Help me understand

why people are not MASS emigrating from pic related

Attached: union-jack.jpg (620x465, 25K)

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too depressed to be proactive

They are too beaten down to fight.

Easier said then done

Because the rest of the world is shitter. The UK isn't actually that bad either, it's pretty much entirely London problems.

Mass emigration is what caused the problems to begin with, if everyone stood by their homeland the world would be a better place.


Yeah. London, Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham, Bristol, Luton, Braford, you know, more than half of the major UK cities, are complete trash and have this problem.

Rest of the UK is fine.

Major cities in the South of England, Bradford has always been a shit hole. The majority of Yorkshire and Scotland is nice especially in more rural areas. Even if the UK was a complete shitty hellhole I'd stay because it's me and my countrymen who have let it slide to such a hell. If people were unable to emigrate populations would be more careful with their nations.

Emigrating anywhere is difficult.

I really want too, but I have no money cause fuck the Tories.
I'm still deciding what country to move too but the majority of them just seem as retarded as ours, and since i'm English, I only speak English cause we never got taught the importance of learning other languages at a young age.

where would they go

Just to keep things concise I'll use BLACKED in both the literal sense and to encompass slimes and dog eaters.

>grow up in Nottingham
>everything starts to turn BLACKED as I finish college
>get rare job opportunity in London
>everything is already BLACKED
>lose job to merger and subsequent 'diversity' hires
>move down the coast to find another rare work opportunity in Brighton
>exceptionally degenerate BLACKED shithole
>fiance hates it as much as London
>decide to move down the coast to Bournemouth
>a pricier version of Brighton evidently
>fiance family helps us get our first house nearer to them
>move to Cardiff
>no longer spot the white man, but it's got pockets here and there
>time passes to current year
>B L A C K E D
>Actually moved up to Swansea
>also B L A C K E D

You can't fucking escape it, take it for what it's worth my little experience has been 32 years in the making, it's gotten worse but not at a steady gradient, it is a snowball effect and it's getting bigger as it's going faster.

Pushed from core to edge of this country and it still can't be escaped. We're being pushed into the sea, so don't shrug it off as 'major metropolitan' areas.

No one sees a problem with it, even so the 'informed' cunt is still a civic nationalist and the image of the racially outspoken native is essentially a football hooligan chav pricks who might talk the talk but don't understand how things are the way they are, and more times than not are easily shepherded into the optics that always has and always will suit the media.

So we're all sitting on the edge of our seats grinding our teeth until something happens, which won't be in our favour most likely.

come home white man

I love where I live. It's almost 100% white, low crime, beautiful scenery, strong community, hunting, shooting, fishing, loads of outdoor sports, socially conservative, comfy pubs, farmers' markets, great for my kids, I live next to a river, and so on.

Attached: home.gif (468x261, 74K)

>tfw its true

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I emigrated to the States. I miss pubs. I don't miss chavs or socialism. But I notice that millennials are trying to bring both those things here as soon as possible. So at that point I may move back since I miss pubs.


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What is unique about pubs as compared to a bar?

Does a country exist where major cities are NOT complete shit?


Argentina is unironically less white than Bongland.

they are


But their entire country is shit

I wouldn't be surprised if 2/3 of them would be willing to come here but our immigration law makes it so fucking hard for Europeans to come here on purpose. FUCK YOU TED KENNEDY!!!
Think of all those Euros trapped wanting to come here and knowing their place is given to some third world ooga-booga... breaks my heart.

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Why would Ted Kennedy want English Migrants

I'm saying fuck Ted because he's the one that allowed mass migration, he's the architect of the 1965 Immigration Act that destroyed the United States

Attached: Ted Kennedy, destroyer of America.png (1133x938, 1011K)

>lottery to admit immigrants from "low admittance" countries
>diversity visa
>lifting English testing

WTF I love the NZ Migration system now

It's bad mate. You think Britain and Canada are cucked? At least they haven't elected a nigger to the highest office in the land. Twice.

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NZ Migration is based on
>English Level

thank god NZ policy advisers were pure neo liberals only wanting migrants to boost corporate profits not budge of the state

Retarded cuck.

Mfw when I live in the glorious countryside

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