>jews are disproportionally represented in positions of power and public authority (media, politics, banking, entertainment)

>all of this can be explained because they have 15 average higher IQ


so all this high IQ people happen to be all morally impecable??, even though high IQ is a trade amongst sociopaths(WHO LIKE POWER)????

all the jews in those positions, all in due to merit, right?

in numbers, there are the same amount of white geniuses as jewish geniuses, since there are much more whites, even though jews have 15 more points on average, the low population makes them rare, as rare as whites even though on average they are lower, the high population gives about the same number of individual geniuses

you are asssuming all this people are not corrupt?? even though you say power corrupts, just to not be antisemitic you saying the people with most power, are the least corrupt??

because is it wasnt jews, it would be clear they are nepotists and corrupts,



Attached: images.jpg (286x176, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>people with lower iq fail because of racial inferiority
>people with a higher iq than mine are successful because corruption

Attached: 1522327541928.jpg (1280x720, 298K)

Well what were you expecting, him to go full aspie and ruin himself? Slow and steady for fuck sake.

There are more whites with IQs over 115 than there are Jews in the entire world.

Jordan Peterson is either a retard, controlled opposition, or is just hiding his power level. Considering the fact that he's a leaf, I'm inclined to believe it's the first option.

Attached: 1510715681673.jpg (632x1024, 79K)

you are ignoring reality, the fact is, a distinct group of people holds a vastly disproportional amount of power and wealth, and you claim all of that is natural, all is with merit?, there is no nepotism in this people what so ever?

Attached: f9f.png (830x844, 164K)

Do you think white people hold a socioeconomic status above blacks and Hispanics because of systematic oppression or is it because of average population iq differences?

>Fell for the IQ meme
I'm not wasting anytime explaining to you brainlets how retarded you are when it comes to IQ on my 420.
.t high wisdom build

Attached: downloadfile-2.png (800x445, 134K)

Apparently, they have around a 125 verbal IQ, , almost 2 SD's above the norm, and a positive community. You can't assume that they hold places of power because of corruption because you don't know all the genetic and environmental variables. They're good at science too, and that's mostly meritocratic.

so now Jow Forums doesn't believe in race realism when it's about the Jews being superior to whites? lol

note this are the "intellectuals" of youtube

jesus fucking christ.......

are you fucking shitting me? ajjajajajaj jesus

look, there are a bunch of shit poor dumb white, and they are naturally proportional to populations, just as poor dumb blacks, etc

smart black, whites, and hispanics, are all successful, but their numbers are proportional with data, jews on the other hand, are disproportional

what you try to do is EVIL AND YOU WILL REPENT; KNOW IT

same shill line with no arguments

the difference between whites and other races is proportional, IN FACT

whites hold a disproportionally LOW AMOUNT OF POWER AND WEALTH



so do Jews have a higher IQ than whites and is their success based on their higher intelligence or grand conspiracy to keep white niggers down?


you willfully assuming the best of people in the case of jews

but assume the worst of people for everybody else

even though high IQ is linked with LOW MORALITY; LACK OF EMPATHY; ETC

jews gained the upper hand because they are smarter, wont deny it, BUT once with some power, they use corruption and nepotism to gain disproportional power!!

nepotism doesnt have to be a grand illuminatti conspiracy

you just like to put it that way to dismiss real criticism

id said my piece

ill just end with this

>the executives in your company have a townhall

they say

>in this company we care about you, the employee, not making money

are you the idiot that believes that?, really?, do i even need to explain why its a lie?

>the company you work at**

you absolute and total fucking moron.

see the bell graph i posted?

if the average jewish IQ is 15 points higher, then the STATISTICAL OVERREPERESENTATION at levels that are REQUIRED to be highly successful (top offices, scientist, nobel winner, top exec, etc...) will be extreme. this is just basic statistics.

Attached: file.png (1218x937, 142K)

Being in the middle or at the left end of the distribution curves won't get you shit in today's world. Hell, anyone South of 100 is pretty fucked in today's world.
I get you're saying there aren't many Jews but you're forgetting how meritocracy selects. Say there are 1 million genius level Jews and 9 million above average intelligence level whites but only 900k elite level positions in some field. Chances are high that those genius level Jews are gonna take the top spot before a white person that night be intelligent but not as intelligent. You can't have race realism without accepting the fact that you'll lose every time in your meritocracy if there are more Jews that top level positions. Simple as that.

you are still ignoring the main issue,

you are assuming all of this power hungry high IQ guys, never ever would plan amongnst themselves to unfairly increase their wealth and influence? really?

all they have is fair and deserved? really?

what i'm saying is that the overreperesentation in top offices are LESS THAN the overreperesentation expected from BASIC STATISTICS.

>>all of this can be explained because they have 15 average higher IQ
15?? This isn't even true. Comparing a small ethnicity to a racial category "white" which is comprised of many ethnicities isn't analogous. Even then the difference is only like 7-9 points (again when it is a misleading, dis-analogous comparison).

When you actually have analogous comparisons, certain white groups outperform Jews, White Episcopalians for example. Furthermore, Jews don't do that well on other g-factor tests like the ACTs etc.

There are more genius whites in America alone than the entire global Jewish population alone, so this explanation of Sargoy and Shabbos B. Peterson fails on several fronts.

>Apparently, they have around a 125 verbal IQ

really? have you done the math?

what about asians?, their bell curve should put them closer to jews, where are all the asian news network executives?, asian hollywood producers? asian bankers? in the same proportion as jews?

done the math yet?

and still what about this you want to leave the world in the hands of a bunch of schizo sociopathic high IQ jews?

thiswas a reply to

The dumbest part of this is that having higher intelligent in this world has only brought me struggles

Note that a 15 point difference in average IQ means an unironically yuge difference in the upper extremes. What this means is that at, say, 140 IQ you are going to find many more Jews than what their population would suggest.

Also note that the 15 points difference in average itself is by no means small. it basically means that the average a-jew has the brains to become a lawyer.

However, even after all that, I still agree with you that Jews are overrepresented in positions of power. Jordan is not going to attack this problem though. He can't win it, and he knows it.

here's the math you retarded nigger

i wont disagree that there are probably many outlier 140 jews, but also the population is very low and I havent seen the numbers of lets say

how many jews in the USA are above 140, vs the rest of the population

i guarantee in the rest of a population there will be at least the same amount of above 140 people as jews

there are very few jews compared to the rest, i know about outliers, etc, bell curve, still, its 300 million vs 7 million jews


you dont even label which color is which,

tell me plain and simple math genius, how many jews are above 140 IQ and how many of the rest of people are with IQ above 140?

again, you're absolutely fucking retarded beyond beleif. look at the graph again.

in the US there are 7 million jews and aprox 300 million gentiles, how many of those are about 140 ?



if i am such a retard a you such a genius then just say the two fucking numbers, what are they?


Jews are not as smart as they like to sau they are. It is just that they have the advantage due to nepotism and immorality. This allows them to get ahead despite a lower intellect level compared to asians and whites.

its easy to answer the question if you know how to read a graph, you fucking nigger.

hahahahahaha what a fucking bullshitting faggot you are, to the trash you go

peterson avoided jewish tribalism. If you add higher average IQ and a savage tribalism then then numbers do match.
Jews -except in Israel- live with a perpetual sense of being a minority-in-danger, a small group surrounded by strangers meaning harm. They fear that if they lose control, the goyim will kill them all.
It's the same experience when you travel abroad, let's say China.
If you go to a bar and listen people chatting in English, you'll try to be friendly. You'll prefer an American over others for business partners and executives.
The Jews outside Israel act like that constantly.

I saved this user's good post

Attached: Peterson btfo jews 1.png (1403x755, 179K)

part 2

Attached: Peterson btfo jews 2.png (1394x360, 103K)

thank you

>activate windows


A Jew will only sell their business to another Jew. A Jew will only sell their house to another Jew, but may rent to a non-Jew. See how this works? How they build majority communities? Try that as a white non-Jew and see how fast the court papers arrive goyim.

>implying I'm gonna let windows spy on my shit

There are 232,943,055 White Americans in the United States
There are 7,160,000 Jews in the United States

Even if we were measuring IQs over 145, there would be about 2 whites for every 1 Jew.

Attached: IQ_distribution.svg.png (2000x1204, 78K)

This is perfectly normal.... right???

Attached: 1522084090876.jpg (693x770, 147K)

Read it

Good posts and double checked.
Would like to see more IRL top executive representation stats in other domains.

Attached: Bateman.gif (900x305, 3.02M)

Isn't it kind of the case? There are still many whites it power.
Also IQ is not everything, maybe we can find a better metric.

check the numbers. The user corrected them after that post.

looks like there are still 8x as many whites at the 130 IQ mark, even assuming the doubtful 115 ashkenazi IQ. This is the IQ required for the highest level college degrees, so we should see something like an 8:1 ratio of whites to jews in universities.

Attached: iq-by-college-major-gender.png (741x643, 66K)

He'll never tell you the truth. He's married to one.

Attached: KhazarLOVE.jpg (308x267, 13K)

>costa rica

I'll humor you.

A right shift in normal distribution graphs creates big differences at the tail ends (when looking at 2 graphs).

For non hispanic whites and ashkenazi Jews in the US, at 145 IQ, Jews are at 97.5 percentile while whites are at about 99.85. That translates into about a 300k white to 140k Jew genius pool.

His point is not to say that Jews don't refer each other like everyone else does in the world, but that alt righters act like niggers do when they complain about how blacks don't seem to be in positions of power.

You do realise that if what cofnas believes ever became acceptable to believe in the mainstream jews would be beyond fucked, right?

there are more high IQ white people then there are jews because jews are a minority. jordan peterson is a scam artist

If you think the average IQ of film producers, lobbyists or news media executives is anywhere near 145, just lol.


white, median 100, above 150IQ = 0.0004
0.0004 * 300e6 = 120000

median 115, above 150IQ = 0.0098
0.0098 * 7e6 = 68600

So above 150IQ there are 2:1 whites:ashk.jew

Think about the foundations of his beliefs.

You realise that IQ is not real? It is just a human-made test.

so you are saying there are double the amount of white geniuses than jews, but its normal that jews are vastly disproportionally represented in positions of power and wealth?

soo....??? care to explain?

and what about all of this
and this

I haven't really researched a lot about him except a couple of articles.

jewish intelligence is a myth that they spread themselves. they are very average but they are completely ruthless to anyone who isnt a tribesman. they are projecting their evil and racism at everyone else

Attached: pisa_2015.jpg (868x2212, 577K)

never mind, you're not capable of that, bye

also this

what white people complain about is that niggers and everybody blames them for being privileged and whatnot, while in reality white people are proportionally vastly UNDER privileged

it seems like (((someone))) is trying to blame white people for the crimes of the jews

IQ is the best measure discovered in psychology

Attached: IQ as predictor of median income.png (480x595, 55K)

Attached: IQ and fiscal contribution.jpg (1200x811, 84K)

IQ is the best predictor

Attached: iq why g matters.png (800x724, 27K)

and this is the one that triggers you the most

Attached: average IQ x pct female majors.png (741x643, 45K)

Would you agree that there is no Jewish conspiracy(I btw believe that there is one of some sort) if instead of IQ people have developed a bit different test which would've shown a bigger advantage of jews over whites than the modern IQ test shows?

You’re a literal retard. Jews have on average higher IQ’s than whites, leading a larger percentage of Jews to go into high power industries. Whites have a lower IQ on average than Jews leading to a lower percentage of whites entering into those same industries.

That does not mean there are more Jews in those industries than there are whites. It means that if you are a Jew you are more likely to be in those industries than if you were a white person. However, if you pick any random person in those induatries they aren’t necessarily more likely to be Jewish.

Go kill yourself you mathematically illiterate, third world, dirt farming retard.

IQ alone do not explains jew over-representation
IQ+fierce tribalism does, see

Attached: hollywood jewish over-representation.jpg (944x572, 64K)

>Jews have on average higher IQ’s than whites, leading a larger percentage of Jews to go into high power industries. Whites have a lower IQ on average than Jews leading to a lower percentage of whites entering into those same industries.

jesus jajaja you calling other people mathematically illiterate?

you are a waste

I am not denying that iq is important. But there may be a more accurate way to estimate the intelligence than the IQ. And it is still just a test with a very vague connection to reality.

The final pic btw shows that IQ isn't everything, as in this case we shouldn't see any correlation as mean IQ for men and women is the same.

They are overrepresented even when accounting for high IQ.

you forgot to compute the number of individuals. There are 7m jews adn 300m whites in USA.
There are 120.000 whites with >150IQ, and while there are 67.000 jews with >150IQ.
So jew representation in >150IQ occupations should be around 33%.

>doesn’t actually confront anything I just said
>still doesn’t know how demographic representation works
>doesn’t know his third world dick from his third world ass

>mean IQ for men and women is the same.
Yes, but the distribution is different (SD). The woman curve is more narrow, the male curve is flatter. It means that in the extreme dumb and extreme smart, you have way more men than women. It's consistent with chess masters for example.

Attached: male-female-IQ.png (592x334, 10K)

and its not like news network executives, hollywood producers, wall street traders and bankers, all have genius IQ, they are normal

and jews and vastly overrepresented there and in many other places where naturally, they shouldnt be

>>all of this can be explained because they have 15 average higher IQ

I don't actually believe this is why Jews are everywhere but 15 points is 1 standard deviation, you moron. That's the difference between Whites and Blacks. That's a huge gap.

By the way, there isn't a 15 point gap between Jews and Whites. There is a 15 point gap between full blood Ashkenazi Jews and Whites. There is a good case for these Jews to be in the upper echelon in science, academia, business, technology and other areas for that matter because of the way IQ tends to allow people to do well in many endeavors.

The issue is that Sephardi, Mizrahim and Ashkenazi Jews with as little as 50% Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry all have much lower IQs than 100% Ashkenazi Jews. These specific Jews shouldn't be achieving at the rates that they do above Whites. So how is this happening? Obviously it nepotism and specifically in the case of Ivy League schools it's money to get their kids in over more qualified students.

This article is also very interesting

hahahah you been proven a retard this whole thread by everybody, not just me

>ny random person in those induatries they aren’t necessarily more likely to be Jewish.

but they are jewish, vastly overrepresented, thats the fucking problem you retarded shit

ironically you are the most racist of all, lol ,liberal faggots cant even keep straight

That’s actually specifically what I was talking about, mate. Let’s say the USA has 400m people, at 7m Jews are just under 2% of the population. Meaning that hypothetically at a huge percentage of the workforce of those industries they are overrepresented. That is likely because of their on average higher IQ’s.
Perhaps I phrased things poorly.

give it up, you are retarded

Again, you still don’t know how to read, you sheep fucking, lead paint licking dipshit. I agreed that Jews are overrepresented. What the fuck are you talking about?

I hear you. And there are likely other factors. Nepotism specifically makes sense. As Jews are generally more culturally unified than whites. However, that is not an advantage that whites don’t have either, if we wanted to have it. And it could be argued that their greater success in leveraging their own success through nepotism and such is a result of their higher IQ’s. Kind of an evil genius effect.

idiot, its not like 50% of news executives are jews, and 50% other, so jews being a minority makes them overrepresented

its that 90+% of them are jews, thats way beyond overrepresented

Terrorist Thread

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Its just race realism. Jews have a right to treat you like goyim.

This is actually how leftists think.
Intelligence is graded on a bell curve.
So if the average is 115, the top 50% are all 115 and up and you don't hit 100% until very low on the bell curve.
This is why you don't see many black people with iqs over 120. Or women for that matter.

lol, now you try to play civilized after looking like a fool

your type ruin the internet and the world in general

i am out, the point was proven, fuck you faggot

>90% of them(financiers and politicians) are Jews
>citation needed

Your entire argument is screaming that you’re right while covering your ears. Go jerk your sub 100 IQ dick and waste your genes down the drain, where they belong.

>OP doesn't understand distribution mechanics

Sounds like your IQ is breddy low desu

Attached: 1409347888658.jpg (240x320, 32K)

>That is likely because of their on average higher IQ’s.
It's not enough m8. Let's assume there's 12,000 jobs requiring >150IQ. You have 120,000 whites and 60,000 jews who can fill the position.
In a fair system, you'll end up with 9,000 whites and 3,000 jews in the 12,000 positions, THAT IS considering jewish higher IQ average.
If you find that *IRL* there are 11,000 jews and 1,000 whites in those positions, then high average IQ DO NOT explains jewish over-representation.
TL;DR: IRL high average IQ DO NOT explains jewish over-representation.

Holy shit you're stupid

white (and white sub-groups) ethnocentric instincts are conditioned against to a far greater degree than those of jews. Ethnocentrism is very effective.

I'm highly skeptical jews are just that talented that they do as well as they do in America. It's not a conspiracy, it's just nepotism/ethnocentrism and convincing dumb goys not to do the same.

Jews and Japs may have average higher IQ than average white IQ.
But they don't have a higher IQ than me. That's the same as saying women are better at multitasking than men on average. That's fine, but they're not better than me at multitasking as an individual. I've made sure to practice a lot so they can't.
Individualism is best.

Okay, so a couple things. First: I’d imagine you’d have a hard time finding any kind of statistics supporting the claim that Jews make up the vast majority of those industries. I actually was just looking at a demographic analysis of the 400 richest people in the world, and only 33 of them were Jews. That is overrepresented, definitely, but not a majority. Second, you assume that we live in a fair economic system. We don’t. Hence my concession that their higher representation, and leveraging of social, financial, and other resources is likely a result of their higher average IQ’s, and greater cultural unity.

I pretty much agree with you, my man. I just find the OP to be a mouth-frothing retard.