The number of votes you get per election should be equal to how many decades a person of your age might have to live...

The number of votes you get per election should be equal to how many decades a person of your age might have to live with the consequences of that decision.

70s or 80s: Probably just one vote.
20s or 30s: 5 votes, maybe 6.
You get it idea.

Attached: 27y4b5.jpg (620x465, 71K)

Seems reasonable.

im actually super down with this. ill just have a shitload of kids, brainwash them and have them vote down anything liberals are for. they're worth more votes.

plus, liberals dont have kids. if they do, its one.. or adopted.

Sounds good if you also raise the voting age to 25-30

How about you get more votes for how much taxes you pay. If you're not contributing to the system you get no vote.

Hey OP, you seem like an alright guy but this is a gay thread

Completely retarded.
It negates the collective wisdom of life experience.
>Inb4 boomer
I'm not, but if you think experience doesn't count for anything it's only because you don't have any.

why not more votes for the healthy?

the ill wont last long enough to see the effects of their choices. those with mental disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder get 0 votes because theyre likely to kill themselves or make the wrong choice. malignant tumors.. car crash left you paralyed? 0 votes.

That is an absolutely horrible idea. When did we stop respecting our elders?

kids have shit ideas that they think are brilliant. i know i did.

How about only white Germanic men over the age of 25 that own land and pay taxes get to vote?

Why not invert your harebrained schedule so that those most likely to not screw up get voted in in the first place?

Oh, that's right; you're a fucking idiot.

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Same, I used to this that the Xenomorphs in Aliens were the good guys because they just wanted to eat!

>give more votes to those with no life experience and no wisdom
it should be the other way around

If you do this,
You invite the possibility of this.

Democracy is a fragile beast.
Look what happened when we gave women the right to participate.
(Sorry about that btw)

When Elders vote for Conservative parties and young people vote for Liberal parties, Liberal platforms will start trying to get more young people to vote anyway they can: lowering the voting age, giving each individual more votes than an older person, etc. It's all propaganda

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Desperation of the left

Seriously, you people in favor of this are fucking insane

>itt we abandon vision for our nation and society, and focus only on what benefits us personally and immediately

That means the Hoggster gets more votes than I, as a 40-something. Not interested.
As people get older they gain more perspective and, for lack of a better term, grow up. I would rather trust the future to someone who has seen it all instead of someone fresh out college. Especially today.

Attached: pepe time.jpg (550x366, 60K)

Young people are ignorant of the hardships of life, why should they get more voting power? If any in the first place.

I'm 61 years old, I worked extremely hard for my house, my car and so on. Back then things were much harder than today, we didn't have mobile phones with the internet on them and such. Why should some workshy teenage moocher get more say than I do?

People who don't own land shouldn't have a vote

life experience and knowledge isn't worthless.

this is a retarded, ageist policy, which defies the belief that all people are equal.

The vote system should be based off how much economic power you help bring to your country.
Since there are only a few million millionaires and billionaires in the country they should get 5 votes per household.
The votes can be split in any amount or any direction (incase people have conflicting votes) This will allow somewhere between 25-50 million votes. A good amount of votes that could easily push an election in any direction.
Upper middle class and middle class should get 4 votes. This will be the bulk of the election and the majority of votes.
Since these people are the backbone of our country they deserve to have the most say out of anyone else. No one else matters as much in comparison to economic power and pure numbers.
Lower middle class deserves either 2-3 votes I really can't decide.
Poverty deserves 1 vote.
This is all based on your tax returns classifying you, since lying to the IRS is a federal offense this helps to stop people from illegally voting outside their class and requires either a green card identification number or social security to vote. Helping to prevent illegal voting.

If somehow our country is so fucked up that the poverty level can actually sway the election by a large margin. They deserve to have their voices heard as it's obvious things aren't working.
If however this works as I expect and the entire middle class really guarantees who will win this will never be an issue in the first place.

People who are poor and people who are rich should not determine what the actual majority of workers have to live with. It's the majority for the reason.

Please feel free to input as much as you want. I really can't see an issue.

You should be allowed to vote if you're an American Citizen, aren't a criminal, above the age of 18 and do at least one of the following:

>are a veteran or currently are in the military
>own land
>pay taxes
>are married with children

If you aren't currently contributing or have not contributed to our society in at least on of these forms you don't have the right to have a say in how our society functions. Bums don't get to vote.

>muh money

Neoliberal k*kes get the fuck off my board

>owning land without paying taxes means you are contributing to society

So long as the voting age is increased to at least 25

Property taxes are a thing bong. I wouldn't expect a renter to know that though.

Sort of this. With decent parenting your dumbass kid will just adopt your views. If you neglect him, MTV and tumblr are going to mold him into a faggot

>neoliberal kikes
Fuck off Commie newfag.
You've been here for what a day?
This is the reason your country is a literal shithole while I have 5 acres of land and a house before i'm thirty.

The problem is that "Lower middle" and "poverty" is a vast majority of the population.

There are almost no "middle class" people anymore.

Tax paying, land owning veterans should get to decide if you fucking animals are allowed to breed. It I am fucking disgusted by the filth that chooses or accidentally breeds. You and your ill mannered child are not special.

Reverse that, young people have no life experience and make stupid decisions.

Middle class is literally the median percentile for all wages in the country.
Which is why I put Upper middle class and middle class together. They also have more votes than lower middle class or poverty.
So literally whoever makes the median percentile for wages in the country automatically gets 4 votes.
Poverty is at 1-20% of the population and at 1 vote they could never sway an election unless the wage gap was so insanely large that somehow 60% or more of the population was living in desperate conditions. At which case a literal revolution is more likely anyways.

Automatically 50% of our population will either have 4 or 5 votes and they will determine who is president.
Automatically 50% of our population will have 1 or 2-3 votes and will be given just enough power to have an opinion.

I hope this clarified a little bit of the information.
I mean I just thought this up seconds before and have not actually written anything down to really grind out details.

1-20 percentile get 1 vote
20-50 percentile get 2 votes
50-80 percentile(or 90 i'd have to do the math) get 4 votes
80-100 percentile get 5 votes.

I am fine with any critique or suggestions. For fun of course.

I’m guessing you’re a liberal? Only a liberal could be this retarded. That said you’re probably only advocating this shit becaus you know that young people are so dumb and naive that they always vote for leftwing policies in overwhelming numbers

Fuck off Commie.
This is just another way to bring in Socialism by the back door.
Young people always lean left because they have a high risk tolerance, have no earned assets and they've just spent 12 years in an authoritarian collectivist environment (school).
This, this is much better.

People who didn't own land used to not be able to vote. Maybe we should go back to that

If you hate existence and want everyone to suffer instead of making shit better, if you want to make things better than you give old people more vote power.

He's responding to families being atomised. The boomers are very selfish.
Really we just need the restore the family and our elders won't vote to hurt future generations.