> 19 years ago, on 4/20/1999, two boys from Colorado would set in motion their "Judgement Day", and changed the culture of the nation forever. Today we know these boys as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. But we don't know Why? Many people have speculation, and Eric's journal provides a glimpse inside his mind, but the actions that took place inside the school provide contradictory answers.
> Were they fully redpilled and thought the Black Pill was the only answer to the Normie problem? Were they both being mindcontroled through the the CIA, by putting Eric on Pills that would set him off, naturally pulling Dylan, a half Jew, along with him? Or were they both bluepilled retards who just went on an overdramatic spurge and several dozen people paid the price?
apparently they were just sociopathic faggots that brought on the bullying themselves. Probably thought their actions were never wrongs and reacted as though everyone treated them like shit, even though, as mentioned before, they were just sociopathic faggots.
It's the anniversary ffs we should be discussing this on the anniversary instead of shitposting in shill threads
Charles Murphy
Carson Diaz
Parker Watson
Friendly reminder that the FBI said they would release the basement tapes in 20 years, so that's next year. We're really going to have to press them to release it though
Dominic Powell
There were a lot of Columbine threads on /b/ of all places a few years ago and I remember a few user managed to get a hold of unreleased police images that basically confirmed the locations of deaths, and I'm pretty sure that picture was one of them, does anyone have the others?
Jacob Garcia
They'll try to use the recent and upcoming school shootings as an excuse to avoid releasing anything they got left that isn't already out there.
Sebastian Baker
All the other ones today were fucking pathetic.
This is the OFFICIAL Columbine anniversary thread.
Isaac Gray
Holy fuck I want to see those so damn badly
So that's 4/20 of next year 365 days from now or is it 20 years from the end of the investigation?
Ethan Foster
We has a decent one at like 3:00 am but like hardly anyone was around for it
I believe they just said released in 20 years, so that should be next 420. Although that's assuming the videos haven't already been deleted and FBI is hoping everyone forgot all about them
Jace Reyes
Lots of shit has been leaked but idk why it would take 20 fucking years. Total bullshit.
John Bennett
Its really not that hard to understand. Unless you refuse to understand.
I think the sheriff destroyed their copy but the FBI have theirs
The FBI never deletes anything. They'll say they do sometimes but never do
Andrew Evans
Agreed. Columbine is special in a horrible way.
Hudson Thomas
>666 Satan calm down. They didn't do it alone. There's a small problem with a shell casing being found that wasn't from H&K's . The trenchcoat mafia set them up as the fall guys to shoot up the school at the same time.
Pictures and death certificates were leaked awhile ago, and I'm pretty sure the leak happened on /b/, but I could be wrong about that, however the videos have not been leaked yet because according to the FBI, they needed it as evidence or some bullshit like that.
Nicholas Mitchell
Yes, those are the ones. Thanks mate
Henry Young
Okay Jew boy
Aaron Kelly
Pair of sοyboys.
Alexander Peterson
That's a lie. The sheriff didn't destroy Jack shit. The cunt probably sold them for a ton of money.
Kevin Bailey
Hey sοy eating faggot, try calling me a sοyboy. I double dare you !
Evan Perry
desu the fact that they straight up just executed the fat retard tells me there really is a lot we don't know about the motivation
Hunter Campbell
>sοy sοy >sοy sοy
Jeremiah Howard
Why was no one else reported to be at the school though? Only Eric and Dylan were said to have been seen shooting up the school. Especially in the library.
Does anyone have the death photos of the two? I (((can't find them))) anywhere on images
Juan Morris
Wondering why they haven't been posted then
Jaxson Sullivan
20 years from when the last person who cares forgets about the video
Alexander Wilson
Are you retarded? There's one already in this thread
Samuel Scott
Yeah that's BS because I know for damn sure the FBI made copies and made digital copies because VHS tapes magnetically deteriorate after awhile
Bentley Powell
where can I find the other pics?
Asher Watson
Eric hated everyone pretty equally. He just mentioned Jews, niggers, spics, and so on a lot to get a rise out of people but in his own writing he notes he hates everything from racists to kikes to Star Wars fans.
Angel Martinez
anyone remember the RPG someone made with rpgmaker where you get to wander the school in 16-bits and slaughter everyone then you go to hell and you have to fight demons?
My guess is they make either a call for others to shot up schools or make a mockery of the sheriff and the police that ignored signs and had chances to stop them.
Probably the second one.
Bentley Ross
Oh wow, you can see it here better. Eric's head is half gone
Charles Murphy
I read Eric's but not Dylan's
Idk I just never thought Dylan was important or interesting just some idiot eric Harris dor dome reason decided to allow to tag along
Samuel Howard
Eric's is a lot of how much everything pisses him off and Dylan's is a lot of depression and moping about girls not being interested in him.
eric was defiantly the leader of the two but it's interesting to see someone who clearly has learning difficulties get roped into something he probably wasn't too into
Eric was the leader but the shooting itself was originally Dylan's idea. Eric just rolled with it and actually made it happen. That said Dylan probably would've backed out without Eric. Eric would've been more willing to do it alone if he had to than Dylan would have been.
They were huge Doom fanboys who listened to a shitload of German industrial music. They even compared the shooting to being like getting to play Doom.
Connor Johnson
didn't eric make a doom wad based on his school?
Brayden Morales
Eric was obviously blue pilled. Anti Psychotics will fuck you up beyond belief if they get them wrong. And yes having taken just about every psychotic medication on the market most of them make me feel like killing everyone I meet. Including my girlfriend who is the only person I am close to feeling any real emotions for. Call me edge lord all you want. That's what anti psychotics do to you. Once you start also it only gets worst. You can never go back to how you felt before. You could be in 8/10 pain every day and the first time taking a a-psy that you have a bad reaction to it's now a 9/10 pain every day even when you quit taking it.
Zachary Miller
High school American nerds in 1999 ma dude!!
Jace Garcia
David Hogg on the right.
Levi Davis
No that's a myth. He did make a shitload of wads but none based on the school. Some of them still exist and are still playable but some's been lost due to his website being taken down.
Nathaniel Howard
serious question, why didn't they attack during lunch hour?
I did. Eric really needed to get laid. "you know what maybe I just need to get laid. maybe that’ll just change some shit around. thats another thing, I am a fucking dog. I have fantasies of just taking someone and fucking them hard and strong. someone like [censored] where I just pick her up, take her to my room, tear off her shirt and pants and just eat her out and fuck her hard. I love flesh.. weisses fleisch! dein weisses fleisch emegt mich soo.. ich bin dech nur ein gigilo!"
Probably the second one and its basically fact the incompetent ass cops could have stopped it
The idea of the tapes being witheld because of inspiring more shootings has already sailed because a shit ton of columbine copycats have happened. That tape must have some convincing ass arguments for why you should attack your school if its going to inspire more than there already are
Easton Cook
Stop taking pharma drugs you utter retard, there are way better ways to help yourself that don't include chemically lobotomizing yourself. most "mental illnesses" are bullshit and just in your head don't let doctors who receive schooling at (((university))) fool you.
Juan Turner
he probably could've gotten some pussy with that bitch robyn if he just went to prom with her
Leo Richardson
Honestly I unironically like some of their music wierd as that may be
Fuck it KMFDM and Rammstein are better than the monkey music most of the kids listen to today
Robert Hill
I might disagree with them with a lot of things but i can agree that snow if fucking gay
When will they two faggots just die from the national consciousness? Columbine is become the 21st century's Catcher in the Rye where fucked up people obsess over it and think "God I wish that were me".
They both a couple of bitches because if they were redpilled at all they wouldn't have picked on high school students. They were betas.
>Greg Barnes cut short such a promising young life may lie in lyrics found playing over and over in his garage. Barnes hanged himself there Thursday morning after setting a CD player to continuously play a song with the words, "I'm too depressed to go on." >Barnes had a bright future as a basketball player. As a junior, the shooting guard averaged 26 points a game and was named by The Denver Post to the All-Colorado team. He was a 17-year-old seen by rival coaches as probably the best high school basketball player in Colorado next year. >He was also a teenager who lost a close friend, Matt Kechter, in last year's massacre and witnessed the fatal shooting of Columbine teacher Dave Sanders that day. >Thursday morning, Barnes used an electrical cord to hang himself
> tried every anti-psychotic > side fx Have you tried CBD? If so, what was your experience?
Isaac Lee
holy shit those digits
William Sanchez
definietly bluepilled betafags
Nolan Turner
I quit anti psychotics you weak willed cuck
Xavier Morales
i wish i was with them at the time
Angel Hall
The transcripts aren't even the full ones though
People who viewed the basement tapes were interviewed and said they were watching them for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours People re enacted the transcripts into a video and that video was only around 20 min long
We're missing a lot of info from what the (((transcripts))) are telling us
Jace Roberts
no one in this thread right now thinks God I wish that were me
i looked it up apparently they were dressing like someone from the movie 'natural born killers'
Ian Ross
I'm pretty comfy on anti-psychotic drugs. No hallucinations or delusions, no problem. My emotions are a bit blunted but I live a good life.
Carson Ortiz
holy shit i didn't realise it was the anniversary
Easton Torres
people don't care about what they did, it's the resolve, determination, and purely visceral and surreal state of mind that they had to have been in to do what they did