>Teen, 17, 'was stabbed to death by his ex-boyfriend, 16, after breaking up with him to date a girl >Investigators said Jeremy Sanchez was killed by his ex-boyfriend >Sanchez allegedly recently broke up with the 16-year-old suspect to date a girl >The suspect is said to have called Sanchez and asked him to meet him by an L.A. river Tuesday night >Sanchez's body was found the next day when his father asked the suspect and another good friend to help him look for the teen >The suspect, who is not being identified because of his age, is being held in juvenile hall
My sister is bull Dyke, I blame the fucking litter box she kept In her room for 10 years total degenerate. Never cleaning her litter box made her insane
Mason Gray
Jason Rodriguez
>Persians and Jews condemned homoeroticism >Ancient Greece venerated it and Rome enjoyed it Which attitude is more ""Aryan""? The blunt anger of the illiterate slave hordes which populated Iran? The ugly life-hating resentment of displaced Jewish merchants and priests? Or is it perhaps that of the peoples who breathed pagan freedom and exultation... the tanned and muscular admirers of boys and olive-trees? The loving warriors, the raging bards, the travelling philosophers?
I don't think I really had an exact due date by that time as long as they knew where I was going to be and about when I'd be back. Maybe they figured I'd not taken to acting in such a way as to demand strict limits.
Adam Martin
i actually gagged at this a bit, mainly because I realized this actually happened
yet another reason not to be gay- not only is getting raped exponentially more probable in a relationship, but so is 'getting over-powered and murdered :)
Isaac Garcia
all Greece does is lose wars and beg for money. wgaf about there art beyond historical value? they have nothing of value to teach beyond historical lessons because they are no longer a decent nation.
Jace Myers
Jordan Long
The kind that let their son be gay
John Barnes
Pack the fudge, I can't figure out the rhyme that works here. Let's try something else. Maybe boipucci?
Lincoln Gonzalez
Joshua Russell
Jow Forums is focusing on gays, when really it's men in general they can't take rejection. The only people who can handle rejection well are straight women.
kek hold the fucking phone was the litter box for a cat or was it HERS
Jack Perez
>Rome enjoyed it Only very early Rome did, and this was due to the heavy Greek influence. Once the Empire got started Rome became very conservative.
Julian Martin
This. Please answer
Liam Jones
Watch Dateline. You'll see enough crazy straight women murdering their significant others. Also, see Jodi Arias.
Michael Stewart
Jose Anderson
Conservatism is relative. Remember that the Republic isn't just "very early Rome". The Empire was rather decadent in a lot of ways too - consider some of its emperors. But naturally there's diversity of opinion whatever the social circumstances, consider the speech of Pausanius in the Symposium that praises pederasty, but advocates a stricter, more virtuous interpretation of its practice, based more on character than on desire or riches or social standing. Aurelius spoke negatively of homosexuality. Prohibitions and taboos against homosexual acts became legislated under Christian influence.
Nolan Hall
>Sanchez >faggot >jumping from relationship to relationship being a degenerate Why should I care?
James Collins
toxo is the worst meme, you get that shit from handling dirt, chances are any person who works outdoors has it.
Alexander Miller
"Bug Chasers", or basically people who should be rounded up and shot, then kicked into a mass grave for knowingly spreading a deadly disease.
Isaiah Turner
Nothing of value was lost.
Brody Peterson
what happened?
Jackson Brooks
Yep. Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma archive.is/yfjOu
Christian Gutierrez
Same thing with Jews due to circumcision.
Dylan James
What about that fag magazine that thought AIDS was an anti-gay conspiracy and then every employee died of AIDS inside like 5-7years or some such lel