Read Spencer's defense of Assad and Russia. WTF>
I wrote this in his comment section - he deleted it.
Good, in terms of domestic politics. Geopolitically more than a little naïve.
"Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad are fighting for the civilized world."
*eye roll* Well, that and Russian military bases in Syria. That's too far, Spencer. Yes, Zion is a problem. The Russian Federation is not "our side" either.
The Geopolitical reality of CTSO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) are real and they are not our friends. Syria is a boundary of those geopolitical spheres. NATO definitely internally has issues. But it is ours to re-take. We need to fix it, but to bend over for those other global powers to "teach zog a lesson", is folly.
When you don't even discuss these groups it's like you pretend there's no reason they exist at all - that they dont have imperial global designs of their own, and that they dont see "us" as a threat. You're engaging in a little fantasy posting on this point.
"vitally important for the Alt-Right to speak out against any intervention against Assad. If anything, we should be taking his side."
lol! Look, there's no reason to bomb them. Sure. But, take his side? Richard. His side is Iranian/Russian and even Chinese - it's an outpost in their global game. They've got their own side. They're doing fine without our support, they do NOT align with "/our interests/" - .
Against the war, yes. Absolutely. Against Zion influence, as much as possible! Side with our geopolitical enemies who want us to vanish?
No, sorry, that's non-sense. Russia doesn't care about Zion. They're eyeballing EU and the US territory. If they want to reach out as "Eurasian allies" wake me when that happens, when they break up the CTSO and SCO - fantasyland.