I'm amazed one of them complained
And christcucks will still defend (((them)))
Israel is the worst country on Planet Earth,
Where's that webm of Morgan Spurlock or whatever his name is going to Israel when you need it
Surprised Haaretz would admit to this.
This Catholic, meanwhile, has been JQ'd for some time.
>You are of your father the devil
>The synagogue of Satan
Real shame Christians don’t read their Bible.
try again Stavros
>Follow religion invented by kikes for the goyim, forsaking the religions and culture of their own people
>Give the kikes gibs for over a thousand years
>Get spit on by the kikes
>Die for the kikes
Is there anyone more cucked than Christcucks?
oy vey
>mfw Calvinist
>mfw the true Israel is God's church
>mfw Israel is rightful clay of Christendom
This is the only corrrect answer
Niggers are shit. Arabs are shit unless tamed by a dictatorship. What's wrong with anything in this pic?
its a blessing for a good christian to be spat on by the chosen people
Q predicted this.
fuck off mutt
Related twitter poll and results so far.
You know what to do.
The Orthodox are worse than niggers
Lets face it. It's antisemitic to complain on jewish spit.
I fucking stand by Israel.
I have literally all five of my sons to die for them.
Currently, I'm breeding my only daughter to 50 black bulls because I want my grandsons to be strong enough to die for Israel.
I hate Nazis.
You kids just don't get it.
They deserve it christians have wrongfully persecuted jews for centuries. Israel is jewish land not christian
>I have literally sent all five of my sons to die for them.
It's important that I correct myself so that you understand.
I like Jews how I like my Pizza.
Jesus fought the Jews
>far-right kike
Mind fuck
I understand, I too am a guardian of Zion, I can only pray that someday I'll be lucky enough to be spit on by them.
christcucks unironically believe the greatest ally and god's chosen people meme
>And christcucks will still defend (((them)))
only amerikike evangelicucks do this. real christianity has nothing to do with sucking jew dick
im sure the roman said the same thing christcuck. you christians stole jewish history and culture and mad a shitty knock off just like the mudslimes
Christian Zionism is a relatively recent heresy. Look up Schofield bible. Not all of us fall for it. The Orthodox don’t.
1:02 it's what (((they))) do. Then run away
Tour religion is stolen off of jewish culture
probably those hasidic cunts, parents visited israel a few years back and said that even other jews hate the hasidic jews. They wear these big dumb ass fur hat things and are basically the purest strain that believes Jerusalem should be exclusive to reptilians. They're constantly starting shit that very rapidly escalates into worse shit. Ma was forced to sit next to a larval one on the plane and even at 6 they know to despise the goy, little shit was stabbing her leg with a fork the entire trip.
kike spittin on a kike the circle is complete
The faking of hate crimes and hypocrisy if nothing else.
Yeah uh huh, sure thing kike. Here's a little pro-tip, all kikes are shit
fucking assholes, when will our shit media start talking about antichristianism?
fuck these kikes
Kikes are the new cigarettes. All hail the new leader of biblical Israel, where there are no kikes.
Iranians would be far better administrators of biblical Israel than the kikes. Way better for everyone.
>Kikes are the new cigarettes
checked. cancer is guaranteed
Move the Christians to Lebanon, the Sunnis to the West Bank, the Shiites to Syria. Lebanon for Christians, Israel for Jews, West Bank and Gaza for Sunnite paliniggers and Syria home to shiites and others.
It's the mega churches (and I include the Vatican in this) that are peddling this pro-jew garbage. The bible clearly says that Jews are not to be trusted but then you have these "experts" that must interpret it for you because they went to a (((school))) that teaches the (((true))) meaning of God's Word.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
>For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
>Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
>Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
I mean you can't get much clearer than that.
I'm agnostic and I would take christians and muslims over jews and atheists any day.
I am one of the biggest proponents for Christianity on this board and I CONSTANTLY call out the kikes. Quit taking your cues on what Christianity is from those who are blind being led by the blind. Just like the Vatican, preachers and pastors have to follow an (((approved))) sermon. It is said that in the end times, no building of worship will tell the truth about the Gospel.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. You seek. You read. You digest. You don't do it through another person except at the beginning when you still have to get your bearings. Once you do, it falls on you to read and explore the Word while praying to God that he gives you the guidance to understand it.
The only mediator between humanity and God is Jesus Christ.
Not a pastor. Not a priest. Not a pope either.
Just Jesus Christ.
OP you are so tiresome. You're just gonna ignore all this I bet and then just keep doing the same crap. Those who refuse to be rebuked will never learn.
This pic is just too good. It is one of the fucking best.
>>mfw Calvinist
>t. John Piper
Nothing matters to you then
Since everything is god's will
lmao, the shit we had before was on par with satanism and calling forth demonic spirits.
John Piper says you need more diversity in your church if you are a good calvinist. God has predestined them for your church, stop being racist
Piper is a fag and I would set him on fire myself if I could
Mormons are better than Calvinists
And the kikes wonder why they deserve to get holocausted again but erased from the history books this time as hitlers spirit curses them from his underworld grave to the heavens throne above
No mormons are false prophets. Heretical by nature and anti christ whenever the word of Smith supercedes it as it frequently does in his new new testament where mormons replace the chosen tribes as the appointed people to inherit the americas. Fuck off with that heathen shit. Mormons should be executed on sight ande evicted from the utah lands they siezed from natives and US Gov during the wild west era.
If you don't understand that World jewery want's you dead, well go back to the bluepill.
>jews hate Christians
>this is a bad thing
Fuck off JIDF.
You haven't been paying attention then. Haaretz is very left leaning.
A bestseller. Highly recommended.
>He doesn't understand what hyperbole is
John Piper is a Baptist who rejects the sacrament of infant baptism, not a Calvinist. Baptists who believe in predestination are still just baptists since they reject Reformed doctrine
This. The most glorious day in North American history will be the day of the destruction of the heathen Mormon "temples".
Typical specimens of (((fellow white people)))
checked and based
Haaretz is pretty much an anti-israeli Israeli newspaper.
Yup. They sure will.
Fucking Synagogue of Satan, man
I mean, if you look at padme amidala, not even other Jews can get behind israels savagery
Are you implying Jesus was anti-semitic? What about all the churches saying to be like Jesus?
>when israel is so radical that even discusing/questioning some things are now sinonym of "anti-israelism"
comes to show how a jew brain works
I see nothing wrong here.
i am not white
Christian Zionists are quite literally the dumbest people on the planet.
To be fair, those laws are pretty hard to break.
It's really a bit of a misnomer. The ultra-orthodox are neither left nor right. Right now the haredim are in league with the right wing government simply because of common enemies. This causes tons of problems because haredim goals are weird and they usually see the state as a means to an end. It's quite like you see those occasional Jews that are like
>Orthodox Jews against Israel!
And people are like "based real Jews know what's up!" But the reality is haredim often don't consider Israel as Jewish because it doesn't follow Jewish Sharia.
You really don't know hareetz.
I don't have a problem with Jews killing Muslims. I have a problem with Jews controlling our finances and telling us it is bad for us to kill Muslims or Niggers.
Because we don't have to hate niggers to want them to figure out their own destiny away from us. Jews coming on here and making it all about the nigger hate rather than the white love is pretty obvious. White nationalism is a labour of love for your extended family.
you are probably a jew
Well, I fucked up
>character assassination against Christians
We have this thread every day.
If you were more intelligent and less plebs I'd support you. You're the dregs of the land. I hope Jews clean the world of your degeneracy.
>Americans like Jews more than ever
>in 2018
10 feet higher.
see? i knew it
1 of 10 hareetz articles "critice" israel and yet just because of that they are treacherous jews
the world of the usa's degeneracy? look at you, russian subhuman. your communism infected our country. you poisoned my country. look at russia. you live like niggers, you have aids like nigger. you act like nigger. russians are NIGGERS. untermensch subhuman~~~~
Oy vey, bad goy. Stop reading the news.
I really don't give enough of a shit to try to convince a third worlder I'm not a kike.
Jesus wasn't the only jew they killed.
>your communism infected our country
user, our government took them in willingly.
Meant to include this picture.
this was caused by them, they rebeled because of religious radicalism
it isnt particulary different of the rest of roman behaviour but guess what, in jewish eyes this was another shoa and they dindu nuffin
so edgy bro
Ηahaha fucking based