If I had a dollar for every time Trump has launched a missile at a soverign nation

I'd have $170.

Fuck this neocon kike lover with his ugly Jew daughter and circumcised Jew-rat grandchildren.

Attached: neocon don.png (574x601, 152K)

The flag of Trump's home country

Attached: JIDF-999.png (660x480, 3K)

At least he doesn't have a nigger in his family tree like your Queen!

Sorry, bub, that's yesterday's news.

Attached: Zionists-For-Trump.png (1032x263, 105K)

I can not argue with you.

...And if I had a dollar for every bomb Obama dropped, *only in 2016*, then I'd have 26,072 dollars.

As annoying as it is that Trump is following the new agenda, he isn't 1/100th as bad as the wild alternatives.

Why do you think they hate him so much? That should tell you something in itself.

Let's compare that against the last two presidents kangaroo fucker.

Attached: forfree.png (900x900, 319K)

Based Canadian stats poster

Leftist Jews hate him because he made implicit appeals to white America during the campaign. It doesn't matter that Trump is fully on board with the Jewish domestic and foreign agenda for the USA, they will continue to hate him because he go elected on a America First message.

So with Trump you get both ends of the kosher dildo: You get betrayal from him and an invigorated left.


Attached: stormfags are lefties of the right wing.png (471x353, 140K)

Oh I get it. He's bombing mudslimes and shit skins and Israel is our greatest ally. kys

>If I had a dollar for every time Trump has..
are you counting user?

Attached: 8c61f7df02d2dddbb27071c6c.jpg (550x481, 48K)

>unironically a single-issue voter
>just like a majority of lefties

Attached: stormfag.png (403x448, 57K)

>blowing up other countries is a bad thing

Whoa he launched all those missiles by himself? Nobody else involved? Wow. That's crazzzzy user.

Now how many did Obama launch during the term he tried to make it legal to drone strike American citizens?

17 years on and you faggots are still crying about 9/11

t. shill

no argument presented

He is the chief of the military so the buck stops with him. And sure Obama was just as controlled as Trump, but the thing is that Trump promised to do the exact opposite if he won.

What do Obongo has to do with this retard? He is as bad as Dotard.

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Fucking Aussies need to bow down to the risen mashiach,

Attached: YourGodEmporer.jpg (2050x1222, 1.37M)

What does it feel like to be on the outside of the world stage looking in? I really want to know what it's like to live in an irrelevant country. Please help me understand.

Attached: meanwhile_in_aussie_purgatory.jpg (500x542, 71K)

He did the exact opposite... and nothing happened. So what does it matter?

god damn shame Obama didn't drone strike u, mutt

Attached: tan suit obama.jpg (1160x629, 74K)

Repeat after me everyone!

You think you actually have control over what your government does? You're irrelevant while thinking you're in control which is even worse.

Nothing happened except he has proven to be owned by the Jewish neocons.

Attached: here_comes_birdie.png (1302x1056, 55K)

He's right, mutt.

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you fucking retards convinced yourselves he was a national socialist savior of the white race when you voted, while he never claimed to be. and now that he is doing things you disagree with, you go

Attached: EEEEEEEEEEE.jpg (700x700, 149K)

Welcome back anti-war lefties. We missed you the last 8 years.

If I had a dollar for every Russian troll post I would have way more money than the Russian trolls who make the equivalent of 5c for them.

i see you everywhere shill. your not slick

I was never on the Trump Train. I was cautiously optimistic but the reality was made clear during the first Syria strike. Any so called nationalist still supporting Trump is either a retard or a shill.


fuck off

So you are a Hillary supporter then?

>Support the Zionist warmongering president or you're a leftie.

Looks like the patriotard right is back again too.

False dichotomy.

I'm actually thinking beyond the rigged system of kosher bought and paid for candidates.

>Trump does exactly one nothing
>suddenly Zionist
>suddenly fuck Trump

Suppose he did this strike not for Israel or any other nation or group, but solely to distract from the "Russia" investigation, and to make it look like he was against them, so that he could be undistracted as the leader of the U.S. - shouldn't you civic/ethnic nationalists think that was the most based nationalist thing he could do?

>I'm actually thinking beyond the rigged system of kosher bought and paid for candidates.
>except jobs
>except deportation of illegals
>except the wall thats being protected and built right now
>except backing out of the TPP and only returning if its improved
>except ending a hopeless war in n/s korea
>except winning a trade war with china
>except bitchslapping the UN back into their place
Coulda fooled me user.

If a phony "Russia investigation" can bring down a president then the system is broken and illegitimate.

He's got less than 3 years left anyway (he will not get a second term) so why would you risk WW3 just to cling on to a temporary job?

You don't have $170?
Nobody should ever listen to a poor, they don't know anything useful.

Of course we have control. It's just that people try to control us, and some people fall for it.

So you're content to wind the clock back to the 1980s and still live in a kosher controlled nation?

Everything you've listed just strengthens the shitty Zionist controlled government.

>trump does exactly what israel wants
>trump puts israel interests first
>retards refuse to call him zionist

Attached: 1494359969908.jpg (1238x1500, 590K)

Nice Fake News LopEZ

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>doesn't even live in america
>thinks bombing an empty airfield does anything
>screams jews more
How can you still breathe when your IQ is that fucking low?

Attached: wtf.jpg (551x359, 27K)

>wh*Te subhuman thinks he has high IQ
>admires a man that is in the pocket of the jews

Attached: 1465842893578.jpg (403x403, 69K)

Trump awoke the beast that is nationalism. Thats why the leftist jews hate him. No matter how much neocon dick he sucks, the goyim won't unknow.

The lefts primary opposition of the future wont be their controlled conservative, it will be the Trump Republican who grew up to be an ethnonationalist.

...though I wouldn't say he is fully on board with them. He is playing the same art of the deal game with us. He will throw us a few crumbs here and there just like he does with them. Expect to see more fruits before he checks out.

>has absolutely no argument
>lol you are a kike shill so I still win
>inadvertantly shilling for NWOs which is run by zionists

Attached: absolute state of pol.png (1014x588, 217K)

If he wants to be taken seriously he should fire more missiles at those fucks just make sure to hit the bases this time.

>if you dont shill for a kike puppet you shill for the kike NWO
>being this retarded

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fuck the Grump, hes neocon now

T. Subhuman shitskin who lives in a country full of monkeys desperately wishing he could live in America

Wrong. You people are the retards. The only issue that matters is the issue of the Jew. They are what the rest of the issues stem from.

>desperately wishing he could live in America
No thanks, I already lived there for some time and its shit.

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