I'm tired of 70% of Beethoven interpretations on YouTube topped by soulless kikes. I'm tired of people applauding Leonard Bernstein for fucking with every time signature of every piece like he's the soul creative force. I'm tired of post-classicists like Philip Glass pretending that 4 measures repeated 40 times is in any way interesting or admirable. How do we make classical great again?
How do we take back classical music from the Jews?
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>How do we make classical great again?
can't, we long passed those days man, it's like society to just give up electricity
You have to make it racist.
Glenn Gould wasn't Jewish boyo
According to him
See? He wouldn't tell you the rest.
Having a Jewish great great grandfather doesn't make you Jewish
>Having Jewish blood doesn't mean you're Jewish
>Like, you're no longer a Jew if you're a Christian or an atheist XD
Go to any classical concert and the whole thing is jews, jews, jews. From the artists to the name of the venue, to the sponsors of the season, etc. Jewish names and faces all over the place. We need to get BLM into these concerts and ruin them forever.
i like Phillip Glass
Not even by nuremburg standards is he Jewish
> how do we take back _____ from the jews?
Gas. Lots of gas.
It's probably because classical is an upper class thing and now that's mostly jews with a few wasps and token minorities
>having a jewish great great grandparent makes you a jew
You realize like 25% of America would be Jewish if this were the case?
>look up classical music
>"nigger rapper XBOMBX weedsmoker w3lfar3 kang FEAT. mozart"
>look up ballet
>"look at these queens subverting your expectations by adding twerking to ballet"
>see they are making alive action lion king
>lion king is Shakespearean as hell
>"we've removed the villains song and added original beyonce music"
>speaking of Shakespeare
>"look at these Shakespeare stories told totally with emojis"
>I am so tired.
No, niggers are too stupid for classical and there's no cultural force left in it. That's like saying they should riot at a GM plant.
But they ARE. How do you think we got to this point?
most seen minority at these concerts is chinese/east asian
They don't pretend they made the music. They just play it.
>How do we make classical great again?
Breed white babies, teach them how to play. Keep them from kiked media if you have to homeschool them to do it.
Classical music divorced of God is empty and soulless.
Thats the dumbest shit I've read in a while.
You don't play at all, do you?
Curious, why do Jews like yourself destroy your host countries?
I remember having to study almost solely the 2nd Viennese school for my last music history class in college. It was awful, disgusting "music". It took until this year that this too was probably something pushed by (((them))) to ruin culture and society in general. We went from studying greats like Brahms to having to study Milton Babbitt. They over intellectualized the classical music scene to the point of removing its soul, and now there's nothing left because no one wants to listen to stuff that's so awful. Its the same thing they did to the art scene with Jackson Pollack and Andy Warhol.
Just like with art, it went from celebrating what's beautiful and divine into just this cold, lifeless intellectualism.
Christianity destroyed Europe
I'm not a kike, faggot.
You didn't answer my question.
Do you burn books that don't spread the word of Jesus Christ as well?
Larping pagans and fedora tipping basedboy faggots destroyed Europe.
Holy shit these mod filters
spend 20 years practicing 14 hours a day, and have a jewish manager
I want to take back electronic dance music from degenerates
Always a good sign when they can't quietly observe and report.
The fact that they're acting out means we're winning.
Christianity is the foundation of Europe and the well spring of its culture that you pretend to celebrate.
You are literally the Jew rat type op was bolitching about.
what's wrong white man, isn't you IQ high enough to play/listen to classical music? go listen to that nigger rap because classical now belongs to the superior humans, also known as Jews.
Glenn Gould wasn't Jewish.
Also chinks are taking over classical music. They don't have a soul either, but at least it's not jews.
They can only mimic it seems
if you say Mad Rush is bad you are a liar
Still won't answer my question.
You don't play or you would know how intimate with the sacred it can be without specifically writing music for some church where they buttfuck alterboys.
I wholey agree with the OP and greately appreciate the music you adore, I just refuse to write off everything inspired by nature, love, dispair or the other myriad things one can play about.
Gould wasn't a jew. His family were goyim who had a jewish sounding last name. They changed it in fear of being mislabeled as jews.
Haha, let me know when there’s actuall good musicians and artists that our conservatives. All the ones I know are shitty jazz players who meme on Facebook all the time, Louis.
T. Can’t play a musical instrument for his life