So i work in san diego and my job involves the service industry...

So i work in san diego and my job involves the service industry. Anyway i have a handful of border patrol agents who keep me informed of what is really going on at the border here. They areinstructed to not talk to press or media about what's really going on which was put in place during the Obama Admin. They STILL regularly let almost ALL illegals go into the us population in spite of the new administration. They do check for diseases but only visual no blood tests abd San diego has had some severe influenza strain outbreaks recently. These illegals are from all over the world including europe btw.
Turns out the caravan arrived here although in a much dispersed way. Yesterday and today they've been releasing all of the illegals(most with babies) very discreetlty 80-100 at a time in downtown san diego at around 5 pm. The agents say they are not allowed to talk or film it but i said i would try and film them releasing them. They release them in front of the ICE offices at 880 Front st. In case anyone else wants to film this bs.

880 Front Street#2232
San Diego,CA,92101
Phone:(619) 436-0410

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why the fuck do all these refugees always come to san diego-tijuana. IT IS LIKE WE ARE THE ONLY BORDER MOTHER FUCKER.WHY CAN'T THEY BOTHER TEXAS

Get it on film, be a hero!

God damn it
Bump for interest. Take the video, It will go viral.

Texas is sick of their shit, and not a liberal faggot hellhole like Cali.

maybe your country should stop them?

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Thinking of moving there. Should I?

Cali is lost if voters do not turn out to throw these fucks out of office. So yeah, I would get going... just be sure to tell them your are from Oklahoma or something. They don't like CA faggots there.


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big if true

>Mexico should make the sovereign immigration decisions of the USA, and enact immigration policies for the USA.

I'm from Jew York. so almost as bad.

Keep me posted.

They basically have been for 8 years under Obitch. That is all over now little Mexicant.

That was my plan but i have a business to run and they are being released during my shift. I'm certainly gonna try though.

I left alot of details out. Too much to type. My border patrol clients give me regular updates. They vent to me because they can't talk about it.

Its great and alot to do for your money but stoner retard rich hippy central and racist mexicans everywhere.

He said they are arriving in a dispersed manner all over the border. Plus san diego is cooler temp wise

I never have issues with the spics in CenTex. The niggers on the other hand... I've had them chant "leave or die" when I was walking down a street downtown. It was spoopy because the street was dark and I couldn't see them on their dark as fuck porch. Fucking porchmonkeys.

Record your clients. Record the drops - Set up a camera or pay somebody to film it. Play your clients' testimony over the footage. You will literally be saving America.

California is not the US
Burn in hell

TX complies with Federal Law.