Lmao you pathetic racist bigots never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Angel Miller
Islam was created when a notorious pedophile rapist criminal autistic from Mecca named Muhammad was fleeing from Quraysh police when he was exposed by Ancient Chris Hansen as the head of a massive Child Prostitution Industry (This was why Muhammad hates having images of himself, because it reminded him of a WANTED poster). While hiding in a cave and starving due to deprivation from child sex, he somehow discovered Fanfiction.net and had the bright idea of entertaining himself by plagiarising a famous novel created by Jews known as the Bible. Like most bad fanfiction, he couldn't resist massive Canon Rape, putting overpowered idealized self-inserts of himself being pals with Jesus who will inevitably join into Muhammad's myriad world of psychotic fetishes such as raep, child raep, oppression, repression, necrophilia, genocide, mutilation, S&M, misogyny, baby fuck, Suicide Porn and the mass slaughter, torture and genocide of anyone he doesn't personally like, especially "infidels", a fancy Arabic way of saying gay people.
Nether, it's just being a leaf. Owrthless, contrarian shitposting, which isn't even funny, unlike Australia. It'll go fuck a dog now, whilst remaining convinced it is useful to society.
Lmao I do love how you losers keep calling people "leafs". Just goes to show how cringy internet culture can make you, and the need for real life friends to socialize with
Landon Cox
Typical sandnigger. Can't do for himself, so he looks to westerners to do it for him.
Lol. I guess low iq racist rednecks like you do not see the irony in mocking black people dor calling others racisrs on the biggest racist shithole cesspool of the internet.
We don't mock her because she's racist. We mock her because she's a low IQ genetic disaster who's livelihood is built on the backs of self flagellating white faggots like yourself.
>oppression of women But I thought you believed that women should be subservient to men? Or is it only acceptable when you do it? Fuck off, incel loser