wtf did trump say to him
Wtf did trump say to him
I want to make a cumburger and cheese out of your vinegar kimchi colon kimmy
After watching Trump draw the line in Syria, He knew he was no bullshit and knew better to fuck around and get glassed.
Something something ethnovirus
i love you kim
Say what you will, but the madman strategy works in some cases. When you make it clear you're not fucking around, people will straighten out.
tips fedora
Trump made him an offer he couldn't refuse
North Korea has NEVER threatened to nuke the United States and ALWAYS has said his nukes were for self defense. The Nuke threats are made by the ZOG as fake quotes in order to threaten Trump. They wanted to use Israeli submarines to fire nukes to blame Kim and start WW3.
fuck off, commie shill. National communism is still communism.
>Kim, this is so fucking stupid. We don't want to replace your regime, but you gotta get rid of these nukes. If you do, we'll lift sanctions.
Are you stupid?
>33 falls out.
What did...
Cant even...
Duuuuuude. Get.
>> 168666666 (pruned) I dont have the screencap but it read "Rice Wars now" with some extra juicy commentary after. The active thread on FP regarding the 8888888s hiyler get has it nested tho. Feel free to dig it up since mods pruned the missing get.
>playing the dotard like a fiddle
Probably just offered to help bring him back into the fold and Kim jumped at the chance because he's actually pretty west friendly for a Nork.
He grew up in Switzerland, loves basketball and probably wants the sanctions to relax so he can equip his national team with Air Jordans.
Trump and Kim are now best friends.
I thought these black hats were associated with Rabbis and Orthodox Jews, not Atheists.
Never trust a man or woman with those fagglasses.
its all an act, north korea just fucking lies to get sanctions lessened
no way in hell they will give up anything
They no longer need nuclear tests because they finished the weapons
Trump offered to be his friend and teach him how to fuck Playboy models.
Get me a good trade deal with China, in exchange I will play along with getting troops out of SK by playing peace, which is what they wanted all along. I am slightly skeptical since Ive served in the US army and been to SK for a few years, but I see a good outcome possible in all this.
Bottom right looks like Sargon of Akkad.
they need food in N.K. Also Kim has to start doing this shit now internally within N.K. in build up to the meeting with Trump. There not just going to announce all that after a meeting which would make him look weak and like they were forced too. By doing all this in advance his reiterates that N.K. accomplished what they were after with their nuclear program and then will come the announcement that the U.S. seeks peace instead of the other way around. Let the guy save face is a good negotiation tactic and it's not surprised to see it going down this way
How short memories do you fucks have? This news is many weeks old
Nothing was said. Trumps Glory spoke to him/kim
He promised the best munchies, Weeds legal in north Korea, but food isnt.
Shine a bright light at the fat prick and you've got a dead ringer for King Gook.
>Hey Kim, end the Korean war so it looks like I can handle diplomatic solutions and have resources free for the coming Syrian invasion.
We can destroy all of North Korea with a rod from space OR the world is doomed in a few years and you should make nice because you don't wanna die like a bunch of hermit assholes
“Youve got a lot to lose kim, your forefathers have built a magnificent empire. Surely you dont want to see it wiped off the face of the earth. Lets work something out kim. Your people need food? We can send you 100 cows. Let them breed. Soon youll have 200. And theyll breed and therell be 400. Youll have so much food you wont know what to do with it. And then trump gave him a cheeseburger. And whispered. “You miss it dont you?” And kim cried and begged forgiveness while he ate the cheeseburger. And kim sang the mc donalds song. Ba da da da daaa im loving it.
it was good while it lasted
Peace on the Peninsula in our lifetime?
Is this winning?
you realize tesla was destroyed financially because elons car in space was highjacked by chinas stage 3 star wars program and sent into american telecom satellites over the pacific
they had to fake part of the televised broadcast of the launch and flight. they had anticipated some resistance from others like japan who can shoot shit down in space or in the atmosphere with a laser on a satellite. american and russian engineers couldnt figure it out. russia even made a satellite to try to steal it. it self destructed. japan made like 10 more. they dont trust america. you might a be a tard with a shit memory but they always bring up everything from the 70s up to the present day. america dressing up marines as russian soldiers and trying a land invasion of japan from the 80s - 90s and a more recent revisiting of this a couple years ago. the japanese version of the cdc and what the american and british intelligence agencies and american military tried to do. hawaii under obama. they wont let our icbms near them let alone fly over them
china can send our nukes or anything up to high earth orbit back at us . thats a state secret so keep it on the dl .look at a map. whats n korea between
Reproductive replacement is a form of biological warfare, it has already destroyed germany.
Will Trump get the Nobel Peace Prize?
Obama got it for doing... something?
Kim was never a problem. Kim was basically being held hostage in his own country by rogue factions of the Deep State that were arming NK, clandestinely funding their nuclear program, and setting them up as the big boogey man to justify more military expansion in the region.
"Join me and I nuke China free of charge."
>wtf did trump say to him
Wtf did China say to him. Kim was there not very long ago. Was told to go.
Make no mistake, this is Putin's doing. Trump did not orchestrate this.
can't fedorafag without a fedora
nice get
>ignores my amazing thing
th-thats fine....
>I'll bomb the shit out of you.
>I don't fucking care.
Trump wins. Flawless victory.
Literally got it for actually dinduing nuthin'. Guess that's an accomplishment for a nigger.
>look Kim, I have the best people, THE BEST
>i could shoot someone in fifth avenue and they would still vote for me
>you really think anyone care if i attack you?
>you're going to stop with all this shit or im going to fuck you up BIGLY
>you understand liddle kimmy?
It's all a trick by the deep state.
They got in touch with Kim's people, and are jointly planning an assassination attempt on the President.
FBI for the most part thinks the country is so divided, half of them (the left) will cheer in the streets and praise Kim as a hero, the right will be too busy mourning/raging, and then will launch themselves and their children into a ZOG war with NK, killing a generation of conservatives whilst leftists basedboys repopulate the US when the real men are away.
We should be very concerned about this meeting, and hope the Presidents security is loyal to him, and not glow in the dark niggers.
trips of truth
"Hay quit it"
It's not so much a trick as with something like 9/11 they will look the other way and may even scheduel something to cause confusion.
But if you think they won't use it as an excuse to glass NK and not care who dies as a result you don't understand the kind of danger we could be in in 20-50 years if they continue to build up their nuclear arsenal.
At most, they can launch anywhere from 20-50 atm. When that number hits 300+ MAD will be a real possibility if war breaks out with instead of a minor chance of 10-30% population loss(of city rats) if we glass em now.
Weird back when I played Yugioh competitively and ran a playset of Solemn Judgment before it was limited/banned, I used to tell people NO when I'd activate it. Like a small joke in my friend group at the time, this was like fucking 10+ years ago goddamn.
He's always been an Ameriboo and he recognized a kindred spirit in Trump.
They no longer need tests because they are finished perfecting their bomb.
lil'Kim trolled your ass.
>I played Yugioh competitively and ran a playset of Solemn Judgment before it was limited/banned
What's going on
Trump promised him sweet arms deals contracts.
You don't need to glass north Korea, all their infrastructure and personnel that matter are in a single spot.
checked and that vid brought back the feels.
Dude Solemn Judgment was literally OP as fuck. I was 15, and a goddamn Yugioh prodigy routinely beating people at events in their 20's.
Onions detected
Trump Ends 70 Year Korean War.
Jews cower.
Sοyboys cry.
Libtards eternally BTFO.
those legit cards for that were rare as fuck kid, you didnt have real ones, period
Yea I eat like almost one whole raw onion a day, fucking delicious, I guess I am an onion boy, real perceptive man. How'd you know? Thread related anyone think Trump will get the Noble Peace prize. They will probably give it to Kim Jong Un lmao
It's all total theater
Trump gave him a way out and he took it. That's all Kim wanted, a way out while keeping his dignity in front of his people and the world.
No one wants a fucking war over this. Kim knows it, Trump know it. Kim can now look like a decent man and keep his position as leader of NK and the pressure will be off for at least a couple more years.
we is politicing ITT to be honest
Sure fucking did and they were even Metal Raiders and not a fucking reprint. Gadgets with creature removal and ultimate offering for a random OTK out of nowhere. The game was honestly all about knowing match ups in the meta game, proper side deck managment for them, and card advantage. Everyone is screaming WWIII and its more likely Trump achieves world peace honestly.
>When you make it clear you're not fucking around
it is NOT clear that trump isn't fucking around.
>Sure fucking did and they were even Metal Raiders and not a fucking reprint
i call bullshit, you dreamed this
Trump called him a sοyboy, then slapped him around a little.
sounds like me on a Friday night with my boyfriend
He must've said 'Murica is coming.
My theroy:
North Korea only puts so much money into nukes and millitary because it is the only way to make sure that another glorious revolution doesn't come. Trump correctly assumed that, and ramped up rhetoric to the point where anything less than total nuclear war from Kim would make Kim seem like a weak leader compared to his "stronger" father (who had the easiest time bullying other American leaders due to the strategy of appeasement), which in a terrible state like Korea breeds revolution. Kim had to find a way out of the situation that would make it so he can propagandize himself as a savior, and not start nuclear war, and it seems that he has chosen to strike a deal beneficial to the US in order to take some of the money spent on military and use it for the NK economy.
>wtf did trump say to him
>still 'testing' ballistic nukes
>meanwhile US is master of sea, land and air (space) based nukes
Trump - "Kim, don't waste what little money have on one or two nukes. The US could literally waste Best Korea 10,000 times over."
trading north korea for syria?
>now do as we planned and pretend im winning
what the fuck is he wearing
hah it looks similar
look at this dood
those are some pink lips my nigga
he knows the Trump curse is real