Japan escape plan?

As the West collapses into chaos and darkness, many of the people on this board have voiced plans to flee to the East. Let me explain to you why that is not a valid option. I will focus on why Japan can never be your home, because Japan is the only country in Asia worth living in, if you can even call being present in other Asian countries living at all, or if you can indeed call them countries per se.

*Japan's weather is terrible. The temperature regularly reaches above 40° in summer and your bodies are too fat and hairy to cope with such heat. During the winter Japan is constantly bombarded by furious storms and tsunami.

*The constant atomic bombings, nuclear meltdowns, volcanoes and earthquakes have left most of Japan uninhabited wastelands haunted by roving bands of biker gangs and mutants.

*Japanese women have no sexual interest in foreign men whatsoever. Only a tiny minority of low-status, mentally ill, ugly Japanese women would ever consider dating a foreigner, and even they would never marry or willingly reproduce with a foreigner. Hafus are rape babies produced by American military bases.

*Living in Japan you will be of the lowest status possible. You will never have any hope of earning decent money, and you will be forever shut out of all social advancement.

*Japanese homes are small and the streets and public transport facilities are not equipped to cope with your mobility devices or corpulent girth.

*Food is expensive and you will go bankrupt attempting to maintain your astronomical BMI.

*Japanese is the most sophisticated and beautiful language in the world and your brain are simply not evolved enough to master even its rudimentaries.

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Japan is unironically a shithole

disgusting chink. we destroyed you nation many a before and will do it again if deemed necessary. what the fuck is your little island gonna do? time for another hiroshima

>daily reminder you aren't shit without US support

Started mine 10 years ago. Dated around. Picked the most wealthy of the bunch. Also the most hardworking. Also best looking.

Let's break down your shit post.

weather is nice right now, like summertime where I come from. In the summer, I take two-three weeks and go home.

We just bought a house, actually we're building a house. Our friend is a gardener, doing work for many temples.

I teach English part time and work on my golf game, go to the gym and swim in my free time.

The language is hard, but I've got lots of time.

*At any job you work, you will be expected to put in at minimum 18 to 20 hour workdays, at least 6 days per week, with only Sunday left to recover from your mandatory Saturday night company drinking party.

*Consumer goods you are accustomed to, such as XXXXXL shirts, the illegal drugs you are habituated to, and deodorant to mask the putrid stench of your flesh, are nowhere to be found.

*You will bring your problems with you. Many gaijin who come here to escape the dysfunctional nightmare that is their homeland end up doing crazy things like converting to Islam themselves simply because they cannot stand living in a peaceful harmonious society.

For the above reasons, I must solemnly discourage you from ever seeking refuge in Japan. This country is difficult enough to survive in as a 100% pure Yamato phenotype such as myself. To be a gaijin here is to persist in a living Hell from which there is no escape. Thank you.

Once you change your filthy diet and learn to bathe yourself, you won't need doederant. Haven't worn it in more than a decade.

A living hell - of fresh young ladies in skirts and tight shorts, all tight (just so tight), nubile and with these hungry eyes. All just wanting to improve their English skills. I've had so many tell me they just want to marry a Gaijin, but they don't know if they'll get a chance.

>Many gaijin who come here to escape the dysfunctional nightmare that is their homeland end up doing crazy things like converting to Islam themselves simply because they cannot stand living in a peaceful harmonious society.

Your words betray you. Japan is not your home, pig.

Nice try English teacher. But I've already got a girlfriend in Japan from my tourism and just got my work visa last week, not for English but for a Engineering firm. Visa will allow for permanent residence.

See you next month fucko.


Take pics of that suicide forrest

You'll probably find the OP

Body odeur is the result of genetics, not diet. You literally secrete fat and oil in your sweat in a gambit to stay warm in the frozen hellscapes your naked ancestors called home, and the bacteria that thrive on your filthy, unwashed skin go crazy and produce the stench that is the telltale sign that one is being haunted by the accursed presence of a gaijin.

>Let's escape multiculturalism by making Japan less Japanese

I went on my tour last year when I met my employer. Spoopy desu. Also he's full of shit, japanese whores everywhere. They are easier than French girls if your 6'1 and not ugly. I scored four before meeting my girlfriend.

You forgot the giant boars and the bugs that piss on you to lose weight.

>*Japan's weather is terrible.
Better than Ontario.
>*The constant atomic bombings
Better than the parries.
>*Japanese women have no sexual interest in foreign men whatsoever.
Except white ones.
>*Living in Japan you will be of the lowest status possible
Better than Canadian White Male.
>*Japanese homes are small
But affordable, unlike Toronto.
>*Food is expensive
Not compared to Canada.
>*Japanese is the most sophisticated and beautiful language in the world and your brain are simply not evolved enough to master even its rudimentaries.
At least they have only one official language, unlike most of Canada.

That's a lot of political talk

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Oh yes I totally believe you that you all have Japanese wives and girlfriends you studs you haha

It's jap not Chink. Get your racial slurs right. Fucking burger

It goes without saying that any country on earth is better than Canada. By all means flee to Japan if it means escaping that shithole. You have my sympathy.

Hapas remind me of asari. They look like their mother, but take on the personality aspects of their father.

>thinking i want to live with you
id rather live with poor slavs in some eastern european shithole instead of with you chinknigger

>I love Japan and respect the Japanese people
Fucking kikes

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Thank you. I consider this an invitation, not that I would ever want to go to your country unless for some reason absolutely had to. I enjoy your culture but prefer my own even though it has mostly been replaced with something foreign to me. If it were up to me I'd destroy the world should my people die out.

>Yes. Let's ruin the homogenous country with great culture with my retardation all because i am special

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All Bullshit.

I work 8 hours a day Monday to Friday and continue to save told money. Not to mention the extra cash that keeps piling up due to trading crypto.

Weather is fucking awesome lately.

Got a sexy Japanese girl (after already fucking loads of cuties).

Life is great.

Kek. Believe whatever you'd like nip. I'm gonna enjoy my visa because they're so easy to get just like your women. And I'm sure you've seen whites walking around with Japanese girls on their arms. But keep thinkin what you want, reality will set in sooner or later


Why would the Japanese accept uncultured foreigners that flee from their home countries, because they are too cowardly to overthrow their treasonous governments?
The long term result would be the destruction of Japanese society.

>*Japanese is the most sophisticated and beautiful language in the world and your brain are simply not evolved enough to master even its rudimentaries.
eastern languages are shit

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>Japan won't be multicultural in a generation even though that's exactly what happened with Germany

For once, the leaf speaks true.

What are the subways like? I'll have to take one to the firm until I can rent a place closer. No need for it when I was just passing through.

Would love to visit Japan, looks like an amazing country. And every Japanese person I’ve interacted with always were very polite and friendly.

But you're a xer from seattle

>Instead of trying to improve my country I'll shit up Japan
Fucking neospics

I've studied the Japanese lingo a bit and let me tell you, essentially it involves adding o, fu or oru to the end of everything. Waif becomes waifu, waifu becomes waiforu and so on. Aside form the language issue, I see absolutely no problem with millions of westerners flooding Japan. The Japanese love a good time and would most likely be delighted to have their streets flooded with western men whose only achievement in life involves depositing copius amounts of semen on a lifesize pillow bearing the image of Sailor Moon.

Jared taylor speaks perfect Japanese
There are black people who can speak perfect Japanese.
Btfo baby dick

I make only one exception for Canadians out of humanitarian concerns simply because Canada is such an awful country.

Sounds perfect

>Uh, uh fuck you for being more successful than me in my own country
Fish nigger BTFO

I’m moving to Japan and there’s nothing you can do about it nip. Now where da yellow women at.

>We need to help those poor refugees who are helpess
Kys kike

I never really understood this.
You can't really complain about the west becoming multicultural if you want to turn Japan multicultural. That's kind of hypocritical.

>I see absolutely no problem with millions of westerners flooding Japan.
Japan needs multiculturalism!

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Reminder that she got denied citizenship months after converting. So hilarious.

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he's right, though

This is a kike thread

If you don’t want waitu piggu moving to Japan, then help us stop the Jews from ruining our countries.

I thought the Samurai was supposed to scare the Jew?

That's ridiculous. Whites should be the ones doing that.

literally Korean tier post

fuck off chink

I had alot of luck just outside of Niigata and also up by Morioka. I'll be working in farther south though so I can't speak for that area. The language is the hardest part but once your fluent it's easy as fuck to pick up women.

I come bring family?

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Such negativity. To enjoy Canada one needs to enjoy the outdoors. Skiing, canoeing, hiking, camping, and so on. The big urban centers are fake environments with nothing particular special about them, but they offer decent quality of life.

This, so much. You have to be so retarded to enjoy having less of everything, less freedom, a soulless robot society. The only people who like it there are autistic weebs. It's essentially germany without tons of muslims of niggers, a super serious society nobody has got chill.

Anyone who unironically thinks Japan is a white haven should drown themselves on the journey. Japan is for the Japanese. Just let them have their fucking island, you fucks.

first you need to make an effort to be helped

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I'd rather be surrounded by beautiful jap women than niggers and spics. Plus I'm not ashamed to admit I felt like a giant there compared to those small men.

>beautiful jap women

that's a good joke

What are ya gonna do to stop me? Oh yea that's right, you cant.

>I like feeling like a big fish in a small pond
How much onions? West deserves to be niggeefied cause you weak basedboys

Is it accessible for a white guy to make friends with in Japan?

To each their own I guess. Still it's been a strong fascination which I made a reality. Don't give a shit about "ruining their purity" not my problem

You sound like a literal negro. Please consider moving to Africa instead.

>S o y is now filtered
And mods aren't kikes? Should have thought when they let threads like these around

Ching chong fling flong!• lolol

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I don't know OP, all of that sounds better than America

You don't want friends, you want to be a leash and you'll only like other whites because you hate Japan being Japanese

onions is a sponsor

I'm staying in the West until the end. If it does end up meeting its demise and there's no hope in saving it, I'll move to Siberia or something.


no one is moving to japan shinji, that would be racist. we need to do our duty to care for refugees and poc.

dem tiddies tho

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You sound mad. But yea I felt pretty good being there and eating their food while fucking their women. Enjoy the west I'm living out my fantasy.

I've already made friends at my new job. They Skype me to show me around the place virtually and we talk every week. Cool guys honestly.

>I need to be a refugee in another person's country because I hate the refugees I let in

Speaking for myself, it's live or die on American soil.
If it goes to shit, it'll be the latter.
Having said that.... Never change, Japan. I envy you.

fuck them fake as titties

>Lying kike advertising globalism

no water no space no food no cute girls no good healt care no nothing .... shit language ugly people ...rich americans buy cheap landscape from south america and live a good life near the shore

Headed there in like two months staying in Shinjuku any cool places to buy a japanses baseball cap? Wanna get my pops something.

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>Flee my country
I'd rather die

Nah bro. Like I said it's not my problem. If I didn't get attention while I was there I probably wouldn't have tried for my visa. But I did because I'm not ugly or a twink. Also stay outside of the huge cities or tourist spots and they find you interesting.

>I like that Japan hates Jews that's why I support globalism

I’m not Japanese, if that’s what you’re implying. I’m just wondering what’s like for a western guy to live in a place like Japan. They seem to be a very hermetic society. It would be a lonely place if you cannot make friends.

>No I'm not a nigger I swear, I just act like one

It's like a black person trying to be accepted in society, you'll always be a token, 2nd class citizen. This is why all the liberals that move over there get a taste of their own medicine, they have no black pets to hide behind.Their western degeneracy doesn't work, they get the racist treatment they scream about on twitter. Tokyo and tokyo university is become increasingly leftwing shithole thanks to the influx of americans, candians and european cucks. Though thankfully its only just contained there.

>Japan would be nicer if it was less Japanese

Yes, japan is awful, dont go there :3

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>The temperature regularly reaches above 40° in summer and your bodies are too fat and hairy to cope with such heat. During the winter Japan is constantly bombarded by furious storms and tsunami.
Storms and shitty weather are not a problem but 40 celsius in summer is the dealbreaker, not going to move to Japan, thats for sure.

>Being this ass blasted about user being able to fly to Shinjuku to enjoy based Japanese women and culture

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Sure man I'm a kike and you'll call me a neckbeard or something. Enjoy the west, less competition for me.

You all sound pretty salty. Is it because you aren't in a demanded field and able to get a visa? I had three offers and didn't like Korea so I'll be going to Japan.

>Im the only person ever in history to have ever gone to Japan
Must have been hard saving up all those paychecks from McDonalds

>Let's make Japan less Japanese

Salty virgins bro. Also outside of Osaka castle there was a clothing stand with some cool hats and sandals. I bought some.

You must be a literal Jew. Jews always peddle degeneracy because they have no actual principles.

>Being mad that someone works hard to go where he wants

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>Needs to go to Japan for sex

Still not my problem nor do I care. I'll be hopefully marrying my girl there and have lots of hapas children.

As for making it less japanese, I'll not live to see the outcome so big whoop. Stay ass blasted.

Sweet dude thanks.

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