Top 5 best/worst presidents thread


>Mubarak Hussein Bin Laden

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>Bush Jr
>Bush Sr.

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worst: donald hillary trump

1. Washington
2. JFK
3. Nixon
4. Eisenhower
4. Robert E lee
5. Lincoln
6. Reagan

1. Bush
2. Obomber
3. Bush
4. Lyndon Johnson
5. FDR

>no mention of FDR, LBJ, Woodrow Wilson

Found the faggot

>No one putting Carters name in WORST

Only Obama has surpassed him

1. William Henry Harrison

1. Wilson
2. FDR
3. Lincoln
4. LBJ
5. Truman


What, pray tell, was so bad about Carter? He didn't murder nearly as many people as FDR, Truman, Lincoln, LBJ, Nixon, McKinley, the Bushes, Clinton, etc.

Clinton in worst and not FDR? Pleb

>Reagan who instituted the first assault weapons ban
He can go fuck himself

>FDR who constantly exploited power and played the subversive Jew game to the max

>Calvin Coolidge


Carter was the last good president, the smear campaign against him came from the right annd the left, surprisingly.
Didnt intervene in the middle east, legalized homebrewed alcohol, wasnt a neocon puppet zionist like Reagan.


Reagan was the one who gave amnesty to Mexicans and made California the shithole it is today.
>Teddy Roosevelt
>JFK (had less than one term, but I would put him higher if I could)

>W. Bush
>Van Buren
>Jimmy Carter

#1. Abe "no mixed breed bastards on my watch" Lincoln.

Lincoln was the furthest right wing leader this country has ever seen as a nation.
Do not let the Jews use reverse psychology on you into loving the Confederacy and hating Lincoln.

These are all Abraham Lincoln quotes:

"“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,”

"In the language of Mr. Jefferson, uttered many years ago, "It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation, and deportation, peaceably, and in such slow degrees, as that the evil will wear off insensibly; and in their places be, pari passu [on an equal basis], filled up by free white laborers."

"Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people.
As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life.
Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man."

1. More Jews held slaves as a group than any other ethnic group in America. 1/2 Jews in America owned a slave.
2. Jews instigated the Civil War to divide the USA. The original plan was the send the blacks to central America and Africa.
3. Jews played a crucial role in confederate government. Redpill yourself on ((((Judah P. Benjamin)))

And guess what?
Lincoln knew ALL of this.
Lincoln wanted to expel the Jews from the US during reconstruction. That's why he was JFK'd.
He wasn't a democracy cuck either.
He wanted to make the US a dictatorship, a real Plato's Republic ruled by Philosopher-Kings. He had the highest IQ of any sitting president in history and realized that democracy was a sham system.
This is why he kept intended to fully keep martial law in place after the war ended. Had he lived, every last nigger, half-breed and mongrel would have been deported to Central America.

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I kek'd

piss off liberal

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1. Obama

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2nd best: Based Bill Clinton

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3rd best: FDR

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4th best: JFK

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But Lincoln brought in the Irish and other euro trash in order to muster troops to defeat the original English/Americans and Southerners.

3rd last Reagan

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2nd last Dubya Bush

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Last: Trump

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i never understand the obsession with Reagan

it's a boomer thing

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>Reagan on top
>not Roosevelt
Back to plebbit

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thank god your opinion will never be relevant

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You can't dispute this list

T. Roosevelt

F. Roosevelt
W. Wilson
L.B. Johnson

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TR was a libtard, just one that did manly things.

LBJ used to pull out "dumbo", his cock, on command. He should be non existent.

The 1965 Immigration Act ruined my country.

>hey imma expand the govt like crazy and trick the fags into thinking Im libertarian n shieeet

>Increased the debt by 189%
>Gave amnesty to nearly 3 million illegals
>Supported a ban of assault rifles

Reagan was a terrible president.

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John Quincy Adams
FDR banned Jewish refugees during WWII and the New Deal was just a ploy to stop radical leftist uprisings. Dude was genius.

But it was Lincoln that flooded the USA with immigrants in order to combat the white majority of America.

Immigrants from Ireland, Russia, Italy, etc were all given citizenship if they fought in the civil war. The 65 immigration act just finished the job.

And Lincoln is on my Worst list



Remember y'all, Democrats are the real racists!

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Jackson is one of the greatest heroes America has ever had.


How's that 1986 immigration bill working out for CA?

Bush II

>Amnesty and gun ban Ronald Reagan
>Best at anything

Found the cuckservative.

>these retards putting Lincoln as worse
>when he literally did the absolute best possible in the midst of a civil war

Worst list LBJ . Best list JFK .

He ruined the country forever

>Mubarak Hussein Bin Laden

Why exactly?

>that flag.

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Three wouldn't be a country without him you retard. He was killed before he executed his whole plan, which was to sent blacks to Africa.

>freed the niggers and forced the US to keep dealing with the shitty South
>did a 180 on the whole colonizing niggers outside American bit at the last minute rightfully getting him assassinated
>no one even died at ft sumter

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
4. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr.
5. Lyndon Baines Johnson

40. Andrew Johnson
41. George Walker Bush
42. Millard Fillmore
43. Franklin Pierce
44. James Buchanan Jr.

He was bluffing about that. He was a nigger loving abolitionist the whole time and just pussyfooted around it to get the Presidency and keep unionist support. At around the end of the war he gave a speech straight up advocating racial equality, it would be his last speech as Booth witnessed it and that's what drove him to assassinate Lincoln.

Muh True Cuckservative

Muh Based Hispanic Natural Conservatives

Muh amnesty, gun grabs and big government

Muh boomer fetishization of a retarded old (((hollywood))) good goy

>Barack Obama
>Woodrow Wilson
>Abraham Lincoln

>George W. Bush
>Andrew Johnson

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It was to stop Jews and Nigs, you fool.

Sure, but you rank LBJ as less bad when compared to Lincoln. Therefore, do you believe that LBJ and his 65 immigration policy was worse than Lincoln's flooding of America by immigrants?

Fuck no, he let the conservatives walk all over him. He's in like the 20s of my rankings. And where the fuck are Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan?

What a reasonable and accurate list. Very refreshing

Maybe you should spend some time over at /his/ and get off that guys dick. Reagan was senile and dangerous.

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Thank you, user.

Fight me if you don’t like it. Obama is the greatest ever (ACA, LGBTQIA+ rights, etc.) Only Hillary could have been better imo.

Trump is the worst by far. Much worse than any irrelevant 19th century prez. Sad!!

add truman man
we wouldn't have CIA niggers if it wasn't for him

Okay, now you're baiting. Bernie should have won.

Worst: Lyndon B Johnson
Every time I look at his rodent face I feel sick. I wish I could go back in time and curb stomp this faggot.

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The Confederacy had every right to independence and we would be far better off if the sjw faggots had their country and we had ours.

He was president at the time of the creation of the Senior Executive Service which is the central agency of the deep state.

HE nicknamed his cock Dumbo and would pull it out on request.

You can tell he was a fucking degenerate just by looking into his empty eye sockets

No. Bernie was not a Democrat.

>do you believe that LBJ and his 65 immigration policy was worse than Lincoln's flooding of America by immigrants?

Ofcourse it was. First of all all of Lincolns immigrants were white christians. But even if you think those kind of white christians were undesirables, that was just a one time wave of immigration. The 1965 act which is still active today allows anyone from all over the world to come over. Now immigrants from Asia and Africa make up 90% of the immigrants. America was 90% white back in 1960, now it's hovering at 50% soon to be minority. All because of the 1965 act. This one act lead to the destruction of america and so LBJ is the worst president ever.

>muh based union

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Understood. So not only did they whack JFK, they put the worst turd ball prez in power.

>Coolidge is not top 1
kys nigger

> exploded the deficit
> cut regulations so corps could assrape the working class and the environment
> amnesty in california turning the whole coast blue, fucking lul

press s to spit

>Mubarak Hussein Bin Laden


dafuq are you mising trump on best list?

yeah I know the fucker can't do anything right, but he kept hillary out and that is HILLARYous

Shut up about your shitty white genocide already, there are legitimate reasons to dislike LBJ like showing his dick and Vietnam

Worst : everyone else ,kike cock suckers

See LBJ is the reason you're in America.


Anyone that doesn't like Nixon has been brainwashed by jews.

1. Washington
2. Lincoln
3. Jefferson
4. TR
5. FDR

1. LBJ
2. Hoover
3. Coolidge
4. Clinton
5. Obama

All my ancestors were in the US by 1960.

>made marijuana illegal because he hated blacks and hippies
>literally sabotaged Vietnam peace talks so he could get reelected

Reagan was the beginning of the end kid.

Shiggiest of diggies.



Top 6 best:
6-John Adams

Top 6 worst:
1-LBJ the far-left nation-wrecking shill
2-Barack "literal anti-white leftist nigger" Obama
3-Woodrow "the original SJW feminist" Wilson
4-Abraham "fuck the constitution" Lincoln
5-George "leftist neocon kike shill" Bush
6-Ronald "le BASED illegal immigrants and gun control" Reagan

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Wilson opposed the 19th amendment. The President doesn't deal with amendments.

The fact Buchanan isn't in every single list for the worst president means that none of you (save a couple of anons) know anything about what makes a bad president.


I’m a real racist. What’s your point?

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Few know that John Wilkes Booth was a likely crypto-Jew. Weren't the Jews and Britain also backing the South in a big way?

I figured that since Warski just wants to talk about ecelebs we could all talk about israel. No I will not dox you if you join my discord

>>fugg youtube

Our discussion will be on Dlive which is a blockchain alternative to youtube

click on the Dr. Pol video

Woodrow Wilson:
>federal reserve
>income taxes
>WW1 involvement
>League of Nations


He got rekt by linkin log man

woodrow caused the decline of empires,fuck that guy