Weed should never be legalized, decriminalized, or tolerated in any capacity

Weed should never be legalized, decriminalized, or tolerated in any capacity.
It has been proved repeatedly that it's bad for the brain.
We don't need even more retards who can't think properly running around.

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Switch out “weed” with “assault rifles” and I’m on board!

losing battle lad

but alchahol is allowed to be legal???

white lives matter

You will be meant with great resistance.

Weed. You have to be 25 and higher
Need to have a weed card to use and purchase weed.
Cannot smoke in public
Must pay tax.
Can only buy it at dispensaries, I do not want to see weed being bought at a fucking walgreens or CVS.


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Come to think of it because bibles are bad for society, ban them today!

Redpill me with scientific studies proving marijuana is poisonous.

Substitute weed for liberalism and I'm on board.

its one of the few things that can help me get to sleep.
alcohol is a lot worse, not a day goes by when i dont see dwi or some other alcohol related crime in the paper

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Too bad it's already happening.

Good fight though.

>inhaling carbonmonoxide is bad for brain
>illegalize it
Statist GTFO!

OP is a dealer being undercut by the new industry.



Using it now to get off opiates and and it's a godsend. Letting me succeed where so many others get stuck. What's wrong with that?

stop making these faggoty threads, OP

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And what about all those prescriptions meds?
People are literally walking into walls and that's still legal

>Redpill me with scientific studies proving marijuana is poisonous.

The redpill is that weed isn't poisonous

Yes good goy make sure PTSD curing drugs are kept under lock and key while we pump your fat ass full of pharmaceuticals!

Go be a statist cocksucker somehwere else.
>It has been proved repeatedly that it's bad for the brain.

By that same logic fast food should be banned because it's objectively unhealthy. In any case banning drugs is as ineffective as banning alcohol was (same goes for guns).

I can get behind this. Do the same with alcohol and ciggies as well. Pharmacies shouldn't be selling shit like that imho.

that’s very jewish thoughts.

The kikes salivate at the prospect of a generation that can't remember shit.

Weed can even do a fancy trick all these modern drugs can't, dose independent self-regulation.
That's why practically every other drug can and will kill if you take too much

what your stance on alcohol?
fits your description.
What happened during prohibition?
Do you see the parallels?

I've actually been doing some research lately on various mental health issues, and yesterday I was reading about schizophrenia. After reading up on the causes (which are unknown), one of the contributing factors of schizophrenia is marijuana. I believe they said that those who smoke marijuana have higher chances of devopling this illness.

I've always been pretty pro-weed myself, but after reading that it really made me wonder just how much of an effect marijuana has on mental health issues.

alcohol is really the drug of choice for idiots

> Weed is dangerous because weed is relatively safe and all the other drugs are generally dangerous

if you want to be stupid high or drunk everyday you should be allowed to be so.
if they really cared about our health they would have not allowed fast food places and so many liqourstores in the ghetto

k thanks for sharing

its literally no worse than alcohol
also freedom to kill yourself so long as you aren't interfering with anyone else's rights

i dont do either because its a choice i made

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even for medical reasons? dumb motherfucker.

Maybe it shouldn't really be classed as a drug, like drinking coffee isn't considered doing drugs

How to lower IQ on a mass scale:
>Flood nation with illiterate spics
>Dumb down college curriculums for muh diversity
>Push degenerate nigger culture
>Shill for legal marijuana to make the masses retarded, fat and lazy

All you saying weed is fine, the average american doesn't have the self control to use marijuana correctly. All my stoner friends are retarded liberals that can't even process why immigration is bad.

Inb4 muh natural plant

In case anyone else is too stupid to grasp the point of that study - people who have schizophrenia are more prone to self medicate

so you base your opinions based off your own subjective rhetoric. dumb cunt.


Nice try, shill. Actually even shills aren’t anti-cannabis. U just a dum troll.

Enjoy ur lonely life. Oh wait, you won’t. I hope you live a long time because I know each day of your existence is a living hell.

PS: nice thread bahahahahahahaha

>We don't need even more retards who can't think properly running around.
>he says on Jow Forums without a hint of irony

You are one of those people.

>The redpill is that weed isn't poisonous
thats true but you can attach more poisonous shit to weed than you can to tobacco, but tobacco attracts cesium and weed doesn't

>21 and higher
>weed card for tax write off for medical and higher dosage medication
That's essentially what we have in most of the legal states.
Nevada is changing it's outdoor smoking laws this year though.

>even shills aren’t anti-cannabis.
pharma shills are, they stand to lose a fortune

Thank you. Degenerate nigger faggotry, all of it. All you have to do is look at California as your reason to not legalize. Shithole capital of America

Theres a good analogy about the bible and rules that some christfag got to resonate with me. A parent had river far in his backyard separated by brush, and he would tell his kids not to go past the first tree. Why does it matter that the parent made the brush off limits, nothing is technically dangerous in there? Why cant the kids enjoy the wooded area too? Because its a marginal concession to ensure that their kids avoid the river, stay safe, and peace of mind for kids. The christfag likened parental rules to bible values.

This is how society should work. 90% of people are fucking retarded and half helpless, to blow their mind with vices plays a dangerous game with rampant degeneracy. The other side of the coin is that if you utilitize minimal intelligent and cautious, you can do virtually anything you want on your own property on your own time with no one being the wiser. This is how it should be: rules to keep lemmings in check, and a society that places individual responsibility for dumbass degenerate shit. Its only illegal if you get caught. If you cannot into white crime, then you probably shouldnt be based out.

t. enjoying 420 responsibly

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> be me have business in Colorado
> weed made legal a few years ago
> fast forward to 2018
> business struggling can't hire younger workers
> literal retards show up fail drug test and aptitude test
> entry level job where a caveman can do it
> weed has made most Colorado locals low tier retards
> totally fucked leaving state to many retards on weed

Asshole weed makes mentally lazy millennials

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Blow it out your ass.
I'll fucking rape you with a rusty fire poker.

Alcohol doesn't destroy brain cells like marijuana does. Scientists have proven that weed actually destroys brain cells after long periods of use, and in some cases can cause death.

>so you base your opinions based off your own subjective rhetoric

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Weed shrinks the hippocampus. The government is just looking for more revenue. Did you all already smoke and are too retarded to realize the potential downside?

god made pot, man made beer.

which do you trust?

should we ban paint too?

god also made malaria, have at it retard

how much stock you got in Johnson & Johnson OP?


The equivalent of that would be the shit that's made in labs; not weed, a natural intoxicant, compared to beer, a man-made intoxicant.

That's bait, me firend.

They have said this for years and years but it is likely bullshit. The studies that show any correlation are shit. Weed is great. Smoke weed everyday.

This, tbqf.

what does J&J stock have to do with weed?

Propaganda is bad for the brain and its legal, so what kind of argument are you making here?

The "War on Drugs" was originally a United Nations agenda created by the globalists.


The prohibition of alcohol DID NOT WORK.

Therefore, such prohibition SHOULD NEVER BE ATTEMPTED by any government entity.

If u don't like it, then don't smoke it!

Said nobody ever

big pharma are the main anti-weed pushers

Show me an overweight everyday smoker. Cannabis does more for your body than just make it high.
You're either a shill, trolling or just ignorant or dumb.
Cannabis and hemp will help save this god forsaken planet, like it or not.

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Hippos don't need to go to college faggot. They are some of the most dangerous animals in india.

Whatever you do OP don't call it by it's real name which is cannabis.

You will be meant for education.

You would have to be a mental midget to believe that.

Why not get rid of the drug test and aptitude test then you memeflag nigger? If it is just an entry level job so easy a caveman can do it. Isn't that a insurance commercial you goddamn boomer? Fuck off.

You are shit. Just let people be free. Stop trying to control everyone and everything you insufferable kikes.

>niggers bring down national educational averages

Go be a 'progressive' faggot back in your containment /b/oard, cunt.
So kill yourself.

>It has been proved repeatedly that it's bad for the brain.

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I get coca leaf tea from peru, considered illegal but the government does not enforce it in Brazil. If I sent a fucking tea bag to the USA I would probably be imprisoned for 40 years.

I don't use marijuana but calling a fucking flower illegal is fucking retarded.

>muh ignorance
>Cannabis and hemp will help save this god forsaken planet, like it or not.
Yes, just like communism is the one and only positive choice for a brighter future.
You got any other catchphrases there in leftypol?

there's a reason it's called weed, it'll grow almost anywhere.

>Entry level job.
You're just shit at running a business really but whichever way you please.

>He passes on the cannabis user because it stays in your system for fucking ever but hires the guy that did coke a few nights before the drug test


I am quite aware of this fact. In certain parts of Brazil it grows in ditches by the roadside. The government spends money attempting to eradicate it.

Some based motherfucker even went into an isolated community about 10 years back and got the natives to grow fuck tons of it. The government had a shit fit, YET in the golden triangle of Brazil, where they grow most of the shit weed that is distributed around the country, the government turns a blind eye and lets the farmers grow and sell the shit without charging them.

the bible should never be legalized, decriminalized, or tolerated at any capacity.
it has been proven repeatedly that its bad for the brain.
we dont need even more retards who can't think properly running around.

Fuck communism. It's always just black and white with you cunts, hey? I believe in cannabis so i automatically believe in anything else you disagree with.
Absolute retard logic. I'm so sick of Jow Forums and all these absolutely tremendous casseroles flooding the place lately.

>It has been proved repeatedly that it's bad for the brain.
>We don't need even more retards who can't think properly running around.
Lets say someone agrees with that. What makes you think they would agree with the stupid idea that making it illegal is the best way to prevent people from abusing it?

Jew shills don't like weed because it's too hard to monopolize the market.

Ya went full retard

Regular cannabis users are the healthiest people I know and the only people not obsessed with Facebook who have real hobbies and go outdoors

Jesus, thank you. The about of anti-weed threads in here lately are driving me crazy.

>guzzles entire bottle of whiskey
>kills whole family driving

Ahahahahaaaahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha the cognitive dissonance with this one is of unseen magnitude!


what the fuck is up with that? I noticed this also. I am not a weed user, it does not agree with me (I fall asleep) but I never had a problem being around weed smokers. They are often more interesting to talk to than fucking drunks

OP is either a shill or a retard.

Pic related

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it doesnt matter if its bad its my right with my body

You're so stupid. The "study" thar showed pot kills brain cells is one of the most used examples of junk, manipulated science to reach a desired conclusion. Suffocating monkeys is not a substitute for smoking. Alcohol does cause noticeable brain damage, particularly to the wernek's(sp) area. This is why a drunk has shit speech when sober.

I remember reading about that shit. They pumped a poor fucking monkey with enough smoke to kill an elephant and when the think went braindead they blamed it on weed.

your pic is true for pretty much every single plant that has a functional use, especially medicinal, recreational or industrial use.

>It's been proven that
>Posts no proof
You're still pissed that they didn't invite you to that birthday party huh?

It’s only for people who are predisposed to schizophrenia

I had a middle school science teacher have us read it without any pretext. He then had a lesson on while, yes, drugs aren't good for you, lying about them won't prevent their use and is dishonest. He then also had information in why both alcohol and pot were bad, but not as bad as some claim.