Is Jesus in SPACE?

Is Jesus in SPACE?

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Nah I just saw him at a Wendy's with Elvis and Owen Hart

Thank you brother this answers so many questions.

Another question, will I go to hell if i look at trany porn? Is it gay?

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this is fucking Hitlarious !!


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What if she has a feminine penus and balls dont touch

Will i go to hell if i do pic related

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Jesus is in space but it’s not likely that you will encounter him. He exists on multiple planes. In a sense Jesus is everywhere and nowhere at once. Jesus is both behind you and not behind you right now. A phenomenon known as schrodinger Christ. The trick to noticing him is to drink lots of electrolytes. Because Jesus loves plants, and electrolytes have what plants need.

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in the third heaven outside of space and the atmosphere.

If there is a penis, it is gay my child.

2:34 Nigger's literally dindu nuffin to get their shit skin.

So Jesus is basically Rei?

Dude *blows out cloud of smoke* we're all in space

So if the serbians kill the Bosnians will space jesus make a Serbian space station or something? Im confused

Yes. Jesus was Anunnaki.

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Earth is a plane, not a planet. Space is a lie.
''Outer space'' as we know it, is actually the third heaven, above the stars. It is impossible to get there.
So the answer to your question is technically yes.

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That looks like fabio. Aint no supreme beimg. Space bum

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