Enough of this shit. Stormfags are a plague. They mistook memes for reality. They drag our reputation through the mud...

Enough of this shit. Stormfags are a plague. They mistook memes for reality. They drag our reputation through the mud, and now everyone thinks we're fucking neo-Nazis. They use poorly sourced information. They're sad and pathetic. They shit up this board and others.

If you see unironic neo-Nazis or other autism, fucking sage and report these threads so we can purge these retards. And Stormfront members keep coming here to shill. Purge them. Now.

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>our reputation
who's reputation?

>be OP
>make a bunch of Nazi flag posts
>change meme flag and bitch about own posts
>pretend no one can see it

fucking meme flag, hello shlomo

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>anyone who dislikes nazis is a ((antisemitic slur)) !!!
> it's us vs. them. nazis vs ((rhymes with bikes))!
great tactics

Another pathetic libtard

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Do you realise that most conservatives also hate the Nazis. For a good reason

we all know there's an Israel flag under the meme flag

>our reputation
Stopped reading right there,

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KYS faggot

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let's not forget that americans, russians, brits, and even the french made a good trade out of shooting nazis, burning nazies to death, rolling tanks over belarus to destroy nazis and their weapons. that is america's heritage and the heritage of russia, britain, and all the "allied" powers.

fuck nazis, that's what both my grandfathers would have said (if they weren't stuck up old white dudes in front of a little kid)

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>fuck nazis, that's what both my grandfathers would have said
And now they're swimming in the pits watching their grandchildren get blacked. Feels great.

>if I put on an ancap flag no one will ever suspect me of being a commie

>our reputation

how new are you?

You're literally making leftists with each pro-nazi post. Good job retard.

lol like the media doesnt already do that on its own. Are you living under a rock?

With the help of rallies like charlottesville.

Neo-Nazi's use the ultimate white skill of claiming the accomplishments of others for themselves. They want to hi-jack Jow Forums s they can claim "WE R ALWAYS RIGHT HAIL HITLER 1488 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOWW LOL SKITTLES XD RAAAAAANDOM"

im doin fine brah. you gettin blacked?

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So you've personally vetted all of their sources of information?

That rally was blow out of proportion by the media, it was probably planned by people that had the intention to fuck the right up. Could have happened on its own too. But in the end, optics dont matter. Its win or lose. If your race dies because they are weak leftists that get taken over first by jews then by whatever, congrats, evolution ran its course.

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I unironically want to achieve this

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Sounds like your interpretation but I can tell you that's kind of a misrepresentation to be honest. To Understand the conflict between the aryan people and the Jewish people is deeply rooted in esoteric or supernatural beliefs and religious destinies. They conflict directly with one another you would probably find it interesting to read into it more first hand

i do too. the men who invaded the beaches of normandy were some of the greatest heroes of the history of the USA. and the russians who stormed berlin were heroes (too bad russia were a bunch of commies though, better than nazis however)

if i could shoot some nazis on the battlefield that would be fucking fun as hell. I would say: "too bad all i have is Medal Of Honor" but then again it's better we crush the nazis in their homeland (i.e. /pol) before they can multiply

You just sound super jealous of white people. Come on bruh

>optics dont matter
You just sound like an unaware autist.

Fuck off kike

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Dude that's literally the coolest shit
I just did it and now it won't go away I'm literally seeing the happy merchant as I stare into the screen of my computer now
This is so lit lol

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This is literally the most effective one of these things I've ever seen
When I was a kid I saw some pics that would have this same effect but this one is on a next level
Whoever designed this made it perfect
This is straight up amazing

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>You're literally making leftists with each pro-nazi post.

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