The degeneracy of society, is there an end to it? And if not how could it possibly become worse?

The degeneracy of society, is there an end to it? And if not how could it possibly become worse?

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>The degeneracy of society, is there an end to it?
It's called objective morality/natural law

evolution is the only morality
the best ideas and behaviors survive and propagate

Evolution is not morality, it is a right and you can do it without unjustly harming other beings

moralfag spotted
evolution has the final say on what is right or wrong, not you

Of course I'm a moralfag, aren't obscene moral transgressions the reason the majority of people on this board are up in arms about the current condition of the world? Literally the only moral law you will ever need to act with righteousness is to not take what isn't yours, I didn't decide that, you don't decide it, and claiming you do is the very act of evil.

Try to get test as a mid-age male...

i hope Jessica takes HRT so i can pound that boipucci

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define 'yours'
can i take the moon?
can i take a spring fed pond?
can i take the atmosphere?

Anyone got a source on this? It just makes me angry and I want to see if anything else happened.

Did you create the moon?
Did you create the spring fed pond?
Did you create the atmosphere?
It itsn't yours, end of story. The only thing that has definitively been given to you is your own body.

To add, you can still take part and enjoy the things of nature if you do it with care and respect. Don't destroy the moon, don't poison the spring or atmosphere.

so why am i allowed to drink from the spring?

Because you can choose to do it, but that doesn't mean you're doing it with care and respect

holy fuck what?

You can drink from a spring without taking the entire thing for yourself, it's not complicated

so you're a collectivist communist?
i want the whole spring

Communists redistribute wealth they didn't create, I know that is wrong so no I'm not a communist. If you want your own spring, you're gonna have to make one.

It sounds like you're a Geolibertarian

Attached: FreeEarth.png (1429x413, 325K)

Those are some alright principles but are redundant or conflicting with natural law so nope

The Weimar Republic's degeneracy directly led to the rise of Adolph Hitler

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

pick one, tard

I said SOME of them, not that all of them are conflicting and redundant at the same time

>I'm currently a college student and have struggled with transgender issues for a long time
stopped reading there

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Or rather, that the principles are redundant OR conflicting, the word "or" doesn't speak of the totality

I played smash in university and went to classes and did my work

Why do university's have therapists and fucking doctors on staff anyways?

Link you faggot.

>implying this actually happened and isn't your fap fantasy
Keep your AGP out of here, kike.


my doctor wouldn't even let me check my T levels. then when i got aggressive they had security escort me so i lost my doctor

t. Canadafag

The day of reckoning is going to fall on these people like a ton of bricks.

Usually war culls the weak but we've been lacking fighting spirit for a while.

T. fag or mental patients leftists trying to derail discussion on this thread.

You do realize in this fucked up country you have to sway to doctors to do what you want? You don't ask politely, you make shit up to force their hand.

My discussion is completely on topic. How are morals not related to degeneracy?

fuck doctors man they are like 4th in line on DOTR