explain to me how racial issues will matter once we have genetic engineering?
Explain to me how racial issues will matter once we have genetic engineering?
Other urls found in this thread:
>thinking genetic engineering will be a thing in our lifetimes
I hate to poast a comic by that faggot Munroe, but pic related is basically accurate
These threads are so low effort
It’s all so tiresome
>Implying that genetic engineering won't exacerbate the problem by making rich children literally superior in every way
Niggers free genetic engineering is called abortion.
Watch this movie.sage because this is brobably a bait thread
There will be 2 races: rich and poor. Poor are homo sapiens, made by evolution, can't afford genetic engineering. Rich.. are gods.
>before 23andme wasn't even a thing
good movie, can recommend as well
lmao. good luck editing billions of africans
Rural "culture" in the Southern United States is primitive and savage.
Because the Jew will attempt to get the White to demand genetic inferiority for their own populations while maintaining superiority in their own.
none of this will even be a thing anymore. We'll have purples, oranges, greens...etc. Genes will be a matter of personal choice.
already the separate races are losing coherence, especially jews
Urban "culture" in the northern US is primitive and savage. What does that have to do with my genetically pure children getting engineered to have the highest IQ, be physical Gods, resistant to disease, aging, etc?
More like opening Super Mario Bros. compiled assembly code on an NES cartridge and changing a few hexadecimal values and then your target plant produces bacillus and fights its own insect pests.
OP never said it would happen in our lifetime so why bring that up?
As bad as dystopian genetically engineered societies may seem, we must remember two things:
1) The odds of our society falling into a dystopia because of genetic engineering itself is zero, its all a governmental thing
2) There won't be any niggers
>The odds of our society falling into a dystopia because of genetic engineering itself is zero, its all a governmental thing
what does this statement mean?
Science never solved anything.. all the fucking antibiotic medications just create stronger viruses and bacteria's, the increased industrial output ends up wasting resources and letting useless people live, no to mention all the war stuff, nukes blabla. Never bet on scientific (((progres)))
it won't
Genetic engineering doesn't exist, like climate change it's just a way to hold onto jobs that pay a lot and you don't have to work
There'll still be religious issues. Look how India had to split from Pakistan because of muslims. And how muslims are constantly killing non muslims of their same race.
youre a fucking retard, genetic engineering will make monstrosities and slaves and will kill us all
like it or not, it's coming
Now I can have women of every race in my harem.
get a job and stop reading sci-fi garbage
Stormweenies will find a way to make a distinction between genetically engineered humans and 'natural' humans
will they still be humans when they have 4 arms, gills, and superstrength?
>Do genetic engineering
>Create perfection
>Perfect humans are produced en mass
>Everything's pretty, uniform, uneventfull and tranquil
You get:
a)Degeneracy on unprecedented levels because human nature will drive people to look for meaning every way they can
b)Humanity goes extinct because soulless meat automatons wither and die.
I'd say meeting aliens in our lifetime is more legitimate than KyleXY.
It's almost as if we should abolish capitalism before that happens
>humans have the remnants of a tail
Are humans even humans?
>"view source"
>wow impossible
well if they keep making nigs we will have issues. people knowingly buy inferior brands. some one is drinking a RC cola right now. maybe the nig DNA will be on sale because nobody buys it.
big pharma owns patents on naturally occurring human genes . they would get paid when the dna is used commercially they would set pricing
they won't
you'd get 200iq nignogs
Zionists won't let it happen; it'll destroy everything they've worked towards. Why do you think they're setting us up for war with the Chinks through N. Korea? It's so that we can stop genetic engineering just like eugenics was permanently shelved. If it does happen that'll be amazing and we can stop fighting.
Don't worry about genetic engineering until it's available to you
>not having your mind blown by minified javascript
What kind of brainlet are you?
I'm probably going to disallow it because, in my opinion, we would more likely to splice cancer into the tree of life than help anything
the average human has about 1.5GB of info stored on their DNA
>guys, guys. Get this..... technology..
>see? Why even bother!
>lets just all lazy about.
>dont need to do Anything, well all be good in the end.
Anything that advances the human species in any sort of genetic context will immediately be made illegal by the Jews.
You think you gonna have access to that technology before the rich and powerful?
No one is asking for anything radical like forced genetic engineering.
Is it really that awful to think that our society might benefit from restricting imports of genetically problematic people and preventing them from breeding with regular humans?
The public at large wouldn't even know about it. Why do you think all those (((rich influential people))) live well into thier 90's?
Not just some, it seem they all do.
>once we have genetic engineering
never fucking ever
transhumanism is ZOG cancer
kill all jews
hail wakanda
>once asians have genetic engineering
sadly, we had to fix it for you
>perfect beings are all pure aryans anyways.
>shitskin inferiority complexes lead to them voluntarily bleaching themselves and having whiter babies along with billions of vat grown pure whites.
>white working class ends up realizing their untermensch 'masters' are pathetic and take control quickly
>1000 year star reich is back on track
Genetic engineering isn't possible, nature has perfected Nordic man already anyway.
I guess you have to believe it's impossible, otherwise this would be a real thorn in your ideology
That is true. I thought about that.
Jow Forums needs to take the final redpill
Are you saying that without genetic engineering, racial issues do matter?
Honestly threads like these make me really glad liberals are in control. Jow Forums is so goddamn superstitious and fearful of the unknown that nothing would ever get done if they were in charge. We would never progress as a species
Are you saying a random algorithm like evolution can engineer something intelligently? As if evolution is intelligent that it might intelligently design a complex system?
Man will always be subject to the laws of nature. You can’t stop evolution
genes co-evolve in sets. you fuck with one, you better know how the rest of them will react, else you'll create a breed of supermen with pus oozing out of their eye stalks.
until you can self-program, then it becomes a runaway algorithm
imagine if a computer could program itself to be smarter. In the blink of an eye it would be the most intelligent being in the known universe
Mandatory diversity genes.
>once we have
We've had it for at least a decade. Cybernetics too.
Because that won't solve anything. It'll just hinder everything. Until and unless whites have complete control over their countries, nothing good will happen.
This. And why would we Aryans want to perfect what is already perfection?
>Until and unless whites have complete control over their countries, nothing good will happen.
>is so glad liberals are in control
>implicitly appeals to liberal ideas of historical "progress"
checks out
Humans still fuck up even the most simple tasks in the long term.
Look at the year 2038 problem for example or agent orange.
In the 70s meth was used a medicine under a drugstore name for weightloss.
BPA was used widespread in the 80s and 90s.
Radiation was used as medication up till the 70.
Leaded gasoline till the 90s.
Lead/metal fillings in our teeth till the 2000's
Lead paint in our homes till the 2000's.
Mercury in baby toys till the 2000's.
Aluminum in our pans and pots..
I mean I could go on....
GMOs modified corn starch high fructose corn syrup asparteme sweeteners bleached wheat and bread onions basedlectin
>genetic engineering
sperm donation is the best way to genetically engineer a person. So yes, race won't matter if everyone uses sperm to enhance the intelligence of their offspring, because everyone will be intelligent.
These modified organisms (wont be "human" anymore) will have side affects generations down the line and become sterile or degenerative DNA loss which affects your whole lineage.
Possibly cancer or mutations.
Fuckers can't even cure baldness yet you trust them to alter humans into a seperate species genetically?
No we are divided by race/ethnicity/religion etc
Why go through the trouble of engineering niggers into whites when you can have genuine whites?
>implying the rich would EVER be allowed to keep immortality for themselves
They would give that shit to everyone for free, because the second the average peasants suspects that Baron McRich is hoarding eternal life for himself, his lifespan becomes measured in hours.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they'll TRY to keep it to themselves at first - until a few dozen billionaires are strung and quartered.
most likely everyone will just choose to make their offspring light skinned rather than dark and eventually everyone will be white, at this time white people will have "won" the race "war"
>DNA is worse than this
People from the future will laugh at this board for how racists wasted so much effort to save muh huwite race while you can be whatever you want with technology