Richard Spencer loves Assad Russia Iran and China

Read Spencer's defense of Assad and Russia. WTF>

I wrote this in his comment section - he deleted it.

Good, in terms of domestic politics. Geopolitically more than a little naïve.

"Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad are fighting for the civilized world."

*eye roll* Well, that and Russian military bases in Syria. That's too far, Spencer. Yes, Zion is a problem. The Russian Federation is not "our side" either.

The Geopolitical reality of CTSO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) are real and they are not our friends. Syria is a boundary of those geopolitical spheres. NATO definitely internally has issues. But it is ours to re-take. We need to fix it, but to bend over for those other global powers to "teach zog a lesson", is folly.

When you don't even discuss these groups it's like you pretend there's no reason they exist at all - that they dont have imperial global designs of their own, and that they dont see "us" as a threat. You're engaging in a little fantasy posting on this point.

"vitally important for the Alt-Right to speak out against any intervention against Assad. If anything, we should be taking his side."

lol! Look, there's no reason to bomb them. Sure. But, take his side? Richard. His side is Iranian/Russian and even Chinese - it's an outpost in their global game. They've got their own side. They're doing fine without our support, they do NOT align with "/our interests/" - .

Against the war, yes. Absolutely. Against Zion influence, as much as possible! Side with our geopolitical enemies who want us to vanish?

No, sorry, that's non-sense. Russia doesn't care about Zion. They're eyeballing EU and the US territory. If they want to reach out as "Eurasian allies" wake me when that happens, when they break up the CTSO and SCO - fantasyland.

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> Richard Spencer loves Assad Russia Iran and China
Everybody who is not an jewish neocon does.

Now fuck off.

Also remember that Iran will make Israel a smoking crater.

>*eye roll*
Back to tumblr roastie

So Israel is the only country in the world.

You didnt read what I wrote

First time I saw Richard Spencer so blue pilled in geopolitics

Yes not going to war for Israel is very bluepilled and only cucks don't give Israel billions of aid. Now back to tumblr

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>retard tries to understand nuance

No, moron. As I stated Im opposed to war in Syria. (that means I dont want Trump to bomb Syria)


That doesn't mean we take affirmative positions on Syria (Iran, Russia, and China)

One doesn't equate the other.

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Lol, your closest allies are:

* Saudi Arabia
The perpetrators of 9/11, which even Trump hinted at 2016 but then went back to sucking their dicks.
Also financed the spread of Wahhabism to Western Europe and USA. Financed madrassa schools to spread Wahhabi hate literature. It's the main ideology behind all these terror attacks. Also, don't forget their diplomats have a history of shitting on Instagram whores plus abducting and raping women, then fleeing with diplomatic amnesty.

* Other Gulf Arabs, especially from UAE
Incompetent, fat dumbasses who can't build anything with their own hands. Highest obesity rates. If it weren't for Western investments or slavery from Indonesia and India, then they'd be nothing.

* Israel
A bunch of dirty elitist kikes and good for nothings.

In re: CTSO and SCO, those are our puppets.

No reason to give up the American Empire just to "teach Zog a lesson" and let the Russian Bear fuck our assholes.

We can be opposed to intervening in Syria


not take supportive positions on Iran's bitch Assad.

Its not either or


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Assad: /ourguy/
Russia: meh, Russia and the US are just playing good goy / bad goy.

Spencer is probably an unironic FSB agent though, kek

You're either a Gulf Arab or Jew.
>not take supportive positions on Iran's bitch Assad.
And is that why the USA and Israel supported ISIS and Al-Nusra? In a bid to take down "muh evil Assad"? You realize, if Assad were strengthened from the beginning, then there would be no European Migrant Crisis. Instead, ISIS and Al-Nusra were strengthened and a failed state was caused as a consequence. Assad is literally the only one keeping Sunni radicalism in check now, and if he were to be deposed, then it would create a power vacuum.

It's either or.
Assad is a real man saving his country, you're a faggot behind a keyboard.

i don't give a shit what Assad and Putin are doing several thousand miles away. I don't care. Long as they are blowing up brown people in shithole countries they can do whatever whether those brown targets are civilians, rebels, terrorists, his own fucking people. I don't care.

yeah lets help isis
meme flag
i mean gg shareblue

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Profound. You sound like the kind of guy who elevates everyone around them.

Sorry, but kikes are the new cigarettes. Based Khameni needs an office in Jerusalem decorated with bibi's desk. We need to support those who oppose the kike. When, and until, Israel purges the kike they will find opposition.

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20 trillion in debt and beholden to kikes isn't an's junk bonds.


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>lol! Look, there's no reason to bomb them. Sure. But, take his side? Richard. His side is Iranian/Russian and even Chinese - it's an outpost in their global game. They've got their own side. They're doing fine without our support, they do NOT align with "/our interests/"
The could be on our side if we'd stop bombing them. America used to win thru economics and soft power. We don't do that anymore we just bomb to very little effort and much expense of $ and our reputation.

Assad is the only thing preventing the genocide of the Syrian Christian minority. Anyone that gets up on their moral high-horse and advocates for regime change in Syria while claiming to be a Christian needs to be shot in the face.

Putin is baiting us into proxy wars and our leaders are too dumb to realize that he's doing the same thing we did to the USSR. That doesn't make him bad, that makes us dumb.

Fuck China. We need to let the nips have their way with the chinks--they've been itching to solve the CQ since WW2.

Iran is only a problem because we made it a problem. Even fucking Israel was friends with Iran when it was convenient.

It's not a bad thing that he opens people's minds to the kike menace in an unconventional way.

He's funded and associated with Israel. He has a journallist who follows him around whose father is an Israeli politician. He takes money from Israel. He's going to prison for RICO along with Bannon and whoever else is associated iwth Bannon.

>A jew plant supports jews

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Well SOMEONE GOT GASSED who did it then?

Suddenly pol is multicultural!

Nice try Ivan

I ironically share antifa's hatred of neo-nazis

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Oh this is where you ran off to. Show your flag faggot

Christians belong in Syria.
Arabs are the invaders.

Russia would be right at home in the EU honestly.

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Yeah, we know he’s a faggot

OP is a low-iq memeflagger who wrote a reddit-tier response comment and doesn't seem to even grasp what Spencer says in his essay.


>muh clickbait no-nuance headline
If that is all it takes to you convince you to shit on public white activists then you're completely useless anyway

Stay irrelevant on a increasingly defunct image board.

Let's not forget that he's married to a russian bitch who's known to have translated aleksander dugin's work into english

he's a fucking stooge being played by an SVR operative

Fuck off, bluepilled cuck.

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>Richard Spencer thinks X
And if Richard Spencer had any fucking qualifications or any relevance, that might mean something

>caring about spencer
fuck off back to ptg

When you have to state that X is more relevant than ever, X is no longer relevant.


Go to bed, Nick, no one cares.

The only way this is possible is if Assad is forced to disallow Iranian bases, and forward positioning in Syria where they are planning them

Why do you American's have such a difficult time just saying "I'm ignorant"