The current year

>the current year
>volunteering for the israeli foreign legion

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Are those lee enfields?

I think they're M1 Grands

> I'm not man enough to join the army so I'll sit here, getting fat and racist and pro-Ttump, and attack the military from the comfort of mom's basement!

Wow, the Alt-Right suuuuure is a scary bunch, huh?

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>you're not man enough to die for people who hate you!
>what a fucking coward you are for not siding with al qaeda in syria!!

Remember to pay taxes and support your president and army America! You don't want to upset the jews before they come in and give you 15 year old abdi to live in your house

Q predicted this.

gas yourself kike

This has very good meme potential. Posters with us soldiers emblazoned with labels of “Join the Israeli Foreign Legion Today” with Hebrew and American flags but no Israeli flags because that will just give all the boomers a hard on.

I agree 100%.

It used to be a bit of a joke, but it's actually the truth now. And it should be pretty clear to anyone with an IQ above 100.

The US military is LITERALLY Isreal's muscle now. I don't think America has interests to protect beyond the welfare of global Jewery any longer.

I don't think joining the military is an Honorable thing to do in the current climate. Even here...I don't think I'd do it knowing what NATO is and what it's up to.

>not joining while you're still young and dumb to get free college and a disability pension

>that filename
mossad really isn't sending their best

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Yeah, young dumb and dead.
I value moral principles over gibmedats

It's true of your military and others as well. This is something we all have to acknowledge together

Your thinking is illogical. The chance of dying is incredibly slim.

Logically I'd be serving and risking my life for israeli interests. I refuse to do that. Shoo, autistic thai


Same. Sick and tired of fighting for the goddamn Jews. Israel wouldn’t be shit without us(USA) today. I support the military, but not those motherfucking ocksucking yarmulke wearing pieces of shit

>not volunteering for it
you'll just get the shittiest possible job when you're drafted in WW3. at least be a reservist or something.

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Why do you suck the baby cock

I respect you.... But the kykes.

i dont senpai , stop projecting your fantasies .

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sounds /comfy/ tbqh

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>I don't think America has interests to protect beyond the welfare of global Jewery any longer.
we unironically do not have foreign interests any more due to shale oil kek
however the Israeli and Saudi lobbies control the US Government and they are very interested in the US Military's power.

you dont, yet

Jow Forums here, youre both wrong those are assualt rifle 47s.

Joined the Navy because I didn't want to go college.