Is Jeff Bezos secretly redpilled?
Is Jeff Bezos secretly redpilled?
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hes the richest guy after the queen of england and the rothschilds, so yeah.
This, he's redpilled just on the enemy side.
everyone at that level of power is 'redpilled' they just choose to serve zog.
Of course he is. You have to be at that level. What he decided to do with it though is a different matter.
Rothschilds fell to around 10-20B total, this guy can buy them out 10 times over
The new kleptocrats are tech entrepreneurs. Just like rothschilds built the infrastructure for banking, in a digital age they are building the infrastructure of the digital world.
Jeff Bezos will be a trillionaire
I know Bezos personally and I can only say we will be lucky to have him rule the world.
He was a onions boy in the 90s -
And a pure chad in 2018.
How do you know him?
You'd be surprised how many among the uber wealthy and globally engaged individuals are secretly racist as hell.
Mofugga gives me pedo vibes. And he got that crunkeye.
>tfw i was too young to catch the hype internet train and get rich then lose it all during the .com bust
Lmao Rothschild's have significantly more than that. They probably already have trillions, and significantly more political power than he does.
he just doesn't have the appeal that gates had. watching 80's bill gates videos in the 90's was a lot different than watching that meak guy talking about his store.
i wish bill gates had lived up to the tech god it seemed like he was becoming in the 90's. he's such a disappointment. bezos is boring as hell.
Amazon is the shittiest company I've ever worked for, fuck him.
>/fit Jow Forums crossover
He's already fucking kids.
AMZN if the internet dies.
>Rothschilds fell to around 10-20B total
they're tech businessmen, they don't give a fuck about political power, they only care about the company that they've babied and grown from start to finish.
we'll never know how much they have because after a billion you can buy whatever the fuck you want and theres hardly a way to track your wealth based on purcheses if you want it kept secret.
on that note, why do i keep hearing that puting is the richest man from liberal fuckheads and conservates who still think the cold war isnt over? 200b hes estimated at? yeah right im sure.
AMZN is literally dead if the internet dies.
He's a big arm havin', Spider from Transmetropolitan lookin' motherfucker.
In the future there will be two castes
Top 1%: AMZN stock holders
Bottom 99%: Amazon employees
what's jeff's power level?
>Rothschilds fell to around 10-20B total
kind of a stupid claim, no?
They basically own the money and initially loaned money to the industrialists (steel, railroads, etc)
Bald shaved guy with aviator sunglasses? You bet he is redpilled.
not sure if you meant to reply to me, i was mainly just bitching because the tech space is so damn boring these days. steve jobs was probably a pretty shitty guy and maybe gets more credit than he is due but he was far more interesting than bill gates or bezos are. i wish bill gates would have stayed on with microsoft rather than go fuck around with his shitty foundation.
>Bottom 99%: Amazon employees
After you essentially take over most to all of the market share of whatever you are selling, political power is the final step. These men do care about it, otherwise lobbying wouldn't exist. With that power you can direct legislation to either lower costs in various ways or hamper future innovation by competitors. One of the few problems of a completely free market system is the concentration of power corporations wield.
No buddy redshield holdings are in the trillions.
Fake news