It's over Leafs.... CANADA BTFO

>Canada projected to be a Minority Majority country by 2060
>80% of the population is going to be made up of Minorities by 2100

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Other urls found in this thread:

the world is gonna end in 2040

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Send all the fucking Chinese packing. They’re savage, ant minded retarded smelly autistic potato looking social anxious freaks with zero empathy and who are so autistic they can’t function in other civilizations.

Oh and here's the link:

I don't want to lose my North America bros

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>Canadian education

Guess Mexicans aren't going to be a Minority in USA soon either. Especially if any sort of center or left-leaning (let alone worse) candidate regains power. Trump is already not doing a "good" job by any means, imagine the globalists basically erasing the border security for votes.

>minority majority
Either nuke us or annex us.
The Canadian experiment failed, despite its early promise.

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fuck leafs

>populations grow exponentially instead of stabilizing


Don't worry white people will get affirmative action when we're minorities... right?

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All of the other minorities will still be minorities. They have to worry about each other as much as we have to worry about them. No that I'm happy about this.

>metro residents
Ring me when browns and chinks live anywhere but the cities.

> economies are required to grow infinitely to maintain competitive, on a planet with limited resources
maximum kek

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Looks like we will have to send our Leathernecks lads to help our anglo leaf bros


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Say it with me Jean-Paul


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>100 million population
>with low IQ
>in north counrty

What exacly can go wrong?

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2 L8 M8, they can already vote

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First all the non-whites will kill themselves like in Sweden right now, also with less white people nobody will feed africans so they will die

I'll take the chinks over the nogs and muslims any of the week brother, at least they try and integrate and provide good food restaurants.

No the world is going to go to shit between now and 2025 and the NWO will be established by 2030 that's if everything goes according to plan

Basically this is just the establishments way of telling us "yea you're country is going to basically be 3rd world in the future" as a funny joke because it was the globalists who let this happen in the first place.


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Why are you still calling them minorities then, faggot?

You populate like nothing up there though. Like none of the region, its ridiculous. You slap a "mine" sticker on a 3rd of North America and inhabit like what....half a million sq mi?

I'm betting for 2050

>climate change caused by natural cycles leads to the emergence of uninhabited strips
>clathrate hydrates goes full unstability; will cause destabilization of water-saturated atmosphere; 5th category hurricanes - a new norm
>peak oil is passed, global energy and humanitarian crisis because green energy has EROEI less than 10
>Critical level of environmental pollution, in some areas of Earth its impossible to be without an NBC suit and rebreather.
>ethnic and cultural degradation leads to inability to maintain infrastructure (including Internet)
> endless wars for the remnants of working infrastructure, food and clean water

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH have you met generation Z or been to alberta? I personally know people 25 and under in healthy mariages pumping out numerous God fearing children who love their country and heritage. Enjoy your BS BC/TO stats. stay weak everyone other than AB,

It's time

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273.8 sq km per 1,000 people
It's Canada man, we've been on this road for like 40+ years. You're just noticing?

This is actually one of the less retarded balkinzation maps i have seen other than how the Great Plains Republic and Laurentia are seperate or divided.

I'll miss your shitposts, leaf.

God willing, I'll have killed myself by then.

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FUCK ing this.

Let the shit workers tear eachother apart and reduce the global population. Whites have done their part, now Africans, poos and chinks need to die.

None of you see it.
When things swing far to the left
They swing back even harder to the right

What do you think is in store for Canada?
Be happy, because it will be something amazing
Your worried, yet don't realize that the backlash we are witnessing will translate in a victory to our cause greater than any other victory before.

You will look back on this post one day and wonder why some random user knew that things would change for the better, not just a little, but a lot.

There has never been a greater Time in history to be alive than now.
We are living in the greatest Times of all of history other than of course the life of Jesus.

We are living in a Time where everything changes
Where things that were once considered conspiracy, become know as facts
>What happens when all these conspiracies are exposed?

What happens to their money?
What happens to their "possessions"?
What happens to their power?

Someone else comes along and takes it
Someone else claims it as theirs
Someone else takes control

And with that control, begins finding out exactly who tried to prevent them from taking control.
We can achieve greater things than any of you could even imagine
We can takeover this country faster than you think
Because the enemy is weak and we are strong.

Remember that.

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Ill be long dead by then

My entire post is about how im not worrying, its a bummer for now sure and we are embarking on dangerous territory but long term our country will be restored to its full glory and this cuckoldry will be a conspiracy theory to the youth of the future.

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>he thinks subhuman third worlders will magically stop breeding like the rats they are

Not 2050, it will be 2030, the agenda is displayed on the UN website

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hello darkness my old friend

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Try 2030

I used to listen to coast to coast a lot when I was more of an /x/phile than a Jow Forumslack. I unironically thought the NWO would cause some catastrophe that would cull 90% of the population. Now I'm starting to realize instead they're not going through that trouble, they're just replacing everyone with easily controllable mongrel shitskins.
>mfw I am a mongrel shitskin

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fake numbers. we already had threads about this. the canadian government fakes demographic numbers to make canada look whiter and in reality canada is already only like 53% white

you will be white minority country by 2020

which towns have all the white people in BC moved to? Its mostly pajeets and chinamen here. White people that arent crack heads and trash are rare now


Canada is mostly white, mountain jew. For now.
Rural logging towns, where the property value hasn't been RICED.

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Well if we're just going to use wikipedia as a source
>Others (Caucasian or White) 25,111,695 72.9%

see in canada arabs, south americans and indians are considered white

>Minority becomes the majority
>Still called the minority


We barely have any pablos, poos we have a lot of, and arabs we imported a lot recently, still not the 6 gorrilian in difference between the white numbers.
The breakdowns of them are
>south asian (all the undesirable azns, including poos and pakis)
1.9 million
>latin american
447K, they don't like it here because it's cold and no one speaks mexican, and there's no room on our cereal boxes for spanish thanks to the quebecenese
500K, thanks to a distabilized middle east and both jewdeau and harper, they've doubled in the last 20 years

The other non-visible minority is injun, which is the group of subhumans that I belong to, which is 1.6 million, and not included in the cockasian population count.
>mfw there's more indians than injuns

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mfw Argentina + South Brazil will be the last bastion of the -actual- human race


>mfw """First""" """Nations"""
First you let yourselves get cucked by the Great White Dick. Now you let Trudeau let in all the pajeets and muhammads just to virch.
When will the Red Man finally uncuck himself?

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Move over here, then, mummy. At least you're allowed high capacity assault silverware without a license. If you accrue enough good goy points you can even shoot gats on crown land.

actually so cute

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im from northern ireland you moron

>80% of the population is going to be made up of Minorities by 2100
What? how does that work. wouldn't it be 100% minorities at that point? after you pass 50% there are no majorities

the person i voted for doesnt believe in theropods.