Legality of psychedelics

Why exactly are they demonized by the gooberment? I can't see it being that big a deal for big pharma since they don't really compete for the same market.

Why is something as physiologically harmless as DMT or psilocybin paired up with heroine and cocaine? What do they have to gain from this? Its not like the idea of making a substance found everywhere in nature illegal is even practical when the substance isn't even addictive.

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DMT plants are not illegal because it is found in so many plants and also in some frogs. It's literally impossible to ban completely.

I think the most fucked up I've ever been in public was on acid and that shit should definitely be illegal.

Boomers are retarded and will drink booze/caffiene and smoke because their grandparents did that, but everything else is a drug and heroin is a drug so ban drugs. Alcohols not a drug though and there's nothing wrong with putting kids on adderal or anti depressants

You ought to have your consciousness altered only in an unproductive or a controlled environment, controlled by them.

>not harmful at all
>some people are retarded so everyone should be banned from it.
What are you views on guns by chance?

shifting the topic isn't an argument

You can also have a good time in public...

Dysgenics is ruining everything.

You can, but it is very hard to gauge the dose which is an important factor to consider. I think the thing that scared me the most is that I wasn't trying to get that fucked up. I only took two tabs and I was stumbling around, slurring my words and running into people. Luckily I was at a concert venue so I didn't draw too much attention, but I was pretty much out of my mind.

>wasn't trying to get fucked up
>took two tabs

Everything I had gotten up to that point was weak in comparison and increasing the dose was much more gradual. This was like three hits in one so ended up taking 3x what I was expecting.

You sir, are a moron. He isn't shifting the topic but asking a relevant question that pertains to your perspective on liberties.

I wouldn't take two in public unless I was strong in mind, which I am not, so that makes sense. I think alot of people who talk about heroic doses are either seriously nuts or black women vs white patriarchal strong. I agree tho that it shouldn't be legal either. It's too strong and you could slip it into food/drinks if you wanted.

>nigger tier retard

Its raid to the dominator insect invasion.

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could you OD from shrooms?
what would happen if someone ate 50 at once


the only real danger with psychedelics is to injure yourself because you tripped in the middle of the street like this retarded cunt or death by pure astonishment like stated

you can't OD from classic psychs
>ate 50 at once
you'd probably puke before you started tripping too hard

>it's hard to gauge the doses
Because it's illegal and unregulated so there's no way to reliable know the doses.

After a long time reading about Psilocybin I took the dip this week and started micro dosing. I suffer from social anxiety. Sub mind "altering" dose. Can feel the effects. Sense of lightness and flow. Mind clearer and self consciouness down. Very interesting. May try a proper trip in private in a few weeks.

Ironically I think people who do heroic doses are doing it for the ego boost so they can say they've "been there." Rarely is it conducive to a productive, healthy lifestyle, but it gets evangelized constantly by artists and people like Mckenna. For every one of those people there are a hundred people who burned out on the stuff.

you should have a friend or a trusted person near you if you have a bad time just in case tho. everyone recommends that.

Phone posting is cancer



Thanks mate. I'll start off small and build up.

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nah, chilling with your animals, headphones and a blanket is better for introspection. sober people just fuck it up.

The only reason I wish I weren't a NEET with no friends is so I could have access to shrooms and LSD.

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buy drugs online with buttcoins, it's really simple
you can also buy LSD and Psilocybin analogs on the clearnet if you can't be arsed to use TOR

honestly, if you want the best experience just look up where you can find shrooms and go hunt them yourself, basically rainforests = shrooms

LSD I used used to buy from SR and then alphabay but haven't bothered since it went down

DMT you never buy from a dealer because its easy as fuck to extract yourself

Normies would start questioning the cage of their conditioned worldview and might start speaking to each other about real idea.This would be catastrophic to the World Controllers and completely derail their progress towards absolute control

>DMT you never buy from a dealer because its easy as fuck to extract yourself

DMT is everywhere, some plants have tons of it and extracting it is extremely simple

I personally buy mimosa hostilis (traditional skin cleanser down here) and extract it using an acid, google the process its cheap as fuck and takes a day for pure DMT crystals

I suggest you never take any bought DMT because its easy to end up with some lesser or dangerous shit because the trip is so mind blowing noobs don't notice

You can buy everything to extract dmt 100% legally and it's a pretty easy process as long as your not a potato who will put chemicals in his eyes. There are loads of online tutorials out there and a trip has a cost of Penny's in material

hey mexico user

if i come down to mexico can i buy shrooms, lsd and dmt???

They aren't exactly safe, someone not prepared for them will have a very bad time. Also they awaken/aggravate schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. It would be irresponsible to make them completely legal. At most they should be sold with a prescription to people who are responsible enough to use them

cops don't care or even know about shrooms, mostly because there is no need to buy them, in Mexico you are at worst a six hours ride from where you can find them growing, LSD can only be found in big cities like Monterrey but you can surely get it

most people don't know about DMT and the only time I've heard of someone buying it was as ayahuasca and from some pseudo-shaman