeks Armenians Armenians Serbians Serbians Geogians Georgians and so on, the "white" term is used in non white or America because Americans don't really have a European culture anymore.

I'm aware. Caucasians seem to be hate being aided in their fight, despite really needing it at this point!

>Americans aren't white REEEE le 56%

Hello Chaim

Begone, leaf.

>REE leave my divide and conquer antagonism shill thread

make me, jew

You are a complete retard, all of americas culture is based from Europe you shitbag.

At least I never get angry at them, it's just the usual banter on Jow Forums
(OP confirmed for woman btw)

>divide and conquer
Actual spacker lmao. This is a genuine question, I tend to get a lot of hate when pledging support for you fucks because of my flag, when I agree with everything you do.

>Race is determined by your physical location
Literally migrant tier, kike.

>literally a strawman that no one was even beginning to make

You are highly confused

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Little to nobody has answered the question though. Why you fuckers mad at us trying to help?

We don't want your help, fuck off.

For one thing, niggers like you say gay shit like salt. You also tend to lack the mental capacity to provide any decent arguments for the cause. High IQ races can help lower IQ races, which is why blacks accept white help. What the hell are Nazis going to do with a bunch of MAGA beaners and shartskins, other than put them on the front lines at an Antifa riot?

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>am iberian/injun, 'nigger'
>incessant hostile screeching even though you're the ones losing real bad, & we're losing to the same guy.
>'we have the same enemy and problem. nah let's not work together lol he's brown and smelly.'

Every society has multiple roles that need to be filled.

Not everyone is a fucking diplomat, you faggot.

Because there's usually "we're still gonna live at your place though lmao" in the small print.

>We're losing real bad
>we must take sides with mulatto brown brazilian shitskins


Stay in your place, stay the fuck away from my place. That's the extent of our 'working together'.

Already do, just offer help to you losing fucks so I don't lose after.

nah you niggas can keep your cold countries.

I personally think they are FUCKING BASED

The eternal purity spiral. They would rather go down with the ship clad in armbands than accept any overlapping tribal interest in bringing the Kosher Nostra to heel. For what it's worth, I appreciate you and hope Brazil gets RWDS soon.
He's posting from Brazil, calm your tits leafboy.

This nigga gets it. Mexicans are shit, I get why people dislike us Hispanics. But desu, it's us, the Asians 'n' you all in the same boat against the rest, with Kosher pulling their strings.