Post your most embarrassing/extreme kink and your most controversial political opinion

Post your most embarrassing/extreme kink and your most controversial political opinion

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in b4 missionary position and hitler was mean huehuehuehue

ur mom n joos r huwyte

Getting traced by FBI REALLY turns me on, and what ever big brother wants me to think!

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14 words

>most extreme kink
Extreme pedophilia/incest. Like 2/3yo girls getting daddy dickings.
>most controversial political opinion
Cunts should be treated like property. A man owns his daughters until he has them married and can use them as he pleases.

I think I've never agreed with someone more than I do right now

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Men getting turned into woman and getting raped.
Niggers should be exterminated

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>t. /nu-pol/


at the moment, trannies, but that's starting to die down. I suppose my most controversial political opinion is to decrease funding for the military and put it into areas that directly benefit the country. this might not be super controversial but I'm a combat veteran so when people hear that come from me they try to use my veteran status against me.

>newfag tries to call others newfags
Hahaha, that's hilarious. You're a funny guy.

>most embarrassing/extreme kink
>most controversial political opinion
Gas the cutfags.

women contemplating dog knees and animal rights

>Hispanic men fucking white or Asian women.

>Hitler was smart.

were one of you guys that cunt who kept spamming CP on omegle a few years ago?

god damn, i just wanted to shitpost and piss off normies not have my ISP contact police and end up in fuckin prison for 20 years

also are one of you the guy who always posts CP whenever we have a stickied megathread?

That is the least-controversial opinion I've ever heard, you milque-toast normie POS

go on

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Currently dating outside of my race and I have no problems with it.

Hardcore pony porn
Monarchy > Democracy

Same nigga

>Post your most embarrassing/extreme kink
lolis and pissing on women
>your most controversial political opinion
africans are not people and should be eliminated from the face of the earth by systematic genocide

Why would you? You fit right in with the rest of the world.

I like feet


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>posting in stickies
>using omegle
Please, nigger.
>Monarchy > Democracy
That's not a controversial opion, it's just wrong.
Little girl feet are good.

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I actually like reading the threads on Jow Forums Jow Forums. That's pretty embarrassing for me.

haha yeah sucks that you can't socialize like a normal person huh?

Hairy, Hippie-Tier Women. (Think Berkley-chick tier)

That Imperialism/Colonialism (Recent examples included) isn't anything to be ashamed of. Being natural, rightful, and justifiable extensions of greater peoples over lesser ones. And that there is an undue guilt complex about it in the West.

>can't deny the fact that you have no values outside accepted public thought
>resort to ad hominem


>controversial to society: non whites don't belong in Europe.
>controversial to pol: America and Canada need to be places of refuge to all races

I like my girlfriend to fuck me in the ass
Interest on loans(Usury) should be illegal because it allows financial institutions to make money without taking risk.

>BDSM (im in charge)
>Is not race, is about culture, but is ok to choose to be on companion of your own race.

Slamming my dick in a door - which I promised to do before ever getting married again
I am for reparations for blacks. But the checks we give them are not valid until they leave the country and give up their US citizenship.

I like to beat little homeless children with a baseball bat, and then dress up in their skeletons.

ironic of course, nothing here should be taken seriously.

Beautiful women fully clothed

I like abortion...because it essentially amounts to minority autocide

I don't really have any kinks. I just like creampieing girls. I'm not even that into blowjobs. Just give me normal sex until I cum inside and I am a happy man.

Extreme political opinion? Eugenics should be enforced by the state. You can have 1 kid no matter what, and more depending on how fit/smart/free of genetic diseases you are. I would leave race out of it because those criteria would select for whites anyway.

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How is it wrong?

I want to role play as a American POW with my girlfriend as an SS Officer dominatrix to lose my virginity and it's okay to be white


Data mining thread, post at your own risk

>Interest on loans(Usury) should be illegal because it allows financial institutions to make money without taking risk.
The risk is that it won't be paid. That's why high risk loans have high rates, most will default so you have to get what you can from the payments they do make.
It's government with zero legitimacy. What claim to leadership does a "royal" scumbag have?

Femdom/vanilla role reversal (which is only embarrassing/extreme due to my political views)
Politically, I'm an ultra-reactionary traditionalist aligned with pre-Christian Aryan values such as hierarchical caste systems, the societal importance of shamanism, and complete ethnic homogeneity.

...yep, samez

Clare Bronfman, billionaire jewess financed
>Clare, along with her sister, Sara Bronfman, formed a non-profit organization called the Ethical Humanitarian Foundation after it was "conceptualized" by Keith Raniere in 2007.
>The group claims that its goal is to move humanity "towards a more noble civilization" by adopting a "humanity first foundation".

this is the latest psychobabble that covers as fronts for cult control.

>controversial to pol: America and Canada need to be places of refuge to all races

why faggot?
why does it have to be white countries?
fuck off and kys

your pick between plant/monster vore and drinking loli piss

I would prefer it if everyone who wasn't eurasian was genocided.

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>Post your most embarrassing/extreme kink

Weird asian enemas. You know that video where a girl has fish inserted in her asshole while wondering how her life turned out like that? Makes me fucking diamonds. The japanese are experts at shoving the most fucked up shit into girls and I salute them for it.

>your most controversial political opinion

Eugenics is the only way to evolve as a specie but enforcing it would be nearly impossible. Inferior human beings should willfully restrain from procreating. This includes anyone with congenital / degenerative / untreatable diseases, criminals, drug users, people who need to wear glasses at a young age, autistic and trisomic individuals, religious fanatics, niggers, spics and jews.

The opinion of eugenics being positive for our specie might be controversial to normies in of itself, but to me what makes it controversial is that I have some of the traits I wish humans no longer had to carry meaning I would gladly not have children. But then again I am a blonde haired blue eyed white man so I'm torn about this.

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I like to use a 1.5 inch diameter aluminum anal plug with a fox fur tail and masturbate to hardcore anime porn with a fleshligh go torque ice.

I don't really give a fuck about politics. It's too late for me...
>what do?

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You wouldn't happen to be Italian would you?

You must be a fan of ranma 1/2