Is Jesus in SPACE?
Is Jesus in SPACE?
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Nah I just saw him at a Wendy's with Elvis and Owen Hart
Thank you brother this answers so many questions.
Another question, will I go to hell if i look at trany porn? Is it gay?
this is fucking Hitlarious !!
What if she has a feminine penus and balls dont touch
Will i go to hell if i do pic related
Jesus is in space but it’s not likely that you will encounter him. He exists on multiple planes. In a sense Jesus is everywhere and nowhere at once. Jesus is both behind you and not behind you right now. A phenomenon known as schrodinger Christ. The trick to noticing him is to drink lots of electrolytes. Because Jesus loves plants, and electrolytes have what plants need.
in the third heaven outside of space and the atmosphere.
If there is a penis, it is gay my child.
2:34 Nigger's literally dindu nuffin to get their shit skin.
So Jesus is basically Rei?
Dude *blows out cloud of smoke* we're all in space
So if the serbians kill the Bosnians will space jesus make a Serbian space station or something? Im confused
Yes. Jesus was Anunnaki.
Earth is a plane, not a planet. Space is a lie.
''Outer space'' as we know it, is actually the third heaven, above the stars. It is impossible to get there.
So the answer to your question is technically yes.
That looks like fabio. Aint no supreme beimg. Space bum